原文地址:Cross-stitching Plaid and AndroidX 原文作者:Tiem Song 译文出自:掘金翻译计划 本文永久链接:github.com/xitu/gold-m… 译者:Mirosalva 校对者:PhxNirvana 一份 AndroidX 的迁移指南 由 Virginia Poltrack 提供图片。 Plaid 是一款呈现 Mater...
... them play it. With the .Wat ness, we take this just a small step further. Plaid Party Planning III - 500pts This year, were having another party. We managed to come to a consensus to have Indian f...
...。 架构:MVC 项目地址github:https://github.com/googlesamp... 5.plaid 由谷歌工程师开发,展示google的材料设计,项目代码量大,但是结构清晰,还是很好理解的。 架构: MVC图片加载: glide网络请求:RxJava & Retrofit其他:RecycleView,Butte...