...nsole.log(begin!); //yield语句,在这里跳出,将控制权交给anotherfunc函数。 yield anotherfunc; //下次回来时候从这里开始执行 console.log(end!); } var anotherfunc(){ console.log(this is another function!); } var g=gen();...
...o |- package.json |- webpack.config.js |- /dist |- /src |- index.js + |- another-module.js |- /node_modules another-module.js import _ from lodash; console.log( _.join([Another, module, loaded...
...和退出文件:w:ex命令,保存文件:w!:ex命令,强制保存:w another:将文件另存为文件another:3,6w another:将3-6行另存为文件another(编辑神器):9,13w >>another:将9-13行追加到文件another后面(编辑神器2):r another2:将another2文件的内容追...
...nt_msg(msg): def printer(): print(msg) return printer >>> another = print_msg(Hello) >>> another() Hello 将print_msg(Hello)返回的函数赋值给another,再调用another函数时,发现已经离开了print_msg函数的作用域,但是Hel...
...法: ES6的对象扩展运算符 [...] let origin = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]; let another = [...origin]; //向原数组中添加一个元素 origin.push(6); console.log(`another元素: ${another}`); 运算结果: slice let origin = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]; let ano...
PySh Another shell can run anywhere Python exists. Why another shell Because its fun. Supported shell feature Common shell features can be found here. Pysh already have: |, Pipe output $var, Use valu...
...*args): print arg:, farg for value in args: print another arg:, value # *args可以当作可容纳多个变量组成的list` fun_var_args(1, two, 3) # 等价于 args = [two, 3] #list fun_...
项目地址:https://github.com/d-band/vue... Dependencies vue vuex vue-router ElementUI dool Features 更优雅的 model 设计 更优雅的异步处理(async / await) 更好的接口 mock (json-server) 更简单的构建 多页异步加载 Preview
Problem Given two non-empty binary trees s and t, check whether tree t has exactly the same structure and node values with a subtree of s. A subtree of s is a tree consists of a node in s and all of t...
...说共同点。 window.person = { name: mice, age: 22 } var another = { name: henry, age: 23 } function say() { alert(this.name +,+ this.age + 岁); } 这个时候的this指向window,所以执行弹出的就是mice,22岁。...
(图片源自网络) 4框架生态 实际上,在做babel的同时,我也在探索如何更好的利用技术工具来影响团队组织架构。以babel举例,实际上整个框架生态分为三类人: 业务研发。 在框架上提供服务,或调用他人的服务。由于绝...