Airbnb JavaScript Style 阅读注解
注意:本文假定你正在使用 Babel,并且要求你使用 babel-preset-airbnb或者其替代品。同时,假定你已经通过airbnb-browser-shims或者其替代品安装 shims/polyfills 在你的app内。
Airbnb JavaScript Style Guide Origin
Airbnb JavaScript Style Guide In Chinese
如果您想了解并使用 babel with airbnb?
Babel with Airbnb
- `string` - `number` - `boolean` - `null` - `undefined` - `symbol`
const foo = 1; let bar = foo; bar = 9; console.log(foo, bar); // => 1, 9
- `object` - `array` - `function`
const foo = [1, 2]; const bar = foo; bar[0] = 9; console.log(foo[0], bar[0]); // => 9, 9➰symbol
Symbol()的声明,因为 Symbol()返回值是一个类似于字符串的基本类型,不是一个对象,所以不能使用 new 命令
let ylone = Symbol(); typeof(ylone); ? "symbol" //为声明加上描述 let ylone1 = Symbol("hello"); ylone1; ? Symbol(hello);
无论是不加描述,还是所加的描述相同, Symbol() 函数的返回值都不相同
Symbol.for("key") 也会返回一个Symbol,但是Symbol.for()采用登记机制(会被登记在全局环境中供搜索),如果之前key已经存在,则直接返回该值,否则新建一个值。比如,如果你调用 Symbol.for("cat")30 次,每次都会返回同一个Symbol值,但是调用Symbol("cat")30 次,会返回 30 个不同的Symbol值。
对象中使用Symbol()。通过对比之前通过 a["string"] 的方式,相当于多了一步转换,来保证属性命名的安全。
let mySymbol = Symbol(); // 第一种写法 let a = {}; a[mySymbol] = "Hello!"; // 第二种写法 let a = { [mySymbol]: "Hello!" }; // 第三种写法 let a = {}; Object.defineProperty(a, mySymbol, { value: "Hello!" }); a[mySymbol] ? "hello!"
注意,由于 . 运算符后面总是字符串,所以Symbol() 不支持点式声明对象属性。在对象内部使用 [symbol] 这样的写法也是这个道理
References(引用)声明创建一个值时用 const 而不用 var,这样可以保证你声明的值不会被重定义
// bad var a = 1; var b = 2; // good const a = 1; const b = 2;
如果需要改变声明所创建的值,用let而不是var,因为 let 是块级作用域元素, var 是函数作用域元素
// bad var count = 1; if (true) { count += 1; } // good, use the let. let count = 1; if (true) { count += 1; }
注意,let和const 都是块级作用域函数,他们都只存在于他们被定义的块中
// const and let only exist in the blocks they are defined in. { let a = 1; const b = 1; } console.log(a); // ReferenceError console.log(b); // ReferenceError➰const,let,block-scoped,function-scoped
块级作用域的常量,此声明创建一个常量,其作用域可以是全局或本地声明的块。声明时需要指定其值作为一个常数的初始化器。一般情况下, const 声明的值不能改变,但是对象元素可以改变其属性,数组元素可以向其中添加值,但是不能重新赋值
const a = 100; a = 10; ? Uncaught TypeError: Assignment to constant variable const a = []; a.push("a"); ✔ a = ["a"]; ? Uncaught TypeError: Assignment to constant variable const obj = {"name":"ylone"}; obj["name"] = "yh"; ✔ obj = {"name":"yh"}; ? Uncaught TypeError: Assignment to constant variable
注意,chrome30严格模式下不能使用,const(Uncaught SyntaxError: Use of const in strict mode. )
var q = 1; var w = 2; if(true){ var q = 11; let w = 22; console.log(q,w); ?(11,22) } console.log(q,w); ?(11,2)
在其他类C语言中,由 {} 封闭的代码块即为 block-scoped,{..block-scoped..}
if(true){ var a = 100; } a; ? 100 if(true){ let b = 100; } b; ? Uncaught ReferenceError: b is not defined
如果是类C语言中,a 会在if语句执行完毕后销毁,但是在javascript中,if中的变量声明会将变脸那个添加到当前的执行环境中,这里可以看出 var与let的区别,var 声明的变量会自动被添加到最接近的执行环境中,let声明的变量则只会存在与块级作用域中
Objects(对象)直接使用 {} 来创建对象,因为这样更加简洁,性能上和 new Object() 也没差
// bad const item = new Object(); // good const item = {};
function getKey(k) { return `a key named ${k}`; } // bad const obj = { id: 5, name: "San Francisco", }; obj[getKey("enabled")] = true; // good const obj = { id: 5, name: "San Francisco", [getKey("enabled")]: true, };
// bad const atom = { value: 1, addValue: function (value) { return atom.value + value; }, }; // good const atom = { value: 1, addValue(value) { return atom.value + value; }, };
