...m的信息传输233333 // main.html var PageWorkerManager = { num: 4, pools: [], init: function () { for (var i = 0, len = this.num; i < len, i++) { window.open(MyWorkerPage.html?id= + i, _b...
...(width, height, config != null ? config : DEFAULT_CONFIG); strategy 是 LruPoolStrategy 接口类型,查看其中一个继承该接口类的 get 方法的实现 @Override @NonNull public Bitmap get(int width, int height, Bitmap.Config c...
... 明天他妈又要上课了 原文地址:http://nginx.com/blog/thread-pools-boost-performance-9x/
序 本文主要解析一下apache common pools下的GenericObjectPool的参数设置 GenericObjectPool commons-pool2-2.4.2-sources.jar!/org/apache/commons/pool2/impl/GenericObjectPool.java public class GenericObjectPool extends Bas...
...的检查是否一切正常的方法,是点击Infrastructure -> Storage Pools选项。如果你在视图中看见了主机,那你就可以开始准备创建和分享卷了。 现在你可以开始从Storage Pools视图中手动创建一个卷,或干脆创建一个使用Convoy-NFS driver和卷...
...Counter >= DemandCounter){ // ... var stamps = Object.keys(pools), len = stamps.length, i = 0, it; finalImgCount = pools[stamps[len - 1]].imgLen; ...
...Counter >= DemandCounter){ // ... var stamps = Object.keys(pools), len = stamps.length, i = 0, it; finalImgCount = pools[stamps[len - 1]].imgLen; ...
...onBuilder.newCacheConfigurationBuilder(Long.class, String.class, ResourcePoolsBuilder.newResourcePoolsBuilder().offheap(2, MemoryUnit.GB)).build(); Start with defining the key and value type in t...
...nt(test); } } Element.prototype.addEvent = function(en,fn){ this.pools = this.pools || {}; if(en in this.pools){ this.pools[en].push(fn); }else{ this.pools[en] = [];...
...nt(test); } } Element.prototype.addEvent = function(en,fn){ this.pools = this.pools || {}; if(en in this.pools){ this.pools[en].push(fn); }else{ this.pools[en] = [];...
...ct_max_in_bytes: 1038876672 }, gc_collectors: [], memory_pools: [], using_compressed_ordinary_object_pointers: true, input_arguments:{} } thread_pool:{ f...