...(x > 10) { answer = is greater; } else { answer = is lesser; } Shorthand: const answer = x > 10 ? is greater : is lesser; 你还可以像下面这样嵌套if语句: const big = x > 10 ? greater 10 : x Short-circuit...
...operty,于是去查MDN。最后查到其实并不是计算属性,而是shorthand methods names // Shorthand method names (ES2015) var o = { property([parameters]) {} }; 而计算属性其实是这样的: // Computed property names (ES2015) var prop = foo; ...
...字母和数字 使用word 简写 const longHand = /[A-Za-z0-9_]+/; const shortHand = /w+/; const numbers = 42; const myFavoriteColor = magenta; longHand.test(numbers); // true shortHand.test(numbers); // true long...
...$GLOBALS, $_SERVER); // any number of parameters // or simply use d() as a shorthand: d($_SERVER); ########## DEBUG BACKTRACE ######################### Kint::trace(); // or via shorthand: d(1); ...
.../ duplicate __proto__ properties. [__proto__]: somethingElse, // Shorthand for ‘handler: handler’ handler, // Methods toString() { // Super calls return d + super.toS...
...读这些章节是非常简单的。 然而,该规范使用了大量的 shorthands,这些 shorthands 刚刚开始(至少对我来说)是相当讨厌的。 我将尝试解释其中的一些约定,然后将它们应用到一个通常的工作流程中,以弄清楚几件事情是如何工作的...
...ponent = { // ... components: { // ES6; property shorthand + Vue should automatically dasherize the key for us VueTyper // pre-ES6 vue-typer:...
...ne that. And this is the principle of .sync. For convenience, Vue offers a shorthand for this pattern with the .sync modifier which would make the code above like: parent component {{pa...
...bpack 3: Official Release!! ?? – webpack – Medium12 Amazing JavaScript Shorthand Techniques – Hacker Noon 中文 寇可往,吾亦可往 - 用Yii2实现对决支付宝的微信企业付款到零钱解决方案 - EasyWeChat版本 - 北哥兄弟连 - SegmentFault【第971期】「大产......
...els = $(.el); // Native var els = document.querySelectorAll(.el); // Shorthand var $ = function (el) { return document.querySelectorAll(el); } var els = $(.el); // Or use regex-based micro-se...
...olumn: 2 }, end: Position { line: 8, column: 3 } }, method: true, shorthand: false, computed: false, key: Node { type: Identifier, start: 20, end: 24, loc: Sourc...