function stepOne(msg) { console.log(msg) } function checkStepOne(msg) { console.log(`check:${msg}`) return msg === "success" ? true : false }
现有函数 stepOne(),要求在不改写函数的基础上,在执行该函数之前添加检查 checkStepOne(),
检查返回 ture,再执行 stepOne()
function flow(msg){ if(checkStepOne(msg)){ return stepOne(msg) } return false }
很明显,这样的 flow() 很不灵活
如果现在又有 stepTwo(),同样需要在执行之前进行检查 checkStepTwo(),再写一个flowTwo() 吗?
不,修改函数 flow()
function flow(fn, checkFn, msg) { if (checkFn(msg)) { return fn(msg) } return false } flow(stepOne, checkStepOne, "success") flow(stepTwo, checkStepTwo, "success")
滑水的日子木有几天,又出现了新的需求,在 checkStepOne() 之前,还有一步操作,beforeCheckStepOne()
function beforeCheckStepOne(msg) { console.log(`beforeCheckStepOne is "${msg}"`) }
修改函数 flow()
function flow(fns, msg) { let current = fns.shift() let result while (current) { result = current(msg) if (result === false) { return false } current = fns.shift() } return result } flow([beforeCheckStepOne, checkStepOne, stepOne], "fail") // beforeCheckStepOne is "fail" // checkMsg is "fail"
flow(fns, msg) 中 fns 用来存储要执行的步骤,如果上一个步骤返回 false,就不继续下面的步骤了
套路呢?不妨多一些AOP,Aspect-oriented programming,面向切面编程
Function.prototype.before = function (fn) { let rawFn = this return function () { if (fn.apply(null, arguments) === false) { return false } rawFn.apply(null, arguments) } } stepOne.before(checkStepOne).before(beforeCheckStepOne)("success") // beforeCheckStepOne is "success" // checkMsg is "success" // success
Function.prototype.after = function (fn) { let rawFn = this return function () { if (rawFn.apply(null, arguments) === false) { return false } fn.apply(null, arguments) } } beforeCheckStepOne.after(checkStepOne).after(stepOne)("success") // beforeCheckStepOne is "success" // checkMsg is "success" // success
OS:这样写不会被人打吗?不仅改写了 Function.prototype,看起来还太装逼
改造完,如下,多个 context 对象,用于传递信息
function stepOne(msg, context) { console.log(msg) console.log(context.data) } function checkStepOne(msg, context) { console.log(`checkMsg is "${msg}"`) return msg === "success" ? true : false } function beforeCheckStepOne(msg, context) { console.log(`beforeCheckStepOne is "${msg}"`) context.data = "from beforeCheckStepOne" } function flow(fns, msg) { let currentFn = fns.shift() let result let context = {} while (currentFn) { result = currentFn(msg, context) if (result === false) { return false } currentFn = fns.shift() } return result } flow([beforeCheckStepOne, checkStepOne, stepOne], "success")Middle
function middle1(next) { return () => { console.log("Enter the middle1") next() console.log("Exit the middle1") } } function middle2(next) { return () => { console.log("Enter the middle2") next() console.log("Exit the middle2") } } function middle3(next) { return () => { console.log("Enter the middle3") next() console.log("Exit the middle3") } } function next() { console.log("next") } middle1(middle2(middle3(next)))()
function flow(funcs, rawNext) { let next = funcs.pop() next = next(rawNext) let middle while (funcs.length > 0) { middle = funcs.pop() next = middle(next) } return next } flow([middle1, middle2, middle3], next)() // Enter the middle1 // Enter the middle2 // Enter the middle3 // next // Exit the middle3 // Exit the middle2 // Exit the middle1
执行 flow() 的过程,就是在拼凑 middle1(middle2(middle3(next))) 的过程
同时,next() 也可以看成是个中间件
function flow(funcs) { let next = funcs.pop() while (funcs.length > 0) { let middle = funcs.pop() next = middle(next) } return next } flow([middle1, middle2, middle3, next])()
没有定义过多变量的 while,总是可以用 reduceRight 修饰一下
function flow(funcs) { return funcs.reduceRight((a, b) => b(a)) } flow([middle1, middle2, middle3, next])()瞅瞅 redux中compose.js 是怎么写的
