...l 序列化: 1.910 反序列化: 1.970 总时间: 3.880 cjson 序列化: 3.305 反序列化: 1.328 总时间: 4.632 simplejson 序列化: 10.279 反序列化: 4.658 总时间: 14.937 stdlib json 序列化: 7.01...
..._POST,body = name= .. name .. &content= .. content}) 解析json local cjson = require(cjson) local data = cjson.decode(res.body) 如果返回的不是json格式,则这段lua脚本会报错 Expected value but found invalid token at ch...
...nt the attempt count and place job on the reserved queue... reserved = cjson.decode(job) reserved[attempts] = reserved[attempts] + 1 reserved = cjson.encode(reserved) redis.call(zad...
... if data then local dataJson = cjson.decode(data) local newNum = math.min(KEYS[3], math.floor(((dataJson[limitVal] - 1) + (KEYS[3]/KE...
...d_body() ngx.header.content_type = application/json;charset=UTF-8 local cjson = require cjson local success = function(con) return cjson.encode({ success = true, body = con ...
...make的时候自动下载)lua2go v1.0 (执行make的时候自动下载) cjson (OpenResty自带优良库) 四、使用 4.1 make #直接执行make会默认执行make all make #执行过程 vibrant@vibrant-Thinkpad-T440P:~/lua/lua-antpath$ make Cloning into go-antpath... re...
...ation/json; content_by_lua_file conf/lua/demo.lua; } lua local cjson = require cjson.safe testres = ngx.location.capture(/api/test/demo,{ method= ngx.HTTP_POST, body = arg1=xxxx...
...pop, KEYS[1]) local reserved = false if(job ~= false) then reserved = cjson.decode(job) reserved[attempts] = reserved[attempts] + 1 reserved = cjson.encode(reserved) redis.call(zadd...
... if string.sub(ngx.var.uri, 2, 2) == _ then ngx.exit(404) end local cjson = require cjson local custom_header_prefix = V- local request_args = ngx.req.get_uri_args(64) local request_body = ngx...
...下Lua库:basetablestringmathdebug struct 一个Lua装箱/拆箱的库cjson 为Lua提供极快的JSON处理cmsgpack为Lua提供了简单、快速的MessagePack操纵bitop 为Lua的位运算模块增加了按位操作数。redis.sha1hex function. 对字符串执行SHA1算法每一个Redis实例都...