作者:chen_h微信号 & QQ:862251340微信公众号:coderpai简书地址:https://www.jianshu.com/p/31a... 论文链接:arxiv 1. 论文摘要 在这篇文章中,作者提出了一个神经网络架构用来对股票价格进行预测,使用的数据源是股票的一些技术分...
...包含 PDF 文件,可获取下载方式) 1.Preparing for the Future of Artificial Intelligence(为人工智能未来做好准备) 这份白皮书发表于 2016 年 10 月。它介绍了人工智能目前在社会中所处的状态以及其在经济中所发挥的作用。它也提出了关...
...lds, L1 regularization, and deep learning. 2014-The Cambridge Handbook of Artificial Intelligence #Book#: With a focus on theory rather than technical and applied issues, the volume will be valuab...
...se, D. C. and K arnowski, T. P. Deep machine learning - a new frontier in artificial intelligence research. Computational Intelligence Magazine, IEEE, vol. 5, pp. 13-18, 2010. 深度学习的介绍性文章,可做入...
...anguage understanding (NLU) is a subtopic of natural languageprocessing in artificial intelligence that deals with machine readingcomprehension. NLU is considered an AI-hard problem. 对于AI-hard的解释如下...
.../view/412.html 本文内容包含以下章节: Chapter 1.3 Why Games for Artificial Intelligence Chapter 1.4 Why Artificial Intelligence for Games 本书英文版: Artificial Intelligence and Games - A Springer Textbook WeTest ...
...hon的AIML包很容易就能写一个人工智能聊天机器人。 AIML是Artificial Intelligence Markup Language的简写, 但它只是一个简单的XML。 下面的代码例子会带你写一个你自己的Python人工智能聊天机器人。 什么是AIML? AIML是Richard Wallace开发的。...
...运维系统去完成运维任务,是我们所认为的AIOps,也就是Artificial Intelligence IT Operations。有意思的是,2017年之后的Gartner报告也将AIOps的概念改成了Artificial Intelligence IT Operations。图2:AIOps整体架构我们认为AIOps中有三部分不可或缺...
... Computer-Science (5.6M followers) Machine-Learning (1.1M followers) Artificial-Intelligence (635K followers) Deep-Learning (167K followers) Natural-Language-Processing (155K followers) Clas...