/** * Composes single-argument functions from right to left. The rightmost * function can take multiple arguments as it provides the signature for * the resulting composite function. * * @param {...Function} funcs The functions to compose. * @returns {Function} A function obtained by composing the argument functions * from right to left. For example, compose(f, g, h) is identical to doing * (...args) => f(g(h(...args))). */ export default function compose(...funcs) { if (funcs.length === 0) { return arg => arg } if (funcs.length === 1) { return funcs[0] } return funcs.reduce((a, b) => (...args) => a(b(...args))) }举个例子,这个 compose 是怎么玩的
如它注释中所说,compose(f, g, h) is identical to doing (...args) => f(g(h(...args)))
// 输入16进制字符串,返回8位2进制字符串 let sixTeenToTen = x => parseInt(x, 16) let tenToTwo = x => (x).toString(2) let addZero = x => ("00000000" + x).slice(-8) let sixTeenToTwo = compose(addZero, tenToTwo, sixTeenToTen) console.log(sixTeenToTwo("0x62")) // 01100010
let sixTeenToTwo2 = x => ("00000000" + (parseInt(x, 16)).toString(2)).slice(-8) console.log(sixTeenToTwo2("0x62")) // 01100010
Compose & middle回到之前的middle1,middle2,middle3 函数那,同时把next改写成middle4
function middle1(next) { return (a) => { console.log("Enter the middle1") next(a) console.log("Exit the middle1") } } function middle2(next) { return (a) => { console.log("Enter the middle2") next(a) console.log("Exit the middle2") } } function middle3(next) { return (a) => { console.log("Enter the middle3") next(a) console.log("Exit the middle3") } } function middle4(next) { return (a) => { console.log(`middle4:${a}`) } } let middles = compose(middle1, middle2, middle3, middle4)() middles("msg") // Enter the middle1 // Enter the middle2 // Enter the middle3 // middle4:msg // Exit the middle3 // Exit the middle2 // Exit the middle1
值得一提的是,let middles = compose(middle1, middle2, middle3, middle4)() 最后有一组(),调用函数,相当于middle1(middle2(middle3(middle4()))) 给 middle4 传入空参数
执行 middle4(),返回
(a) => { console.log(`middle4:${a}`) }
这个函数,作为 next 参数,执行 middle3(next),返回
(a) => { console.log("Enter the middle3") console.log(`middle4:${a}`) console.log("Exit the middle3") }
这个函数,作为 next 参数,执行 middle2(next),返回
(a) => { console.log("Enter the middle2") console.log("Enter the middle3") console.log(`middle4:${a}`) console.log("Exit the middle3") console.log("Exit the middle2") }
这个函数,作为 next 参数,执行 middle1(next),返回
(a) => { console.log("Enter the middle1") console.log("Enter the middle2") console.log("Enter the middle3") console.log(`middle4:${a}`) console.log("Exit the middle3") console.log("Exit the middle2") console.log("Exit the middle1") }
所以,最终 middles 就是这样的
let middles = compose(middle1, middle2, middle3, middle4)() // 相当于 let middles = (a) => { console.log("Enter the middle1") console.log("Enter the middle2") console.log("Enter the middle3") console.log(`middle4:${a}`) console.log("Exit the middle3") console.log("Exit the middle2") console.log("Exit the middle1") }高仿express中的use
class Middle { constructor() { this.funcs = [] } use(fn) { this.funcs.push(fn) return this } work() { this.funcs.reduceRight((fn1, fn2) => { return () => fn2(fn1) }, () => {})() } } function m1(next) { console.log("Enter the middle1") next() console.log("Exit the middle1") } function m2(next) { console.log("Enter the middle2") next() console.log("Exit the middle2") } function m3(next) { console.log("Enter the middle3") next() console.log("Exit the middle3") } function m4(next) { console.log("Enter the middle4") console.log("Exit the middle4") } let m = new Middle() m.use(m1) m.use(m2) m.use(m3) m.use(m4) m.work()
let fns = [m1, m2, m3, m4, m5] fns.reduceRight((fn1, fn2) => () => fn2(fn1), () => {})() // 相当于 fns.reduceRight((fn1, fn2) => { return () => fn2(fn1) }, () => {})() // 结合之前定义的 m1, m2, m3, m4, m5, 得到结果 // Enter the middle1 // Enter the middle2 // Enter the middle3 // Enter the middle4 // Exit the middle4 // Exit the middle3 // Exit the middle2 // Exit the middle1
