...RIGGERS 数据字典中查到。 触发器分为两种:AFTER触发器和INSTEAD OF触发器。 语法 创建触发器 CREATE TRIGGER ON [AFTER | INSTEAD OF] AS --SQL语句块 修改触发器 ALERT TRIGGER ON [AFTER | INSTEAD OF] AS --SQL语句块 删除触发器 ...
...e. ` + `If you want this reducer to hold no value, you can return null instead of undefined.` ) //对于action xxx ,reducer yyy 返回undefined //一定要很明确的返回之前的state,这样就可以忽略一个action //如果你想这个reduc...
...ctureConfig: { click: { onObject: [selectOnly] //instead of toggleOverlayedSelection }, clickShift: { onObject: [isolate] //instead of toggle...
... camelcase 4:5 error path_name is never reassigned, use const instead prefer-const 7:7 error flexSlider is never reassigned, use const instead prefer-const 7:20 error ...
...$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; ; 分表触发器 CREATE TRIGGER insert_sales_trigger INSTEAD OF INSERT ON public.sales_view FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE insert_sales(); 定义更新function CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION update_...
...tFn, undefined, completeFn); } catch (err) { handleError(err); } // use instead source$.subscribe(nextFn, handleError, completeFn); 现在在Observable.subscribe()中必须定义一个错误回调方法来异步处理错误。 删除RxJs兼容层前需要做的修...
...15次$localvar++运算;(Time consumption) Surrounding your string by ‘ instead of will make things interpret a little faster since php looks for variables inside … but not inside ‘…’. Of course you can...
...ved the state as an argument. + Pass it down from the top reducer instead of reading it from the store. ) } return currentState } getState 函数可以用于获取应用当前的状态,可以看到这里使用闭包来持久变量,并且所有改变状态的行...
...xt: Expected the optional second argument to be a + function. Instead received: %s, calculateChangedBits, ); } } const context: ReactContext = { //还是那句话,ReactC...