...数去调整你的发音: volume:声音; rate:发音速度; pitch:音调; voice:声音; language:语言(en,zh,ja...更多参考) var msg = new SpeechSynthesisUtterance(); var voices = window.speechSynthesis.getVoices(); msg.voice = voices[10];...
...(第三步) upload语音接口部分代码: // ... 业务代码略 $voice = $this->getCreatedVoiceByBody(); // 上传并入库 $this->identifyVoice($voice); // 触发语音识别task // ... public function identifyVoice($voice) { WorkerUtil::s...
...throw new Error(抽象类, 不允许直接实例化); } Animal.prototype.voice = function () { console.log(the + this.name + sound); } function Dog () { this.name = dog; } Dog.prototype = Object.create(Animal.pro...
...函数即可 代码: //定义小猫类 var Cat = function(){ this.voice = 喵; } Cat.prototype.getVoice = function(){ console.log(this.voice); } //定义小狗类 var Dog = function(){ this.voice = 汪; } Dog.prototype...
...码如下: import asyncio from aiohttp import ClientSession def get_baidu_voice(text, baidu_voice_token): content_audio = { tex: text, tok: baidu_voice_token, cuid: default, ...
...int(type(audio_b64)) # print(type(audio_b64str)) audio_file.close() # ③ voice = { config: { #encoding: WAV, languageCode: cmn-Hans-CN }, audio: { content: audio_b64str } }...
...ef __init__(self, animal): self.animal = animal def sing(self, voice): return {} sings {}.format(self.animal, voice) >>> dog = Animal(dog) >>> cow = Animal(cow) >>> dog.sing(wo...
.../ 录音开始api stopRecord, // 录音结束api uploadVoice, // 上传录音api onVoiceRecordEnd, // 超过一分钟自动停止api playVoice, // 播放录音api pauseVoice, // 暂停录音api onVoicePlayE...
...t z. INCLUDE ole2incl. DATA: ole TYPE ole2_object, voice TYPE ole2_object, text TYPE string. text = With the advent of ES6 (referred to as ES2015 from here on), which not only m...
...t z. INCLUDE ole2incl. DATA: ole TYPE ole2_object, voice TYPE ole2_object, text TYPE string. text = With the advent of ES6 (referred to as ES2015 from here on), which not only m...
...ozie.wf.application.path=${nameNode}/workflow/data-factory/download_report_voice_and_upload/Workflow oozie.action.sharelib.for.spark=spark2 archive=${nameNode}/envs/py3.tar.gz#py # 如果 dryrun 为 tr...
...是父类的对象) public class Test { public static void testAnimalVoice(Animal c) { c.voice(); if (c instanceof Cat) { ((Cat) c).catchMouse(); } } public static void main(String[]...