其实那段 reduceRight,本来是写成 while 的
let fns = [m1, m2, m3, m4, m5] let next = () => {} while(fns.length > 0){ let fn = fns.pop() next = () => fn(next) } next() // 一直输出 Enter the middle1
let fns = [m1, m2, m3, m4, m5] let next = () => {} while (fns.length > 0) { let fn = fns.pop() next = function (fn, next) { return () => fn(next) }(fn, next) } next() // 输出结果符合预期
class Middle { constructor() { this.funcs = [] this.middlewares = [] } use(fn) { this.funcs.push(fn) return this } next(fn) { if (this.middlewares && this.middlewares.length > 0) { let ware = this.middlewares.shift() ware.call(this, this.next.bind(this)) } } work() { this.middlewares = this.funcs.map(f => f) this.next() } }
m4 = m4.bind(null, m5) m3 = m3.bind(null, m4) m2 = m2.bind(null, m3) m1 = m1.bind(null, m2) m1() // 或者 m1.call(null, m2.bind(null, m3.bind(null, m4.bind(null, m5))))
let m = new Middle() m.use(m1) m.use(m2) m.use(m3) m.use(m4) m.use(m5) m.work()
执行 m.work() 后,
执行 m.next()
从 m.middlewares 中取出 m1
执行 m1.call(m, m.next)
执行 m1 函数体内
console.log("Enter the middle1")
然后遇到 next()
实际上执行了 m.next()
从 m.middlewares 中取出 m2
执行 m2.call(m, m.next)
执行 m2 函数体内
console.log("Enter the middle2")
然后遇到 next()
实际上执行了 m.next()
从 m.middlewares 中取出 m3
执行 m3.call(m, m.next)
执行 m3 函数体内
console.log("Enter the middle3")
共享数据class Middle { constructor() { this.funcs = [] this.middlewares = [] this.options = null } use(fn) { this.funcs.push(fn) return this } next(fn) { if (this.middlewares && this.middlewares.length > 0) { let ware = this.middlewares.shift() ware.call(this, this.options, this.next.bind(this)) } } work(options) { this.middlewares = this.funcs.map(f => f) this.options = options this.next() } }
function m1(options, next) { console.log("Enter the middle1") console.log(options.name) next() console.log("Exit the middle1") } function m2(options, next) { options.name = "m2" console.log("Enter the middle2") console.log(options.name) next() console.log("Exit the middle2") } function m3(options, next) { options.name = "m3" console.log("Enter the middle3") console.log(options.name) next() console.log("Exit the middle3") } function m4(options, next) { console.log("Enter the middle4") console.log(options.name) console.log("Exit the middle4") } function m5(options, next) { console.log("Enter the middle5") next() console.log("Exit the middle5") } let m = new Middle() m.use(m1) m.use(m2) m.use(m3) m.use(m4) m.use(m5) m.work({ name: "m" }) // Enter the middle1 // m // Enter the middle2 // m2 // Enter the middle3 // m3 // Enter the middle4 // Exit the middle4 // Exit the middle3 // Exit the middle2 // Exit the middle1
let fns = [m1, m2, m3, m4, m5] let next = () => {} let options = { name: "m" } while (fns.length > 0) { let fn = fns.pop() next = function (fn, options, next) { return () => fn(options, next) }(fn, options, next) } next()
let options = { name: "m" } m4 = m4.bind(null, options, m5) m3 = m3.bind(null, options, m4) m2 = m2.bind(null, options, m3) m1 = m1.bind(null, options, m2) m1() // 相当于 fns.reduceRight((fn1, fn2) => fn2.bind(null, options, fn1))()
let options = { name: "m" } m44 = () => m4(options, m5) m33 = () => m3(options, m44) m22 = () => m2(options, m33) m11 = () => m1(options, m22) m11() // 相当于 fns.reduceRight((fn1, fn2) => { return () => fn2(options, fn1) }, () => {})() // 再精炼的话 fns.reduceRight((fn1, fn2) => () => fn2(options, fn1), () => {})() // 感觉我3min以后就不认得自己写的代码了
fn.bind(null, args) 和 return () => fn(args) 在一些场合,功能相同
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摘要:原作者原博文地址基于多入口生成模板用于服务端渲染的方案及实战法律声明警告本作品遵循署名非商业性使用禁止演绎未本地化版本协议发布。这是什么背景现代化的前端项目中很多都使用了客户端渲染的单页面应用。 原作者:@LinuxerPHL原博文地址: 基于 Webpack 4 多入口生成模板用于服务端渲染的方案及实战 法律声明 警告:本作品遵循 署名-非商业性使用-禁止演绎3.0 未本地化版本(...
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