Part01 What"s the problem
如果靠组件生命周期转发 每个路由下面的顶级组件都要调这样一个action
Can"t cooperateredux 是状态管理的库,router 是(唯一)控制页面跳转的库。两者都很美好,但是不美好的是两者无法协同工作。换句话说,当路由变化以后,store 无法感知到。
目前是,如果直接使用react router,就意味着所有路由相关的信息脱离了Redux store的控制,假借组件接受router信息转发dispatch的方法属于反模式,违背了redux的设计思想,也给我们应用程序带来了更多的不确定性。
Part02 What do we need我们需要一个这样的路由系统,他技能利用React Router的声明式特性,又能将路由信息整合进Redux Store中。
react-router-reduxreact-router-redux 是 redux 的一个中间件(中间件:JavaScript 代理模式的另一种实践 针对 dispatch 实现了方法的代理,在 dispatch action 的时候增加或者修改) ,主要作用是:
加强了React Router库中history这个实例,以允许将history中接受到的变化反应到state中去。
import React from "react" import ReactDOM from "react-dom" import { createStore, combineReducers } from "redux" import { Provider } from "react-redux" import { Router, Route, browserHistory } from "react-router" import { syncHistoryWithStore, routerReducer } from "react-router-redux" import reducers from "/reducers" const store = createStore( combineReducers({ ...reducers, routing: routerReducer }) ) const history = syncHistoryWithStore(browserHistory, store) ReactDOM.render( , document.getElementById(‘app") )
使用简单直白的api syncHistoryWithStore来完成redux的绑定工作,我们只需要传入react router中的history(前面提到的)以及redux中的store,就可以获得一个增强后的history对象。
将这个history对象传给react router中的Router组件作为props,就给应用提供了观察路由变化并改变store的能力。
现在,只要您按下浏览器按钮或在应用程序代码中导航,导航就会首先通过Redux存储区传递新位置,然后再传递到React Router以更新组件树。如果您计时旅行,它还会将新状态传递给React Router以再次更新组件树。
React Router 通过路径组件的props提供路由信息。这使得从容器组件访问它们变得容易。当使用react-redux对connect()你的组件进行陈述时,你可以从第二个参数mapStateToProps访问路由器的道具:
Part04 Code principle https://github.com/reactjs/react-router-redux// index.js /** * 作为外部 syncHistoryWithStore * 绑定store.dispatch方法引起的state中路由状态变更到影响浏览器location变更 * 绑定浏览器location变更触发store.dispatch,更新state中路由状态 * 返回当前的histroy、绑定方法listen(dispatch方法触发时执行,以绑定前的路由状态为参数)、解绑函数unsubscribe */ export syncHistoryWithStore from "./sync" /** * routerReducer监听路由变更子reducer,通过redux的combineReducers复合多个reducer后使用 */ export { LOCATION_CHANGE, routerReducer } from "./reducer" /** * 构建actionCreater,作为外部push、replace、go、goBack、goForward方法的接口,通常不直接使用 */ export { CALL_HISTORY_METHOD, push, replace, go, goBack, goForward, routerActions } from "./actions" /** * 构建route中间件,用于分发action,触发路径跳转等事件 */ export routerMiddleware from "./middleware"
// sync.js import { LOCATION_CHANGE } from "./reducer" // 默认用state.routing存取route变更状态数据 const defaultSelectLocationState = state => state.routing /** * 作为外部syncHistoryWithStore接口方法 * 绑定store.dispatch方法引起的state中路由状态变更到影响浏览器location变更 * 绑定浏览器location变更触发store.dispatch,更新state中路由状态 * 返回当前的histroy、绑定方法listen(dispatch方法触发时执行,以绑定前的路由状态为参数)、解绑函数unsubscribe */ export default function syncHistoryWithStore(history, store, { // 约定redux.store.state中哪个属性用于存取route变更状态数据 selectLocationState = defaultSelectLocationState, // store中路由状态变更是否引起浏览器location改变 adjustUrlOnReplay = true } = {}) { // Ensure that the reducer is mounted on the store and functioning properly. // 确保redux.store.state中某个属性绑定了route变更状态 if (typeof selectLocationState(store.getState()) === "undefined") { throw new Error( "Expected the routing state to be available either as `state.routing` " + "or as the custom expression you can specify as `selectLocationState` " + "in the `syncHistoryWithStore()` options. " + "Ensure you have added the `routerReducer` to your store"s " + "reducers via `combineReducers` or whatever method you use to isolate " + "your reducers." ) } let initialLocation // 初始化route状态数据 let isTimeTraveling // 浏览器页面location.url改变过程中标识,区别页面链接及react-router-redux变更location两种情况 let unsubscribeFromStore // 移除store.listeners中,因路由状态引起浏览器location变更函数 let unsubscribeFromHistory // 移除location变更引起路由状态更新函数 let currentLocation // 记录上一个当前路由状态数据 // 获取路由事件触发后路由状态,或者useInitialIfEmpty为真值获取初始化route状态,或者undefined const getLocationInStore = (useInitialIfEmpty) => { const locationState = selectLocationState(store.getState()) return locationState.locationBeforeTransitions || (useInitialIfEmpty ? initialLocation : undefined) } // 初始化route状态数据 initialLocation = getLocationInStore() // If the store is replayed, update the URL in the browser to match. // adjustUrlOnReplay为真值时,store数据改变事件dispatch发生后,浏览器页面更新location if (adjustUrlOnReplay) { // 由store中路由状态改变情况,更新浏览器location const handleStoreChange = () => { // 获取路由事件触发后路由状态,或者初始路由状态 const locationInStore = getLocationInStore(true) if (currentLocation === locationInStore || initialLocation === locationInStore) { return } // 浏览器页面location.url改变过程中标识,区别页面链接及react-router-redux变更location两种情况 isTimeTraveling = true // 记录上一个当前路由状态数据 currentLocation = locationInStore // store数据改变后,浏览器页面更新location history.transitionTo({ ...locationInStore, action: "PUSH" }) isTimeTraveling = false } // 绑定事件,完成功能为,dispatch方法触发store中路由状态改变时,更新浏览器location unsubscribeFromStore = store.subscribe(handleStoreChange) // 初始化设置路由状态时引起页面location改变 handleStoreChange() } // 页面链接变更浏览器location,触发store.dispatch变更store中路由状态 const handleLocationChange = (location) => { // react-router-redux引起浏览器location变更过程中,无效;页面链接变更,有效 if (isTimeTraveling) { return } // Remember where we are currentLocation = location // Are we being called for the first time? if (!initialLocation) { // Remember as a fallback in case state is reset initialLocation = location // Respect persisted location, if any if (getLocationInStore()) { return } } // Tell the store to update by dispatching an action store.dispatch({ type: LOCATION_CHANGE, payload: location }) } // hashHistory、boswerHistory监听浏览器location变更,触发store.dispatch变更store中路由状态 unsubscribeFromHistory = history.listen(handleLocationChange) // History 3.x doesn"t call listen synchronously, so fire the initial location change ourselves // 初始化更新store中路由状态 if (history.getCurrentLocation) { handleLocationChange(history.getCurrentLocation()) } // The enhanced history uses store as source of truth return { ...history, // store中dispatch方法触发时,绑定执行函数listener,以绑定前的路由状态为参数 listen(listener) { // Copy of last location. // 绑定前的路由状态 let lastPublishedLocation = getLocationInStore(true) // Keep track of whether we unsubscribed, as Redux store // only applies changes in subscriptions on next dispatch let unsubscribed = false // 确保listener在解绑后不执行 const unsubscribeFromStore = store.subscribe(() => { const currentLocation = getLocationInStore(true) if (currentLocation === lastPublishedLocation) { return } lastPublishedLocation = currentLocation if (!unsubscribed) { listener(lastPublishedLocation) } }) // History 2.x listeners expect a synchronous call. Make the first call to the // listener after subscribing to the store, in case the listener causes a // location change (e.g. when it redirects) if (!history.getCurrentLocation) { listener(lastPublishedLocation) } // Let user unsubscribe later return () => { unsubscribed = true unsubscribeFromStore() } }, // 解绑函数,包括location到store的handleLocationChange、store到location的handleStoreChange unsubscribe() { if (adjustUrlOnReplay) { unsubscribeFromStore() } unsubscribeFromHistory() } } }
// reducer.js /** * This action type will be dispatched when your history * receives a location change. */ export const LOCATION_CHANGE = "@@router/LOCATION_CHANGE" const initialState = { locationBeforeTransitions: null } /** * 监听路由变更子reducer,通过redux的combineReducers复合多个reducer后使用,作为外部routerReducer接口 * 提示redux使用过程中,可通过子组件模块中注入reducer,再使用combineReducers复合多个reducer * 最后使用replaceReducer方法更新当前store的reducer,意义是构建reducer拆解到各个子模块中 * */ export function routerReducer(state = initialState, { type, payload } = {}) { if (type === LOCATION_CHANGE) { return { ...state, locationBeforeTransitions: payload } } return state }
// actions.js export const CALL_HISTORY_METHOD = "@@router/CALL_HISTORY_METHOD" function updateLocation(method) { return (...args) => ({ type: CALL_HISTORY_METHOD, // route事件标识,避免和用于定义的action冲突 payload: { method, args } // method系hashHistroy、boswerHistroy对外接口方法名,args为参数 }) } /** * 返回actionCreater,作为外部push、replace、go、goBack、goForward方法的接口,通常不直接使用 */ export const push = updateLocation("push") export const replace = updateLocation("replace") export const go = updateLocation("go") export const goBack = updateLocation("goBack") export const goForward = updateLocation("goForward") export const routerActions = { push, replace, go, goBack, goForward }完结
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摘要:服务端渲染的手脚架这个启动包的设计是为了让你使用一整套最新最酷的前端技术,所有都是可配置,富特性,基于已经提供代码热加载,使用预处理,单元测试,代码覆盖率报告,代码分割等等更多。 Universal React Starter Kit 服务端渲染的React手脚架 这个启动包的设计是为了让你使用一整套最新最酷的前端技术,所有都是可配置,富特性,基于webpack已经提供代码热加载,使用...
摘要:下面会从浅到深,淡淡在阅读源码过程中自己的理解。分拆子页面后,每一个子页面对应一个文件。总结上面就是最早版本的源码,很简洁的使用了等其目的也很简单简化相关生态的繁琐逻辑参考源码地址 dva的思想还是很不错的,大大提升了开发效率,dva集成了Redux以及Redux的中间件Redux-saga,以及React-router等等。得益于Redux的状态管理,以及Redux-saga中...
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