


  • JavaScript · 原型继承 = function() { console.log(this.age) } function Child(gender) { this.gender = gender; } Child.prototype = new Parent(); var child1 = new Child(male); child1.arr.push...

    Profeel 评论0 收藏0
  • 「JavaScript」js中的继承方法总结

    ....prototype.getName = function() { console.log(; } function Child() { } Child.prototype = new Parent(); var child1 = new Child(); console.log(child1.getName()); //jchermy 这样看来貌似可以...

    Cristic 评论0 收藏0
  • JS继承实现的几种方式及其优缺点

    ... this.reName = function () { } } function Child1() { } Child1.prototype = new Parent1() var child11 = new Child1() var child12 = new Child1() var parent1 = new Paren...

    ymyang 评论0 收藏0
  • JavaScript 深入之继承

    ...rototype.getName = f unction () { console.log(; } function Child () { } Child.prototype = new Parent(); var child1 = new Child(); console.log(child1.getName()) // kevin 问题:...

    alogy 评论0 收藏0
  • JavaScript深入之继承的多种方式和优缺点

    ....prototype.getName = function () { console.log(; } function Child () { } Child.prototype = new Parent(); var child1 = new Child(); console.log(child1.getName()) // kevin 问题: 1.引用...

    JackJiang 评论0 收藏0
  • JS-继承(es5,es6)

    ...Name = function() { console.log(parent name:,; } function Child(name) { = name; } Child.prototype = new Parent(father); Child.prototype.constructor = Child;//由于

    AZmake 评论0 收藏0
  • js各种方法继承以及优缺点 = function(){ console.log( } function child(){} child.prototype = new parent(); const child1 = new child() child1.getName();//111 console.log(;//111 ...

    Cristalven 评论0 收藏0
  • 二叉搜索树的python实现

    ...以数组表示。定义一个TNode类来实例化节点,有key,value,l_child,r_child属性。其中key,value通过构造函数传入,l_child,r_child初始化为None。 再定义一个BSTree类,根节点初始化为None。 然后给BSTree添加以下方法:insert(key,value) 插入一个节...

    shixinzhang 评论0 收藏0
  • JavaScript继承总结

    ...function(food){ console.log( + 正在吃 + food) } function Child(){} Child.prototype=new Parent(Child) Child.prototype.constructor=Child var child=new Child() Child.prototype=new Parent(Chi...

    jas0n 评论0 收藏0
  • 一起学习面向对象——继承

    ... var Parent = function() { this.member = [father, mother]; }; var Child = function() {}; Child.prototype = new Parent(); // test: var child1 = new Child(); var child2 = new Child(); console....

    MycLambert 评论0 收藏0
  • JS代码复用模式

    ... jim console.log(Parent); // 输出 Parent (){/* 函数体-略 */} var child1 = new Parent(); // 输出 jim 构造函数创建 child1 对象(解析执行) var child2 = new Parent(); // 输出 jim 构造函数创建 child2 对象(解析执行) console.log(child1);...

    nanfeiyan 评论0 收藏0
  • 用程序消除一道概率题的二义性

    ...男孩的可能性有多大?  原文如下:  Mr. Smith has two children. At least one of them is a boy. What is the probability that both children are boys?  一部分人的答案是1/3,一部分人的答案是1/2.为什么会产生这样的结果呢,文中说得很清楚是因...

    JackJiang 评论0 收藏0
  • 用程序消除一道概率题的二义性

    ...男孩的可能性有多大?  原文如下:  Mr. Smith has two children. At least one of them is a boy. What is the probability that both children are boys?  一部分人的答案是1/3,一部分人的答案是1/2.为什么会产生这样的结果呢,文中说得很清楚是因...

    littlelightss 评论0 收藏0
  • JS专题之继承

    ...nt() { this.names = [aa, bb, cc]; this.age = 18; } function Child() { // ... } Child.prototype = new Parent(); // 改变构造函数的原型对象 var child1 = new Child(); // 继承了 names 属性 console.log(...

    rollback 评论0 收藏0


