...de 1 (21 % 4 = 9 % 4 = 1). We store them in the hash table by linked list. rehashing this hash table, double the capacity, you will get: size=3, capacity=8 index: 0 1 2 3 4 5 ...
.../两个dictht,ht[0]平时用,ht[1] rehash时用 long rehashidx; /* rehashing not in progress if rehashidx == -1 *///当前rehash到buckets的哪个索引,-1时表示非rehash状态 int iterators; /* number of iterators currently ru...
...e mappings to be stored more efficiently than letting it perform automatic rehashing as needed to grow the table. Note that using many keys with the same hashCode is a sure way to slow down perform...
...量),并将原有的对象重新分配,嵌入新的桶内,这称为rehashing HashSet和HashMap、Hashtable的构造器允许指定一个负载极限,HashSet和HashMap、Hashtable默认的负载极限为0.75,这表明当该hash表的3/4已经被填满时,hash表会发生rehashing ...
...小,并将原来的对象放入新的bucket数组中。这个过程叫作rehashing,因为它调用hash方法找到新的bucket位置。 如果你能够回答这道问题,下面的问题来了:你了解重新调整HashMap大小存在什么问题吗?你可能回答不上来,这时...
...来HashMap大小的两倍的bucket数组,来重新调整map的大小(rehashing)。当多线程的情况下,可能产生条件竞争(race condition),两个线程都发现HashMap需要重新调整大小了,它们会同时试着调整大小。 先这样吧 若有错误之处请指出,更...
...ictType,NULL); robj *element; /* Presize the dict to avoid rehashing */ dictExpand(d,intsetLen(setobj->ptr)); /* To add the elements we extract integers and create r...