Problem Given an absolute path for a file (Unix-style), simplify it. For example, path = /home/, => /home path = /a/./b/../../c/, => /c path = /a/../../b/../c//.//, => /c //here: b is cancelle...
Problem Given a string S, return the reversed string where all characters that are not a letter stay in the same place, and all letters reverse their positions. Example 1: Input: ab-cd Output: dc-ba ...
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摘要:模拟出一个死锁现场,然后用中断来处理死锁普通的是不能响应中断的,能够响应中断线程退出启动发生死锁,线程得到,线程得到,然后彼此又想获得对方的锁命令查看检查死锁线程并中断检查死锁查看当前运行的线程查看线程栈上的信息 package; import; impo...