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var app = new THING.App({
    // 场景地址
    "url": "http://www.thingjs.com/./uploads/wechat/oLX7p05lsWJZUIxnIWsNXAzJ40X8/scene/新风演示2",



var hotWindGroup = [];
var coolWindGroup = [];
var newWindGroup = [];
var wind = null;


function createWind(parent, x, y, angle, localPosition, color, group) {
    rs = app.query(parent)[0];
    wind = app.create({
        type: "Thing",
        name: "hotWind",
        url: "http://model.3dmomoda.cn/models/4da706d8a37047298c0318a5b9546abd/0/gltf/",
        localPosition: localPosition,
        scale: [1, 2, 1],
        angle: angle,
        parent: rs,
    wind.style.color = color;
    wind.visible = false;


app.on("load", function () {
    app.camera.position = [-22.91452445633646, 30.46296743148116, -23.83548169673341];
    app.camera.target = [-13.532807014407252, 5.6565539015865856, -3.3431546399681276];
    createWind("空调1", 0, 0, 0, [0, -2, 0], "#FF0000", hotWindGroup);
    createWind("空调1", 0, 0, 0, [0, -2, 0.5], "#FF0000", hotWindGroup);
    createWind("空调1", 0, 0, 0, [0, -2, 1], "#FF0000", hotWindGroup);
    createWind("空调2", 0, 0, 0, [0, -2, 0], "#FF0000", hotWindGroup);
    createWind("空调2", 0, 0, 0, [0, -2, 0.5], "#FF0000", hotWindGroup);
    createWind("空调2", 0, 0, 0, [0, -2, 1], "#FF0000", hotWindGroup);
    createWind("空调1", 0, 0, 0, [0, -2, 0], "#0000FF", coolWindGroup);
    createWind("空调1", 0, 0, 0, [0, -2, 0.5], "#0000FF", coolWindGroup);
    createWind("空调1", 0, 0, 0, [0, -2, 1], "#0000FF", coolWindGroup);
    createWind("空调2", 0, 0, 0, [0, -2, 0], "#0000FF", coolWindGroup);
    createWind("空调2", 0, 0, 0, [0, -2, 0.5], "#0000FF", coolWindGroup);
    createWind("空调2", 0, 0, 0, [0, -2, 1], "#0000FF", coolWindGroup);
    createWind("排风1", -50, 0, 0, [0, -0.5, 2], "#00FF00", newWindGroup);
    createWind("排风1", -50, 0, 0, [0, -0.5, 4], "#00FF00", newWindGroup);
    createWind("排风1", -50, 0, 0, [0, -0.5, 6], "#00FF00", newWindGroup);
    createWind("排风1", -50, 50, 50, [2, -0.5, 7], "#00FF00", newWindGroup);
    createWind("排风1", -50, 50, 50, [4, -0.5, 8], "#00FF00", newWindGroup);
    createWind("排风1", -50, 50, 50, [6, -0.5, 9], "#00FF00", newWindGroup);
    createWind("排风1", -50, 50, 50, [8, -0.5, 12], "#00FF00", newWindGroup);
    createWind("排风1", -50, 50, 50, [10, -0.5, 15], "#00FF00", newWindGroup);
    createWind("排风1", -50, 50, 50, [12, -0.5, 18], "#00FF00", newWindGroup);
    createWind("排风1", -50, 50, 50, [10, -0.5, 9], "#00FF00", newWindGroup);
    createWind("排风1", -50, 50, 50, [14, -0.5, 9], "#00FF00", newWindGroup);
    createWind("排风1", -50, 50, 50, [18, -0.5, 9], "#00FF00", newWindGroup);
    createWind("排风1", -50, 50, 50, [22, -0.5, 9], "#00FF00", newWindGroup);
    createWind("排风1", -50, 50, 50, [26, -0.5, 9], "#00FF00", newWindGroup);
    createWind("排风2", -50, 0, 0, [0, -0.5, 2], "#00FF00", newWindGroup);
    createWind("排风3", -50, 0, 0, [0, -0.5, 2], "#00FF00", newWindGroup);
    createWind("排风4", -50, 0, 0, [0, -0.5, 2], "#00FF00", newWindGroup);
    createWind("排风4", -50, 0, 0, [0, -0.5, 4], "#00FF00", newWindGroup);
    createWind("排风4", -50, 0, 0, [0, -0.5, 6], "#00FF00", newWindGroup);
    createWind("排风4", -50, 0, 0, [0, -0.5, 8], "#00FF00", newWindGroup);
    createWind("排风4", -50, 0, 0, [0, -0.5, 10], "#00FF00", newWindGroup);
    createWind("排风4", -50, 0, 0, [0, -0.5, 12], "#00FF00", newWindGroup);
    createWind("排风4", -90, 50, 50, [2, -0.6, 12], "#00FF00", newWindGroup);
    createWind("排风4", -90, 50, 50, [4, -0.7, 12], "#00FF00", newWindGroup);
    createWind("排风4", -90, 50, 50, [6, -0.8, 13], "#00FF00", newWindGroup);
    createWind("排风4", -90, 50, 90, [8, -0.8, 11], "#00FF00", newWindGroup);
    createWind("排风4", -90, 50, 90, [12, -0.8, 9], "#00FF00", newWindGroup);
    createWind("排风4", -90, 50, 90, [16, -0.8, 7], "#00FF00", newWindGroup);
    createWind("排风4", -90, 50, 90, [20, -0.8, 5], "#00FF00", newWindGroup);
    createWind("排风4", -90, 50, 90, [24, -0.8, 3], "#00FF00", newWindGroup);
    createWind("排风4", -90, 0, 90, [8, -0.8, 13], "#00FF00", newWindGroup);
    createWind("排风4", -90, 0, 90, [12, -0.8, 13], "#00FF00", newWindGroup);
    createWind("排风4", -90, 0, 90, [16, -0.7, 13], "#00FF00", newWindGroup);
    createWind("排风4", -90, 0, 90, [20, -0.6, 13], "#00FF00", newWindGroup);
    //createWind("排风4", -90, 0, 90, [24, -0.5, 13], "#00FF00", newWindGroup);

