report z. INCLUDE ole2incl. DATA: ole TYPE ole2_object, voice TYPE ole2_object, text TYPE string. text = "With the advent of ES6 (referred to as ES2015 from here on), which not only made promises native to the language without requiring one of the countless available libraries," && "we also got generators. Generators have the ability to pause execution" && "within a function, which means that by wrapping them in a utility function, " && "we have the ability to wait for an asynchronous operation to finish before" && " moving on to the next line of code. Suddenly your asynchronous code could" && " start to look synchronous!". DATA: it_tline TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF tline. CREATE OBJECT voice "SAPI.SpVoice". CALL METHOD OF voice "Speak" = ole EXPORTING #1 = text. *
report代码直接call的MS的sound engine,通过sapi.dll暴露出来,
摘要:用的也是很老的技术代码直接的的,通过暴露出来,这个只是了里其中一个方法 report z. INCLUDE ole2incl. DATA: ole TYPE ole2_object, voice TYPE ole2_object, text TYPE string. text = With the advent of ES6 (referred...
摘要:所以里面看到的这个是指满足指定条件的记录的个数,并不是最后返回给层的记录的个数。而在我的测试系统里,表总共就包含条记录。发现被扫描的记录数变成了,证明我们的结论是正确的。 OPEN CURSOR After the OPEN CURSOR statement, the database cursor is positioned in front of the first line of...
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