...文件,可获取下载方式) 1.Preparing for the Future of Artificial Intelligence(为人工智能未来做好准备) 这份白皮书发表于 2016 年 10 月。它介绍了人工智能目前在社会中所处的状态以及其在经济中所发挥的作用。它也提出了关于人工智...
...模应用。当大家第一次听到AI时,我们以为说的是Alibaba intelligence(阿里智能)。4月23日,阿里巴巴集团CEO张勇在澳大利亚举行的商家大会上笑言。 张勇指出,新技术出现时,有人看到的是挑战,有人看到的是机会。重要的是...
...nd K arnowski, T. P. Deep machine learning - a new frontier in artificial intelligence research. Computational Intelligence Magazine, IEEE, vol. 5, pp. 13-18, 2010. 深度学习的介绍性文章,可做入门材料。 ...
...ularization, and deep learning. 2014-The Cambridge Handbook of Artificial Intelligence #Book#: With a focus on theory rather than technical and applied issues, the volume will be valuable not only...
...个版本最先引入机器学习的支持,用于销售场景中的Deal Intelligence(智能交易)和服务场景中的Automatic Ticket Classification(Ticket智能分类)。根据SAP官方网站上发布的信息,到C4C 1802为止,SAP C4C销售和服务领域内支持的机器学习场景如...
...tml 本文内容包含以下章节: Chapter 1.3 Why Games for Artificial Intelligence Chapter 1.4 Why Artificial Intelligence for Games 本书英文版: Artificial Intelligence and Games - A Springer Textbook WeTest 导读 这两个章节主要从...
...mplexity,distributed nature of data,speed of action and the continuous intelligence required by digital business means that rigid and centralized architecture and tools break down,Donald Feinberg,V...