回答:shell的种类比较多,常见的就是bash,这个是默认的linux常见的默认配置,流行的shell有其他几种,不同的shell都有自己的特点和用途。sh一种快捷方式,被/bin/bash取代bashbash shell是Bourne shell的一个免费版本,它是最早的Unix shell,包括许多附加的特点。现在也是很大部分发行版默认的使用的shell,Bash有可编辑的命令行,可以回查历史命令...
回答:这个非常简单,crontab命令就可以轻松实现,下面我简单介绍一下操作过程:1.首先,新建需要定时执行的shell脚本,这里我为了方便说明问题,新建了一个打印当前时间的脚本date.sh,内容如下,非常简单,就是一行date命令,然后将输出重定向到一个date.txt文本中:2.接着就是将这个date.sh脚本添加到定时任务中,直接运行crontab -e命令添加就行,如下,这里先以每分钟执行一次...
回答:这个非常简单,crontab命令就可以轻松实现,下面我简单介绍一下操作过程:1.首先,新建需要定时执行的shell脚本,这里我为了方便说明问题,新建了一个打印当前时间的脚本date.sh,内容如下,非常简单,就是一行date命令,然后将输出重定向到一个date.txt文本中:2.接着就是将这个date.sh脚本添加到定时任务中,直接运行crontab -e命令添加就行,如下,这里先以每分钟执行一次...
回答:楼主应该去看书,论坛和网站无法系统性地学习到Linux Shell和Linux开发。现在Linux论坛大多都成了开发,运维业余时间灌水的地方,你去看了也是灌水。Linux shell的话我推荐Linux命令行与shell脚本编程大全,Linux开发就推荐unix环境高级编程,先看完这两本早说呢。
...void testBag(){ Bag bag = new HashBag(); String content = She is beautiful and she is my angel; Arrays.stream(content.split( )).forEach(word -> { bag.add(word);b...
layout: posttitle: 半个小时教你写一个毕设之地图搜租房category: 其他date: 2018-05-23tags: 其他 半个小时教你写一个毕设之地图搜租房 首先需要一个Python3环境,怎么准备我就不多说了,实在不会的出门右转看一下廖雪峰老师的博客. HT...
layout: posttitle: 半个小时教你写一个毕设之地图搜租房category: 其他date: 2018-05-23tags: 其他 半个小时教你写一个毕设之地图搜租房 首先需要一个Python3环境,怎么准备我就不多说了,实在不会的出门右转看一下廖雪峰老师的博客. HT...
...引号(或者双引号)前面加上反斜杠,用来转义。 `Did she say Hello?` `// Did she say Hello?` `Did she say Hello?` `// Did she say Hello?` 由于HTML语言的属性值使用双引号,所以很多项目约定JavaScript语言的字符串只使用单引号,本教...
... B Bsmart 非单词边界 举个栗子说 和 B : You are smart, but she is smarter..replace(/smart/,kind); //You are kind, but she is smarter. You are smart, but she is smarter..replace(/smartB/,kind); //You are...
...ty; $smarty->assign(articleTitle’,Blind woman gets new kidney from dad she hasnt seen in years); $smarty->display(index.tpl); index.tpl: $articleTitle} {$articleTitle|wordwrap:30} {$articleTitl...
...h a story. Once upon a time: There was a princess... function princess() { She lived in a wonderful world full of adventures. She met her Prince Charming, rode around her world on a unicorn, battle...
...一个正则表达式,匹配字符串中的is单词 var reg = /is/g; She is girl, This is a computer..replace(reg, IS); // 结果 She IS girl, This IS a computer. 2. 构造函数 var reg = new RegExp(is, g); She is girl, This is a comp...
... var reg = /is/; var str = He is a boy. This is a dog. Where is she?; console.log( str.replace(reg,IS) ); // He IS a boy. This is a dog. Where is she? ...
Problem Alice has a hand of cards, given as an array of integers. Now she wants to rearrange the cards into groups so that each group is size W, and consists of W consecutive cards. Return true if and...
...tion of a celebrity is that all the other n - 1 people know him/her but he/she does not know any of them. Now you want to find out who the celebrity is or verify that there is not one. The only thi...