Problem Given an directed graph, a topological order of the graph nodes is defined as follow: For each directed edge A -> B in graph, A must before B in the order list.The first node in the order can ...
Graph: Topological Sort 利用和detect cycle类似的思路, 用dfs + recursion解决。并且一定时一个有向图。 Stack stack = new Stack(); // 0:unvisit, 1:visited, 2:visiting public boolean topologicalSort(Node node) { if(node.stat...
... distTo[v] = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; distTo[s] = 0.0; Topological top = new Topological(G); //只增加了这一个!!!就把性能提高了!!! for (int v : top.order()) relax(G, v); ...
...} public Iterable reversePost() { return reversePost; } } Topological 代码 复杂度: 时间: V+E (为什么我觉得Topological这个类没干什么实事,DirectedCycle检测是否是有向无环图,DepthFirstOrder进行了排序。。。Topological感觉就封装了...
Alien Dictionary 题目链接: 图用topological sort,和course schedule题类似。要找到所有字母的indegree,之后用q存下入度为0的字母,然后输出。要记录下每个字母对应的所有parent字母,防止重复。求indegree的过...
...SJC], [LHR, SFO]] Return [JFK, MUC, LHR, SFO, SJC]. DFS + Topological Sort 复杂度O(N), O(N) 思路重建graph,应为要按lexical order进行排序,所以用priorityqueue来决定下一个要poll出去的值。 代码 public List findItinerary(String[][] t...
...排序的最后一步,根据计数器值广度优先搜索 topologicalSort(order, graph, indegree); // 如果大小相等说明无环 return order.length() == indegree.size() ? order.toString() : ; } ...
...function to its source code. toStr: Convert value to a string. topoSort: Topological sorting algorithm. trigger: Trigger browser events. trim: Remove chars or white-spaces from beginning end of...