...AULT CHARACTER SET utf8 */; USE `springboot_db`; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `t_author`; CREATE TABLE `t_author` ( `id` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT 用户ID, `real_name` varchar...
...简单:设定true到相应的服务配置文件条目: - name: HEAD /authors/{id}.json condition: method: HEAD pathRegex: /authors/[^/]*.json isRetryable: true 当然,在向路由添加重试行为之前,应该确保路由是幂等的(idempotent)。换句话说,对......
... self.website = website self.email = qiwsir@gmail.com def author(self): return self.name laoqi = Person(LaoQi) info = Person(qiwsir,lang=python,website=qiwsir.github.io) pr...
...发布的100条文章 $posts = Post::limit(100)->get(); //一次查询 $authors = array_map(function($post) { // 对作者模型生成查询 return $post->author->name; }, $posts); 我们在查询时没有告诉Post模型,我们还需要所有的作者,所以每次从单个Post模型......
...系(如外键关系)。 例如下例中Blog有一个用User对象表示的author属性: import datetime as dt class User(object): def __init__(self, name, email): self.name = name self.email = email self.created_at...
...shuo.com/posts/create.jsonRequest Method:POSTPost Data:short_name=official&author_email=jp.chenyang%40gmail.com&author_name=Perchouli&thread_id=1152923703638301959&author_url=http%3A%2F%2Fduoshuo.c...
...John Smith); reader.getName(); // John Smith 创建继承 Person 的类 Author : // 创建继承 Person 的类 Author function Author (name,books) { Person.call(this,name); this.book = books; } // 派生子类 Author.p...
...hai, _id: 7, ...}, ... ] articles: [ { title: this is article A, author: John, _id: 1, ... }, { title: this is article B, author: Jack, _id: 2, ... }, { title: this is article C, au...
...hai, _id: 7, ...}, ... ] articles: [ { title: this is article A, author: John, _id: 1, ... }, { title: this is article B, author: Jack, _id: 2, ... }, { title: this is article C, au...
..._KEY_CHECKS=0; -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for sys_authorization -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `sys_authorization`; CREATE TABLE `sys_authorization` (...
...PP_KEY, app_secret=APP_SECRET, redirect_uri=CALLBACK_URL) url = client.get_authorize_url() 这样就拿到了URL了,你打开这个URL一看,正是提示你要授权应用(出现error:redirect_uri_mismatch 同学请到新浪微博开发界面填好redirect_uri) 好,我们看看源码 cl...
...例方法. 原型链 创建继承 Person 的类要复杂一些: // Class Author function Author(name, books) { Person.call(this, name); // Call the superclasss constructor in the scope of this. this.books = books; // Add an...