    new THING.widget.Button("热风演示", function () {
        for (let i of coolWindGroup) {
            i.visible = false;
        for (let i of hotWindGroup) {
            i.visible = true;


    new THING.widget.Button("冷风演示", function () {
        for (let i of coolWindGroup) {
            i.visible = true;
        for (let i of hotWindGroup) {
            i.visible = false;

    new THING.widget.Button("新风演示", function () {

    function playNewWind() {
        for (var i = 0; i < newWindGroup.length; i++) {
            newWindGroup[i].visible = true;
                "time": 4000,
                "position": newWindGroup[i+1].position,






var app = new THING.App({
    // 场景地址
    "url": "http://www.thingjs.com/./uploads/wechat/oLX7p05lsWJZUIxnIWsNXAzJ40X8/scene/新风演示2",


var hotWindGroup = [];
var coolWindGroup = [];
var newWindGroup = [];
var wind = null;

function createWind(parent, x, y, angle, localPosition, color, group) {
    rs = app.query(parent)[0];
    wind = app.create({
        type: "Thing",
        name: "hotWind",
        url: "http://model.3dmomoda.cn/models/4da706d8a37047298c0318a5b9546abd/0/gltf/",
        localPosition: localPosition,
        scale: [1, 2, 1],
        angle: angle,
        parent: rs,
    wind.style.color = color;
    wind.visible = false;

app.on("load", function () {
    app.camera.position = [-22.91452445633646, 30.46296743148116, -23.83548169673341];
    app.camera.target = [-13.532807014407252, 5.6565539015865856, -3.3431546399681276];
    createWind("空调1", 0, 0, 0, [0, -2, 0], "#FF0000", hotWindGroup);
    createWind("空调1", 0, 0, 0, [0, -2, 0.5], "#FF0000", hotWindGroup);
    createWind("空调1", 0, 0, 0, [0, -2, 1], "#FF0000", hotWindGroup);
    createWind("空调2", 0, 0, 0, [0, -2, 0], "#FF0000", hotWindGroup);
    createWind("空调2", 0, 0, 0, [0, -2, 0.5], "#FF0000", hotWindGroup);
    createWind("空调2", 0, 0, 0, [0, -2, 1], "#FF0000", hotWindGroup);
    createWind("空调1", 0, 0, 0, [0, -2, 0], "#0000FF", coolWindGroup);
    createWind("空调1", 0, 0, 0, [0, -2, 0.5], "#0000FF", coolWindGroup);
    createWind("空调1", 0, 0, 0, [0, -2, 1], "#0000FF", coolWindGroup);
    createWind("空调2", 0, 0, 0, [0, -2, 0], "#0000FF", coolWindGroup);
    createWind("空调2", 0, 0, 0, [0, -2, 0.5], "#0000FF", coolWindGroup);
    createWind("空调2", 0, 0, 0, [0, -2, 1], "#0000FF", coolWindGroup);

