...__(self, key, value): if key in self: raise TypeError(Attempted to reuse key: %r % key) super().__setitem__(key, value) class MyMeta(type): @classmethod def __p...
...完成。 4. cmi.core.lesson_status; 记录sco的完成情况,包括not attempted(未尝试/未学习)、incomplete(未完成),completed(已完成)。在平台上,课程的进度实际上是(已完成的sco数/sco总数)×100%。所以若是单sco的课程,就则只有两种,0%和100%。...
项目中遇到的奇怪问题,已定位原因。Attempted to assign to readonly property报错 起因:项目中写了个点击事件,增加动态效果,类似于转一转,rotate(360)。很简单的一个特效。设置元素的transition:transform 1s。 然后动态改变元素的tran...
...romise is not failed, its one of the following cases: // 1) If we attempted registration from the event loop, the registration has been completed at this point. // i.e. Its safe ...
...残酷的,总会有各种Bug出现: this.$parent.elctrl is undefined, Attempted to redefine property authenticate., Cannot read property language of null ... 乍一看这些错误也没什么,然而事实证明它们其实是一个个大写的Bug。得益于Fundebug实时监测,小明...
... say_student() 直接运行module_21.py中的代码会报错 ValueError: Attempted relative import in non-package 在包(package)中使用了相对引用的.py文件只能以模块方式运行 python -m module_21 或者在包(package)中的文件引用,比如在test_package1.py实现以下代码 f....
...le_x.py, line 1, in from . module_y import spam as ham ValueError: Attempted relative import in non-package # python3 Traceback (most recent call last): File module_x.py, line 1, in ...
... class Color(Enum): red = 1 green = 2 red = 3 # TypeError: Attempted to reuse key: red 成员值允许相同,第二个成员的名称被视作第一个成员的别名 class Color(Enum): red = 1 green = 2 blue = 1 pri...
...till phases where it has to stop application threads, but these phases are attempted to be kept to a minimum). Note if the concurrent collector fails to keep up with the garbage, it fails over to t...
...2 ... SQUARE = 3 ... Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: Attempted to reuse key: SQUARE 不过不同的枚举成员允许拥有相同的值。后定义的成员是先定义的成员的别名,通过值或名称访问时都将返回先定义的成员: >>> class Shape(Enum): ......