...t, 37signals and so on. Also, it is very easy to setup in this way. Config unicorn Install gem unicorn: Put gem ‘unicorn’ in Gemfilethen bundle install Edit unicorn config file Vim config/unicorn.r...
...项目指定gem包 $ cd path/to/your/project $ bundle install 4、配置unicorn文件并运行生产环境 查看unicorn配置实例 config/unicorn.rb 启动unicron生产环境 $ unicorn_rails -c config/unicorn.rb -E production -D 关闭unicorn进程 $ k...
...?还是不行啊,为什么呢。网上搜了半天资料发现gitlab unicorn[port]默认使用的是8080端口,所以还得继续修改注:其实这里只要将external_url http://localhost:8080中的8080端口改成一个和gitlab其他服务不冲突的端口即可,比如:8888,99...
...画面が真っ白になってしまった。 — 環境 — Rails 4.1 Unicorn エラーログを確認 unicorn のエラーログを確認しますと… $ tail -f log/unicorn-stderr.log E, [2014-08-26T18:05:42.567438 #24681] ERROR -- : app error: Missing `secret_key_base` ...
...sten_port] = 80 # gitlab nginx 端口。默认端口为:80 ## GitLab Unicorn unicorn[listen] = localhost unicorn[port] = 8080 #默认是8080端口 ## GitLab URL 配置http协议所使用的访问地址 external_url http://song.local # clone时显示...
...一个函数中。当是如果这些操作也存在一些不同呢? var unicornEl = document.getElementById(unicorn); unicornEl.className += magic; spin(unicornEl); var fairyEl = document.getElementById(fairy); fairyEl.className += magic;...
...ocesses the request https://www.djangoproject.com... HTTP server: Apache, Unicorn, Unicorn, Uwsgi Design Tiny URL bit.ly Google url shortener Scenario bit.ly: transform Long URL --> Short URL u...
...ublic/uploads sudo chmod -R u+rwX public/uploads sudo -u git -H cp config/unicorn.rb.example config/unicorn.rb sudo -u git -H cp config/initializers/rack_attack.rb.example config/initializers/rack...
...浏览器缓存问题 gulp-rev 1.为静态文件添加唯一hash值,如 unicorn.css → unicorn-d41d8cd98f.css。 2.生成map映射文件,方便后面html更换文件名 gulp.task(js, () => gulp.src([./src/app.js, ./src/app2.js]) .pipe(gulp.dest(dist)) //...
...ull of adventures. She met her Prince Charming, rode around her world on a unicorn, battled dragons, encountered talking animals, and many other fantastical things. var adventures = []; fu...