...=/home/nisp/apache-storm-bin$STORM_HOME/bin/storm jar /home/nisp/storm-job/risk-detect/risk-storm-jar-with-dependencies.jar com.netease.is.storm.StormRunner risk_detect_topology test stop.sh 脚本内容如下...
...摊风险(假设方差相等只是为了计算方便)。 风险 $$ Risk(y=0|x) = lambda_{00}P(y=0|x) + lambda_{01}P(y = 1|x) $$ $$ Risk(y=1|x) = lambda_{10}P(y=0|x) + lambda_{11}P(y = 1|x) $$ 其中,$Risk(y=0|x)$是把样本预测为0时的风险,$Risk(y=...
...ror Using target=_blank without rel=noopener noreferrer is a security risk: see https://mathiasbynens.github.io/rel-noopener react/jsx-no-target-blank Why Opening a new tab/window, either by hype...
... scans of lymph node sections SegTHOR: Segmentation of THoracic Organs at Risk in CT images Jan. 5, 2018 - Apr. 8, 2019 // Host by CodaLab & Grand Challenges & ISBI 2019// Prize: NaN Note: Ou...
...算得到保护,资源可以重新分配到前端和后端项目。 ;risk removed:building an integration platform in-house carries a great amount of risk.你根本不知道会遇到什么障碍,会导致什么样的延误和额外的开支。有了icaas,您就可以进入一个由预构建...
...tical Areas of Focus in Cloud Computing v3和ENISA的Cloud Computing Risk Assessment。提供方:云安全联盟如何准备:最好的准备方法是研究CSA的Security Guidance for Critical Areas of Focus in Cloud Computing v3,以及ENISA的Cloud Comput...