const lukeSkywalker = "Luke Skywalker"; // bad const obj = { lukeSkywalker: lukeSkywalker, }; // good const obj = { lukeSkywalker, };
const anakinSkywalker = "Anakin Skywalker"; const lukeSkywalker = "Luke Skywalker"; // bad const obj = { episodeOne: 1, twoJediWalkIntoACantina: 2, lukeSkywalker, episodeThree: 3, mayTheFourth: 4, anakinSkywalker, }; // good const obj = { lukeSkywalker, anakinSkywalker, episodeOne: 1, twoJediWalkIntoACantina: 2, episodeThree: 3, mayTheFourth: 4, };
// bad const bad = { "foo": 3, "bar": 4, "data-blah": 5, }; // good const good = { foo: 3, bar: 4, "data-blah": 5, };
不要直接调用Object.prototype下的方法,比如 hasOwnProperty,isPrototypeOf,propertyIsEnumerable等,因为这些方法可能被覆盖{ hasOwnProperty: false } ,或者对象为空报错
// bad console.log(object.hasOwnProperty(key)); // good console.log(Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(object, key)); // best const has = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; // cache the lookup once, in module scope. /* or */ import has from "has"; // https://www.npmjs.com/package/has // ... console.log(has.call(object, key));
用对象扩散运算符和对象剩余运算符,而不是 Object.assign 来进行浅拷贝操作
// very bad const original = { a: 1, b: 2 }; const copy = Object.assign(original, { c: 3 }); // this mutates `original` ಠ_ಠ delete copy.a; // so does this // bad const original = { a: 1, b: 2 }; const copy = Object.assign({}, original, { c: 3 }); // copy => { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 } // good const original = { a: 1, b: 2 }; const copy = { ...original, c: 3 }; // copy => { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 } // noA => { b: 2, c: 3 }➰call,assign(),...
Function.prototype.call(),调用一个函数,其具有指定的 this 值和参数列表。注意,该方法和 apply() 方法类似,区别在于 apply() 传参为一个包含多个参数的数组。可以让call()中的对象调用当前对象所拥有的function。
使用 call() 调用父构造函数,在一个子构造函数中,你可以通过调用父构造函数的 call 方法来实现继承,类似于Java中的写法
//父构造函数,写一些公用的方法和属性 function a(v1,v2){ this.name = v1; this.cool = v2; } //子构造函数,可以继承父构造函数的方法和属性,同时可以有私有的方法和属性 function b(v1,v2,v3){ a.call(this,v1,v2); this.sex = v3; } var v1 = new a("ylone",true); var v2 = new b("ylone",true,"male"); v1; ? {name: "ylone", cool: true} v2; ? {name: "ylone", cool: true, sex: "male"}
使用 call() 调用匿名函数,将参数作为指定的 this值,传进匿名函数。同时也可以传递普通参数。
var i = 1; (function(i){console.log(this,i)}).call(Math.random(),i); ? 0.9604319664333041 1
使用 call() 调用函数并且指定执行环境的this
function a(){ console.log(this.name + " is " + this.cool); }; var i = {name: "ylone", cool: "cool"}; a.call(i); ? ylone is cool
和 $.extend()类似,用于对象的合并,将源对象内所有可枚举的属性拷贝到目标对象,注意如果源数据不是对象,则先会转换成对象;如果是null或者undefined等不能转换成对象的类型,则根据其位置进行跳过或者报错。
Object.assign(null); ? Uncaught TypeError: Cannot convert undefined or null to object Object.assign(1,null); ? Number {1}
var v1 = {a:{b:"b"}}; var v2 = Object.assign({},v1); v1.a.b = "c"; v2.a.b; ? "c"
Object.assign() 处理数组,会先把数组转换成对象,将其视为属性名为 0、1、2 的对象,因此源数组的 0 号属性4覆盖了目标数组的 0 号属性1。
Object.assign([1, 2, 3], [4, 5]); ? Object.assign({0:1,1:2,2:3},{0:4,1:5}); ? {0:4,1:5,2:3} ? [4,5,3]
对象扩散运算符和对象剩余运算符都用 ... 表示,可以理解为“脱衣服”方法
数组转换,将数组转换成逗号分隔的参数序列,注意,其返回值并不是某个基本类型,所以该方法多用于函数参数设置,代替 apply() 方法。对于很多参数不能接受数组的方法提供了便利。
...[1,2,3] ? Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected number [...[1,2,3]] ? [1, 2, 3] [1,...[2,3],4] ? [1, 2, 3, 4] //Math.max()不支持数组传参,之前通过apply()进行转换 Math.max.apply(null,[1,2,3]) ? 3 //现在可以利用 ... 直接进行转换 Math.max(...[1,2,3]) ? 3Arrays(数组)
