... 先上代码吧,然后再慢慢分析 class SignGenerator { CONST BITS_FULL = 64; CONST BITS_PRE = 1;//固定 CONST BITS_TIME = 41;//毫秒时间戳 可以最多支持69年 CONST BITS_SERVER = 5; //服务器最多支持32台 CONST BITS_WORKER =...
...对音频数据进行压缩编码要经过如下步骤: 定义一个SpeexBits类型变量bits和一个Speex编码器的内存指针变量enc。 调用speex_bits_init(&bits)函数初始化bits。 调用enc = speex_encoder_init(&speex_nb_mode)函数初始化enc。其中speex_nb_mode是SpeexMode类...
...umbers, N and M, and two bit positions, i and j. Write a method to set all bits between i and j in N equal to M (e g , M becomes a substring of N located at i and starting at j) Notice In the funct...
...节表示的进程ID 3个字节表示的计数器 snow flake算法 个64 bits的唯一long型的ID,使用其中41bit作为毫秒数,10bit作为机器编号,12bit作为毫秒内序列号。IdWorker +---------------+----------------+----------------+ |timestamp(ms)42 | worker id(10) | seque...
Problem Number of 1 BitsWrite a function that takes an unsigned integer and returns the number of ’1 bits it has (also known as the Hamming weight). Example For example, the 32-bit integer 11 has bina...
LeetCode[191] Number of 1 Bits Write a function that takes an unsigned integer and returns the number of ’1 bits it has (also known as the Hamming weight). For example, the 32-bit integer ’11 has bin...
... * 2^e s 是符号位,表示正负,由 1 bit m 是小数位,由 52 bits e 是指数位, 由 11 bits 64位表示双精度浮点数,可以表示 2^64 - 2^53 + 3 种数值 这些数中包括 number 所包括的各种类型(NaN , infinity, 浮点数),这些数值是怎么在 64bits ...