    createWind("排风1", -50, 0, 0, [0, -0.5, 2], "#00FF00", newWindGroup);
    createWind("排风1", -50, 0, 0, [0, -0.5, 4], "#00FF00", newWindGroup);
    createWind("排风1", -50, 0, 0, [0, -0.5, 6], "#00FF00", newWindGroup);
    createWind("排风1", -50, 50, 50, [2, -0.5, 7], "#00FF00", newWindGroup);
    createWind("排风1", -50, 50, 50, [4, -0.5, 8], "#00FF00", newWindGroup);
    createWind("排风1", -50, 50, 50, [6, -0.5, 9], "#00FF00", newWindGroup);
    createWind("排风1", -50, 50, 50, [8, -0.5, 12], "#00FF00", newWindGroup);
    createWind("排风1", -50, 50, 50, [10, -0.5, 15], "#00FF00", newWindGroup);
    createWind("排风1", -50, 50, 50, [12, -0.5, 18], "#00FF00", newWindGroup);
    createWind("排风1", -50, 50, 50, [10, -0.5, 9], "#00FF00", newWindGroup);
    createWind("排风1", -50, 50, 50, [14, -0.5, 9], "#00FF00", newWindGroup);
    createWind("排风1", -50, 50, 50, [18, -0.5, 9], "#00FF00", newWindGroup);
    createWind("排风1", -50, 50, 50, [22, -0.5, 9], "#00FF00", newWindGroup);
    createWind("排风1", -50, 50, 50, [26, -0.5, 9], "#00FF00", newWindGroup);
    createWind("排风2", -50, 0, 0, [0, -0.5, 2], "#00FF00", newWindGroup);
    createWind("排风3", -50, 0, 0, [0, -0.5, 2], "#00FF00", newWindGroup);
    createWind("排风4", -50, 0, 0, [0, -0.5, 2], "#00FF00", newWindGroup);
    createWind("排风4", -50, 0, 0, [0, -0.5, 4], "#00FF00", newWindGroup);
    createWind("排风4", -50, 0, 0, [0, -0.5, 6], "#00FF00", newWindGroup);
    createWind("排风4", -50, 0, 0, [0, -0.5, 8], "#00FF00", newWindGroup);
    createWind("排风4", -50, 0, 0, [0, -0.5, 10], "#00FF00", newWindGroup);
    createWind("排风4", -50, 0, 0, [0, -0.5, 12], "#00FF00", newWindGroup);
    createWind("排风4", -90, 50, 50, [2, -0.6, 12], "#00FF00", newWindGroup);
    createWind("排风4", -90, 50, 50, [4, -0.7, 12], "#00FF00", newWindGroup);
    createWind("排风4", -90, 50, 50, [6, -0.8, 13], "#00FF00", newWindGroup);
    createWind("排风4", -90, 50, 90, [8, -0.8, 11], "#00FF00", newWindGroup);
    createWind("排风4", -90, 50, 90, [12, -0.8, 9], "#00FF00", newWindGroup);
    createWind("排风4", -90, 50, 90, [16, -0.8, 7], "#00FF00", newWindGroup);
    createWind("排风4", -90, 50, 90, [20, -0.8, 5], "#00FF00", newWindGroup);
    createWind("排风4", -90, 50, 90, [24, -0.8, 3], "#00FF00", newWindGroup);
    createWind("排风4", -90, 0, 90, [8, -0.8, 13], "#00FF00", newWindGroup);
    createWind("排风4", -90, 0, 90, [12, -0.8, 13], "#00FF00", newWindGroup);
    createWind("排风4", -90, 0, 90, [16, -0.7, 13], "#00FF00", newWindGroup);
    createWind("排风4", -90, 0, 90, [20, -0.6, 13], "#00FF00", newWindGroup);
    //createWind("排风4", -90, 0, 90, [24, -0.5, 13], "#00FF00", newWindGroup);

    new THING.widget.Button("热风演示", function () {
        for (let i of coolWindGroup) {
            i.visible = false;
        for (let i of hotWindGroup) {
            i.visible = true;


    new THING.widget.Button("冷风演示", function () {
        for (let i of coolWindGroup) {
            i.visible = true;
        for (let i of hotWindGroup) {
            i.visible = false;

    new THING.widget.Button("新风演示", function () {

    function playNewWind() {
        for (var i = 0; i < newWindGroup.length; i++) {
            newWindGroup[i].visible = true;
                "time": 4000,
                "position": newWindGroup[i+1].position,


作者:extends Thread




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