使用 [] 来创建数组
// bad const items = new Array(); // good const items = [];
使用 push() 而不是直接给数组项赋值
const someStack = []; // bad someStack[someStack.length] = "abracadabra"; // good someStack.push("abracadabra");
使用 ... 拷贝数组
// bad const len = items.length; const itemsCopy = []; let i; for (i = 0; i < len; i += 1) { itemsCopy[i] = items[i]; } // good const itemsCopy = [...items];
使用 ... 将数组对象转换为数组
const foo = document.querySelectorAll(".foo"); // good const nodes = Array.from(foo); // best const nodes = [...foo];
用 array.from() 而不是 ... 遍历迭代器,这样避免产生了中间变量
// bad const baz = [...foo].map(bar); // good const baz = Array.from(foo, bar);
// good [1, 2, 3].map((x) => { const y = x + 1; return x * y; }); // good [1, 2, 3].map(x => x + 1); // bad - no returned value means `memo` becomes undefined after the first iteration [[0, 1], [2, 3], [4, 5]].reduce((memo, item, index) => { const flatten = memo.concat(item); memo[index] = flatten; }); // good [[0, 1], [2, 3], [4, 5]].reduce((memo, item, index) => { const flatten = memo.concat(item); memo[index] = flatten; return flatten; }); // bad inbox.filter((msg) => { const { subject, author } = msg; if (subject === "Mockingbird") { return author === "Harper Lee"; } else { return false; } }); // good inbox.filter((msg) => { const { subject, author } = msg; if (subject === "Mockingbird") { return author === "Harper Lee"; } return false; });
// bad const arr = [ [0, 1], [2, 3], [4, 5], ]; const objectInArray = [{ id: 1, }, { id: 2, }]; const numberInArray = [ 1, 2, ]; // good const arr = [[0, 1], [2, 3], [4, 5]]; const objectInArray = [ { id: 1, }, { id: 2, }, ]; const numberInArray = [ 1, 2, ];➰Array.from()
Array.from() 方法从一个类似数组(一个对象必须有length属性)或可迭代对象中创建一个新的数组实例,比如 array,map,set,string
//数组 const arr = ["1","2","3"]; Array.from(arr); ? ["1", "2", "3"] //字符串 const str = "ylone"; Array.from(str); ? ["y", "l", "o", "n", "e"] //map对象 const m1 = new Map(); m1.set("v1",1); m2.set("v2",2); m2; ? {"v1" => 1, "v2" => 2} Array.from(m2); ? [["v1",1],["v2",2]] //json对象 const j = {"v1":1,"v2":2}; j.length; ? undefined Array.from(j); ? []
Array.from(arrayLike, mapFn, thisArg)
Array.from([1,2,3], function(n){return n+1}) ? [2, 3, 4]Destructuring(解构)
// bad function getFullName(user) { const firstName = user.firstName; const lastName = user.lastName; return `${firstName} ${lastName}`; } // good function getFullName(user) { const { firstName, lastName } = user; return `${firstName} ${lastName}`; } // best function getFullName({ firstName, lastName }) { return `${firstName} ${lastName}`; }
const arr = [1, 2, 3, 4]; // bad const first = arr[0]; const second = arr[1]; // good const [first, second] = arr;
// bad function processInput(input) { return [left, right, top, bottom]; } // the caller needs to think about the order of return data const [left, __, top] = processInput(input); // good function processInput(input) { return { left, right, top, bottom }; } // the caller selects only the data they need const { left, top } = processInput(input);➰Destructuring
//数组解构 const arr = [1,[2,3],4]; const [a,[b,c],d] = arr; a,b,c,d; ? 1,2,3,4 //函数传参 var arr = [1, 2, 3]; function fn1([a, b, c]) { return a+b+c; } fn1(arr); ? 6Strings(字符串)
