...sklearn.preprocessing import PolynomialFeatures poly = PolynomialFeatures(degree=2) poly.fit(X) X2 = poly.transform(X) 参数 degree 表示最高次幂;得到的新的 $X2$ 前5行数据如下: # X2[:5,:] array([[ 1. , 1.16207...
... 题目详情 Given a non-empty array of non-negative integers nums, the degree of this array is defined as the maximum frequency of any one of its elements.Your task is to find the smallest possible len...
...ance) 向当前画笔相反方向移动distance像素长度turtle.right(degree) 顺时针移动degree°turtle.left(degree) 逆时针移动degree°turtle.pendown() 移动时绘制图形,缺省时也为绘制turtle.goto(x,y) 将画笔移动到坐标为x,y的位置turtle.penup() 移...
...lic int[] findOrder(int numCourses, int[][] prerequisites) { int[] degree = new int[numCourses]; Map map = new HashMap(); for (int[] pair: prerequisites) { int p...
...转一张图片90°、180°或者-90°。代码如下: const rotate = (degree, image) => { degree = ~~degree; if (degree !== 0) { const maxDegree = 180; const minDegree = -90; if (degree > maxDegree) { de...
...源图片路径 * @param targerPath 目标图片路径 * @param degree 水印图片旋转角度 */ public static void markImageByIcon(String iconPath, String srcImgPath, String targerPath, Integer degre...
...内容为[ //% blockId=sloth_servo_write block=set servo %channel|degree %degree, //% advanced=true, //% weight=50, //% degree.min=0 degree.max=180, //% channel.fieldEditor=gridpicke...
... const user = { id: 339, name: Fred, age: 42, education: { degree: Masters } }; const {education: {degree}} = user; console.log(degree); //prints: Masters // 如果嵌套的属性不存在 const user = {...