


  • Spring Data JPA中的getOne,findOne以及findById

    我们今天聊一下Spring Data JPA里的三个方法,分别是getOne,findOne以及findById。咋一看三个方法都能返回一个结果集,用哪个好像都没问题。我当初也是这么想的,后来在写作业的过程中出错了,真相只有一个。我的例子是查询...

    heartFollower 评论0 收藏0
  • seajs和requirejs的那些事儿

    ...pp/data],function(a,b,c,template,service) { service.getAll(); service.getOne(); } 对这个就是进行基础的业务的处理, app/data就是具体的逻辑的处理,这些给第二步提供了所有的逻辑支持 下面我们来看一下 data.js data.js 所有第二步用到的逻辑...

    zorpan 评论0 收藏0
  • PHP设计模式(一)简单工厂模式 (Simple Factory For PHP)

    ...据库系列 * */ abstract Class DataBase { abstract function getOne($sql); //获取一条数据的方法 } Class SqlServer extends DataBase { function __construct() { $connect = SqlServer 连接方法...

    Hancock_Xu 评论0 收藏0
  • 累计充值送礼品(有点绕)

    ... 100000; // 送精灵基数 $lock_money = lock_money = $GLOBALS[db]->getOne(SELECT SUM(amount) FROM .DB_PREFIX.reapal_recharge WHERE user_id = .$user_id. and is_lock = 1 and code = 0000 and is_callback =...

    AlanKeene 评论0 收藏0
  • php抽奖实现

    ...eturn $json; } $base_score = 300; $user_num = $GLOBALS[db]->getOne(SELECT num from .DB_PREFIX.turntable_user_num where user_id = {$user_id} AND type = t_box); $user_num = $user_num...

    fsmStudy 评论0 收藏0
  • php抽奖实现

    ...eturn $json; } $base_score = 300; $user_num = $GLOBALS[db]->getOne(SELECT num from .DB_PREFIX.turntable_user_num where user_id = {$user_id} AND type = t_box); $user_num = $user_num...

    IamDLY 评论0 收藏0
  • php抽奖实现

    ...eturn $json; } $base_score = 300; $user_num = $GLOBALS[db]->getOne(SELECT num from .DB_PREFIX.turntable_user_num where user_id = {$user_id} AND type = t_box); $user_num = $user_num...

    hlcfan 评论0 收藏0
  • php抽奖实现

    ...eturn $json; } $base_score = 300; $user_num = $GLOBALS[db]->getOne(SELECT num from .DB_PREFIX.turntable_user_num where user_id = {$user_id} AND type = t_box); $user_num = $user_num...

    MangoGoing 评论0 收藏0
  • PHP设计模式(二)工厂方法模式(Factory Method)

    ...aBase { abstract function connect(); abstract function getOne(); }   //具体产品类 class MySql extends DataBase { function connect() { ret...

    zhjx922 评论0 收藏0
  • React 进阶设计与控制权问题

    ... defaultOn: false, onToggle: () => {}, } state = { on: this.getOn({on: this.props.defaultOn}), } getOn(state = this.state) { return this.isOnControlled() ? this.props.on : st...

    superw 评论0 收藏0
  • React 进阶设计与控制权问题

    ... defaultOn: false, onToggle: () => {}, } state = { on: this.getOn({on: this.props.defaultOn}), } getOn(state = this.state) { return this.isOnControlled() ? this.props.on : st...

    rubyshen 评论0 收藏0
  • Springboot下使用Mybatis

    ... @Select(SELECT * FROM Products WHERE id = #{id}) ProductEntity getOne(Long id); @Insert(INSERT INTO products(name,code) VALUES(#{name}, #{code})) void insert(ProductEntity produc...

    rollback 评论0 收藏0
  • Java HotSpot VM中的JIT编译

    ... for (int i = 0; i < runs; i++) { getSet.setOne(getSet.getOne() + 1); sum += getSet.getOne(); } return sum; } } public class ViaGetSet { pri...

    caozhijian 评论0 收藏0