使用单引号 ""
// bad const name = "Capt. Janeway"; // bad - template literals should contain interpolation or newlines const name = `Capt. Janeway`; // good const name = "Capt. Janeway";
// bad const errorMessage = "This is a super long error that was thrown because of Batman. When you stop to think about how Batman had anything to do with this, you would get nowhere fast."; // bad const errorMessage = "This is a super long error that was thrown because " + "of Batman. When you stop to think about how Batman had anything to do " + "with this, you would get nowhere fast."; // good const errorMessage = "This is a super long error that was thrown because of Batman. When you stop to think about how Batman had anything to do with this, you would get nowhere fast.";
// bad function sayHi(name) { return "How are you, " + name + "?"; } // bad function sayHi(name) { return ["How are you, ", name, "?"].join(); } // bad function sayHi(name) { return `How are you, ${ name }?`; } // good function sayHi(name) { return `How are you, ${name}?`; }
在字符串中不要随意使用 ,因为它影响可读性,同时可能与转义符产生影响
// bad const foo = ""this" is "quoted""; // good const foo = ""this" is "quoted""; const foo = `my name is "${name}"`;Functions(函数)
// bad function foo() { // ... } // bad const foo = function () { // ... }; // good // lexical name distinguished from the variable-referenced invocation(s) const short = function longUniqueMoreDescriptiveLexicalFoo() { // ... };
在 () 创建的函数需要立即调用,自调用函数相当于一个独立模块。事实上,IIFE很少在项目中使用
// immediately-invoked function expression (IIFE) (function () { console.log("Welcome to the Internet. Please follow me."); }());
ECMA-262 定义 ‘块’ 表示一个语句列表,函数声明并不是一个语句,跟上一点类似
// bad if (currentUser) { function test() { console.log("Nope."); } } // good let test; if (currentUser) { test = () => { console.log("Yup."); }; }
永远不要给参数命名为 arguments,这将导致每个函数作用域的 arguments对象被优先替换
// bad function foo(name, options, arguments) { // ... } // good function foo(name, options, args) { // ... }
永远不要使用 arguments,而使用 ...,因为 arguments 只是类似数组
// bad function concatenateAll() { const args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments); return args.join(""); } // good function concatenateAll(...args) { return args.join(""); }
// really bad function handleThings(opts) { // No! We shouldn’t mutate function arguments. // Double bad: if opts is falsy it"ll be set to an object which may // be what you want but it can introduce subtle bugs. opts = opts || {}; // ... } // still bad function handleThings(opts) { if (opts === void 0) { opts = {}; } // ... } // good function handleThings(opts = {}) { // ... }
var b = 1; // bad function count(a = b++) { console.log(a); } count(); // 1 count(); // 2 count(3); // 3 count(); // 3
// bad function handleThings(opts = {}, name) { // ... } // good function handleThings(name, opts = {}) { // ... }
永远不要使用 Function 构造函数来创建一个新的函数,因为它和 eval() 沆瀣一气
// bad var add = new Function("a", "b", "return a + b"); // still bad var subtract = Function("a", "b", "return a - b");
// bad const f = function(){}; const g = function (){}; const h = function() {}; // good const x = function () {}; const y = function a() {};
