...改变原数据,而是会返回一个新的结果 String 字符串操作 camelCase 转换驼峰命名 _.camelCase([string=]) console.log(_.camelCase(Foo Bar)) // => fooBar console.log(_.camelCase(--foo-bar--)) // => fooBar console.log(_.camelCase(__...
...er ); // Handle: [ owner, key, value ] args // Always use camelCase key (gh-2257) if ( typeof data === string ) { cache[ jQuery.camelCase( data ) ] = value; ...
...cache( owner ); if ( typeof data === string ) { cache[ jQuery.camelCase( data ) ] = value; // 处理 data 为这种情况: [ owner, { properties } ] } else { // Copy the properties one-...
...的功能列表你就知道了:  文本转换操作 切换样式(camelCase, hyphen-lowercase, HYPHEN-UPPERCASE, snake_case, SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE, dot.case, words lowercase, Words Capitalized, PascalCase) 转换为SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE (或转换为...
...件 开始 打开index.js文件,代码只有28行,其中包含了一个camelCase函数(看函数名就知道这是个给名称进行驼峰命名法的函数),一个req变量,以及这个的变量操作和export操作 在这个文件里面我首先查了require.context()这个函数的使...
...t namingStyle = style(origin); console.log(namingStyle); // snake const camelCase = camel(origin); const snake_case = snake(camelCase); const newCamelCase = camel(snake_case); console.log(camelCa...
... import Vue from vue import upperFirst from lodash/upperFirst import camelCase from lodash/camelCase const requireComponent = require.context( // 其组件目录的相对路径 ./components, // 是否查询其子目录 false...
... which directives. We typically referto directives by their case-sensitive camelCase normalized name (e.g.ngModel). However, since HTML is case-insensitive, we refer todirectives in the DOM by lowe...
...yle(elem,null).getPropertyValue(attr) IE678 elem.currentStyle.getAttribute(camelCase(attr)) 兼容处理 驼峰命名法转换-camelCase 对 currentStyle 来说,在IE6浏览器中他很专一,只喜欢以驼峰命名法命名的变量,而IE78中就有点朝三暮四,驼峰命名法和中间...