


  • opencv python 基于分水岭算法的图像分割

    ...相遇的硬币边界(甚至两个不同的硬币相遇),它可以从sure_bg区域中减去sure_fg区域获得. # noise removal kernel = np.ones((3,3),np.uint8) opening = cv2.morphologyEx(thresh,cv2.MORPH_OPEN,kernel, iterations = 2) # sure background area s...

    mikasa 评论0 收藏0
  • Gulp task return 的作用

    ...要保证有return或者callback,去通知系统任务结束。(make sure they either return a stream or promise, or handle the callback var gulp = require(gulp); var runSequence = require(run-sequence); var del = require(del); v...

    senntyou 评论0 收藏0
  • 从零开始创建一个 PHP 扩展

    ...mething external, use with: dnl PHP_ARG_WITH(say, for say support,dnl Make sure that the comment is aligned:dnl [ --with-say Include say support]) dnl Otherwise use enable: dnl PHP_ARG...

    yearsj 评论0 收藏0
  • 2019 PlaidCTF write up

    ...od, but I cant figure out where everyone should sit. Can you help us make sure the dinner goes off without a hitch? Plaid Party Planning III 2 - 500pts This binary has a fix for an unintentional so...

    zone 评论0 收藏0
  • Are you sure you understand the responsive layout?

    曾几何时我认为使用了媒体查询就是响应式布局,这种理解实在是太浅薄了,今天就让我们重新来认识下什么是响应式布局 查看demo 查看源码,欢迎star 什么是响应式布局 前几年风靡一时Bootstrap就是很典型的响应式布局框架...

    Shisui 评论0 收藏0
  • Are you sure you understand the responsive layout?

    曾几何时我认为使用了媒体查询就是响应式布局,这种理解实在是太浅薄了,今天就让我们重新来认识下什么是响应式布局 查看demo 查看源码,欢迎star 什么是响应式布局 前几年风靡一时Bootstrap就是很典型的响应式布局框架...

    longshengwang 评论0 收藏0
  • hadoop开发环境搭建2022

    ...sp;MD5:bb:ba:5e:c5:4a:d1:6c:ba:a8:aa:5d:31:b6:cb:17:33. Areyousureyouwanttocontinueconnecting(yes/no)?yes /usr/bin/ssh-copy-id:INFO:attemptingtologinwiththenewkey(s),tofilter&nbs...

    白马啸西风 评论0 收藏0
  • js bom window对象

    ...户显示消息 alert alert(Hello world!) confirm if (confirm(Are you sure?)) { alert(Im so glad youre sure! ); } else { alert(Im sorry to hear youre not sure. ); } prompt var result = prompt(What is...

    Hydrogen 评论0 收藏0
  • 如何在Vue里建立长按指令

    ...te timeout ( run function after 1s ) let start = (e) => { // Make sure the event trigger isnt a click event if (e.type === click && e.button !== 0) { return; } // Make ...

    jimhs 评论0 收藏0
  • 如何在Vue里建立长按指令

    ...te timeout ( run function after 1s ) let start = (e) => { // Make sure the event trigger isnt a click event if (e.type === click && e.button !== 0) { return; } // Make ...

    guqiu 评论0 收藏0