// bad function f1(obj) { obj.key = 1; } // good function f2(obj) { const key = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, "key") ? obj.key : 1; }
// bad function f1(a) { a = 1; // ... } function f2(a) { if (!a) { a = 1; } // ... } // good function f3(a) { const b = a || 1; // ... } function f4(a = 1) { // ... }
优先使用 ... 来调用可变参数函数,因为 ... 很干净,不需要提供上下文环境,并且你不能轻易地使用 apply()和 new方法
// bad const x = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]; console.log.apply(console, x); // good const x = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]; console.log(...x); // bad new (Function.prototype.bind.apply(Date, [null, 2016, 8, 5])); // good new Date(...[2016, 8, 5]);
使用函数如果有多行签名或者调用,应该每个 item 多带带放一行,并在最后一项放置一个尾随逗号
// bad function foo(bar, baz, quux) { // ... } // good function foo( bar, baz, quux, ) { // ... } // bad console.log(foo, bar, baz); // good console.log( foo, bar, baz, );➰Default Function Parameter
函数形式:function(name){param1 = defaultValue1,...,paramN = defaultValueN}
JavaScript中函数的参数默认是 undefined
const a = function test(v1,v2=1){ return v1*v2; } a(5,5); ? 25 a(5); ? 5 a(void 0,5); ? NaN
可以看出,当设置了函数默认参数后,如果传参为 undefined,则会用默认参数替换,否则为原传参值
const b = function test([a,b]=[1,2],{c:c}={c:3}){ return a+b+c; } b(); ? 6 b([2,3],4); ? 9 b(void 0,4); ? 9 b([void 0,3],4); ? NaNArrow Functions(箭头函数)
// bad [1, 2, 3].map(function (x) { const y = x + 1; return x * y; }); // good [1, 2, 3].map((x) => { const y = x + 1; return x * y; });
// bad [1, 2, 3].map(number => { const nextNumber = number + 1; `A string containing the ${nextNumber}.`; }); // good [1, 2, 3].map(number => `A string containing the ${number}.`); // good [1, 2, 3].map((number) => { const nextNumber = number + 1; return `A string containing the ${nextNumber}.`; }); // good [1, 2, 3].map((number, index) => ({ [index]: number, })); // No implicit return with side effects function foo(callback) { const val = callback(); if (val === true) { // Do something if callback returns true } } let bool = false; // bad foo(() => bool = true); // good foo(() => { bool = true; });
// bad ["get", "post", "put"].map(httpMethod => Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call( httpMagicObjectWithAVeryLongName, httpMethod, ) ); // good ["get", "post", "put"].map(httpMethod => ( Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call( httpMagicObjectWithAVeryLongName, httpMethod, ) ));
// bad [1, 2, 3].map((x) => x * x); // good [1, 2, 3].map(x => x * x); // good [1, 2, 3].map(number => ( `A long string with the ${number}. It’s so long that we don’t want it to take up space on the .map line!` )); // bad [1, 2, 3].map(x => { const y = x + 1; return x * y; }); // good [1, 2, 3].map((x) => { const y = x + 1; return x * y; });
// bad const itemHeight = item => item.height > 256 ? item.largeSize : item.smallSize; // bad const itemHeight = (item) => item.height > 256 ? item.largeSize : item.smallSize; // good const itemHeight = item => (item.height > 256 ? item.largeSize : item.smallSize); // good const itemHeight = (item) => { const { height, largeSize, smallSize } = item; return height > 256 ? largeSize : smallSize; };➰arrow Function
箭头函数表达式的语法比函数表达式更短,并且不绑定自己的this,arguments,super或 new.target。这些函数表达式最适合用于非方法函数,并且它们不能用作构造函数
const 函数名 = (参数...) => {函数声明}||表达式
执行体为函数声明时需要加上 {},参数的规则参看上文内容
