...见运算 下面用一个例子来展示一些常见的运算: val_arr=[Made,in,China] del val_arr[1] print(val_arr) #[Made, China] print(len(val_arr)) #2 val_newarr=val_arr+[:information] print(val_newarr) #[Made, China, :informati...
...见运算 下面用一个例子来展示一些常见的运算: val_arr=[Made,in,China] del val_arr[1] print(val_arr) #[Made, China] print(len(val_arr)) #2 val_newarr=val_arr+[:information] print(val_newarr) #[Made, China, :informati...
...ders) 我们关心的数据就是 LOC_X、LOC_Y(出手位置)和 SHOT_MADE_FLAG(是否投中)这三列。 05 绘制投篮点 使用 matplotlib库的散点图绘制 scatter 方法就可以把投篮点画出来,这个我们之前的各种案例里也用过不少次了: made = shot_df[shot...
... def __init__(self, loop): self.loop = loop def connection_made(self, transport): request = GET / HTTP/1.1 Host: localhost transport.write(request.encode()) ...
...ple will not friend request themselves. How many total friend requests are made? Example 1: Input: [16,16]Output: 2Explanation: 2 people friend request each other.Example 2: Input: [16,17,18]Output...
... src, width: 794, height: 1123, h1: This is a PDF, p: It be made node-canvas,It be made node-canvas,It be made node-canvas,It be made node-canvas, name: test.pdf, outUrl: ./image/newImg/, ty...
...ng and writing. If the file does not already exist then an attempt will be made to create it. ) rws和rw一样,对文件内容或元数据的每次更新都要同步写入底层存储设备。(Open for reading and writing, as with rw, and also requi...
...tion(val){ console.log(val); //resolved throw new Error(man-made Error); }).catch(function(err){ console.log(err.message); //man-made Error }); 错误会从最初的请求沿着回调函数,一直被传递下来。这一点和传统的错误冒泡...
...s Word to close the document and discard any changes that may * have been made since the document was opened or edited. */ public void closeDoc() { this.closeDoc(JacobWordSearch.DO_NOT_SAVE_C...
...不是数字都是object),还有一些统计信息等等。 其中shot_made_flag就是投进与否,也就是结果/标签/分类。1表示投进,0表示没进。 第4步,我们可以查看数值类数据的一些分布情况,这里只是部分。 >>print data.describe() 第5步,查...