


  • [LeetCode] Validate IP Address

    ...o check whether an input string is a valid IPv4 address or IPv6 address or neither. IPv4 addresses are canonically represented in dot-decimal notation, which consists of four decimal numbers, each ...

    yeooo 评论0 收藏0
  • 深度定制团队自己的 Vue template

    ...自定义辅助函数: // mate.js module.exports = { helpers: { neither: function (k, v1, v2, options) { if (k !== v1 && k !== v2) { return options.fn(this); } return options.inve...

    sixgo 评论0 收藏0
  • 匹配第质数个元素的 CSS 选择器长度

    ...的答案: tr{background:#fff;} tr:nth-of-type(1){background:#eee} /* 1 is neither a prime nor a composite number. */ tr:nth-of-type(2n+4),tr:nth-of-type(3n+6),tr:nth-of-type(5n+10){background:#eaa} JSFi...

    JayChen 评论0 收藏0
  • 油猴脚本: 快速复制文字到剪切板

    ....getSelection().toString(); // if the text is empty or click event neither double click nor triple click if (!text.trim().length || (detail !== 2 && detail !== 3)) { ret...

    springDevBird 评论0 收藏0
  • Canvas绘制地板

    ... repeat-x (horizontal only), repeat-y (vertical only), or no-repeat (neither). If repetition is an empty string () or null (but not undefined), repetition will be repeat. Example var canvas = ...

    lookSomeone 评论0 收藏0
  • 【Leetcode】71. 简化路径

    ...java中的A == B (指针) 每日英文 Fear has never been a good adviser, neither in our personal lives nor in our society. Cultures and societies that are shaped by fear, will without doubt not get a grip on the...

    liuchengxu 评论0 收藏0
  • Python:staticmethod 和 classmethod的比较

    ...要通过 类class 或者实例instance 来call它。 With staticmethods, neither self (the object instance) nor cls (the class) is implicitly passed as the first argument. They behave like plain functions except that...

    frank_fun 评论0 收藏0
  • CentOS使用在有私钥时使用ssh进行git clone要求输入密码的解决方案

    ...d deleted the ‘#’ before IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_dsa it didnt work on neither git clone nor sshThen i looked my question up in Google and added a line in /etc/ ssh/ssh_config PubkeyAcceptedKeyTypes...

    snifes 评论0 收藏0
  • VIM or Emacs? Spacemacs!

    The best editor is neither Emacs nor Vim, its Emacs and Vim! 用一种新的方法感受 Emacs 问:第一次使用 Spacemacs 时是什么感觉?答:感觉就像有个老司机娴熟而优雅地帮你配置好了一切。你只需要沉浸在它易记和统一的快捷键中并惊叹自己...

    LucasTwilight 评论0 收藏0
  • 【Leetcode】71. 简化路径

    ...java中的A == B (指针) 每日英文 Fear has never been a good adviser, neither in our personal lives nor in our society. Cultures and societies that are shaped by fear, will without doubt not get a grip on the...

    afishhhhh 评论0 收藏0
  • Spring Boot(四)Spring Boot 中的定时任务

    ...ormed for a {@link java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService} bean. If neither of the two is resolvable, a local single-threaded default scheduler will be created and used within the registrar....

    firim 评论0 收藏0
  • 深入理解flask框架(3):config与extension

    ...nd SQLALCHEMY_BINDS not in app.config ): warnings.warn( Neither SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI nor SQLALCHEMY_BINDS is set. Defaulting SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI to sqlite:///:memory:. ...

    wmui 评论0 收藏0
  • Java学习

    ....gzvagrant@homestead:/usr/local/corwien$ 解决Linux下启动Tomcat遇到Neither the JAVA_HOME ...报错 root@homestead:/usr/local/corwien/javajdk# pwd /usr/local/corwien/javajdk oot@homestead:/usr/local/corwien...

    BLUE 评论0 收藏0