//支持解构函数 const f = ([a,b]=[1,2],{c:c}={c:3})=>a+b+c; f(); ? 6;Classes & Constructors(类与构造函数)
避免直接使用 prototype , 多用 class。因为 class语法更加简洁和且阅读性更棒
// bad function Queue(contents = []) { this.queue = [...contents]; } Queue.prototype.pop = function () { const value = this.queue[0]; this.queue.splice(0, 1); return value; }; // good class Queue { constructor(contents = []) { this.queue = [...contents]; } pop() { const value = this.queue[0]; this.queue.splice(0, 1); return value; } }
使用 extends 实现继承,因为这是继承原型的内置功能
// bad const inherits = require("inherits"); function PeekableQueue(contents) { Queue.apply(this, contents); } inherits(PeekableQueue, Queue); PeekableQueue.prototype.peek = function () { return this.queue[0]; }; // good class PeekableQueue extends Queue { peek() { return this.queue[0]; } }
方法可以通过返回 this 来优化方法链
// bad Jedi.prototype.jump = function () { this.jumping = true; return true; }; Jedi.prototype.setHeight = function (height) { this.height = height; }; const luke = new Jedi(); luke.jump(); // => true luke.setHeight(20); // => undefined // good class Jedi { jump() { this.jumping = true; return this; } setHeight(height) { this.height = height; return this; } } const luke = new Jedi(); luke.jump() luke.setHeight(20);
写一个通用的 toString() 方法也没问题,但是需要保证其能执行且没有其他影响
class Jedi { constructor(options = {}) { this.name = options.name || "no name"; } getName() { return this.name; } toString() { return `Jedi - ${this.getName()}`; } }
// bad class Jedi { constructor() {} getName() { return this.name; } } // bad class Rey extends Jedi { constructor(...args) { super(...args); } } // good class Rey extends Jedi { constructor(...args) { super(...args); this.name = "Rey"; } }
// bad class Foo { bar() { return 1; } bar() { return 2; } } // good class Foo { bar() { return 1; } } // good class Foo { bar() { return 2; } }Modules(模块)
// bad const AirbnbStyleGuide = require("./AirbnbStyleGuide"); module.exports = AirbnbStyleGuide.es6; // ok import AirbnbStyleGuide from "./AirbnbStyleGuide"; export default AirbnbStyleGuide.es6; // best import { es6 } from "./AirbnbStyleGuide"; export default es6;
// bad import * as AirbnbStyleGuide from "./AirbnbStyleGuide"; // good import AirbnbStyleGuide from "./AirbnbStyleGuide";
// bad // filename es6.js export { es6 as default } from "./AirbnbStyleGuide"; // good // filename es6.js import { es6 } from "./AirbnbStyleGuide"; export default es6;
// bad import foo from "foo"; // … some other imports … // import { named1, named2 } from "foo"; // good import foo, { named1, named2 } from "foo"; // good import foo, { named1, named2, } from "foo";
// bad let foo = 3; export { foo }; // good const foo = 3; export { foo };
// bad export function foo() {} // good export default function foo() {}
// bad import foo from "foo"; foo.init(); import bar from "bar"; // good import foo from "foo"; import bar from "bar"; foo.init();
多行导入应该项多行数组和对象一样缩进,这样保持 {} 内容的一致性
// bad import {longNameA, longNameB, longNameC, longNameD, longNameE} from "path"; // good import { longNameA, longNameB, longNameC, longNameD, longNameE, } from "path";
导出语句中不允许出现 webpack 加载器语法。因为导入中使用加载器语法会将代码耦合到模块打包器中,,更建议使用 webpack.config.js
// bad import fooSass from "css!sass!foo.scss"; import barCss from "style!css!bar.css"; // good import fooSass from "foo.scss"; import barCss from "bar.css";Iterators and Generators(迭代器和发生器)
不要使用迭代器,更推荐使用javascript的高阶方法而不是 for-in,for-of 这些。使用 map(),every(),filter(),find(),findIndex(),reduce(),some() 等遍历数组,以及Object.keys(),Object.values(),Object.entries()去生成数组,以便迭代对象。因为处理返回值的纯函数更容易定位问题
const numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]; // bad let sum = 0; for (let num of numbers) { sum += num; } sum === 15; // good let sum = 0; numbers.forEach((num) => { sum += num; }); sum === 15; // best (use the functional force) const sum = numbers.reduce((total, num) => total + num, 0); sum === 15; // bad const increasedByOne = []; for (let i = 0; i < numbers.length; i++) { increasedByOne.push(numbers[i] + 1); } // good const increasedByOne = []; numbers.forEach((num) => { increasedByOne.push(num + 1); }); // best (keeping it functional) const increasedByOne = numbers.map(num => num + 1);
如果你一定要用发生器,一定要注意关键字符的间距,举个例子,function* 是一个不同于 function 的独特构造,并且 *是其构造的一部分
// bad function * foo() { // ... } // bad const bar = function * () { // ... }; // bad const baz = function *() { // ... }; // bad const quux = function*() { // ... }; // bad function*foo() { // ... } // bad function *foo() { // ... } // very bad function* foo() { // ... } // very bad const wat = function* () { // ... }; // good function* foo() { // ... } // good const foo = function* () { // ... };Properties(属性)
通过常量访问属性的时候使用 .
const luke = { jedi: true, age: 28, }; // bad const isJedi = luke["jedi"]; // good const isJedi = luke.jedi;
通过变量访问属性的时候用 []
const luke = { jedi: true, age: 28, }; function getProp(prop) { return luke[prop]; } const isJedi = getProp("jedi");
使用 ** 进行指数运算
// bad const binary = Math.pow(2, 10); // good const binary = 2 ** 10;Variables(变量)
总是使用 const 或者 let 来声明变量,这样做可以避免污染全局命名空间
// bad superPower = new SuperPower(); // good const superPower = new SuperPower();
每个变量声明都对应一个 const 或者 let。这样做,可以独立的声明每一个变量,而不需要考虑 ;和,的关系,同时也方便对每个声明进行调试,而不是跳过所有的声明
// bad const items = getItems(), goSportsTeam = true, dragonball = "z"; // bad // (compare to above, and try to spot the mistake) const items = getItems(), goSportsTeam = true; dragonball = "z"; // good const items = getItems(); const goSportsTeam = true; const dragonball = "z";
对 let 和 const 进行分组,这样增强代码可读性
// bad let i, len, dragonball, items = getItems(), goSportsTeam = true; // bad let i; const items = getItems(); let dragonball; const goSportsTeam = true; let len; // good const goSportsTeam = true; const items = getItems(); let dragonball; let i; let length;
在需要的地方声明变量,因为 const 和 let 是块作用域而不是函数作用域
// bad - unnecessary function call function checkName(hasName) { const name = getName(); if (hasName === "test") { return false; } if (name === "test") { this.setName(""); return false; } return name; } // good function checkName(hasName) { if (hasName === "test") { return false; } const name = getName(); if (name === "test") { this.setName(""); return false; } return name; }
// bad (function example() { // JavaScript interprets this as // let a = ( b = ( c = 1 ) ); // The let keyword only applies to variable a; variables b and c become // global variables. let a = b = c = 1; }()); console.log(a); // throws ReferenceError console.log(b); // 1 console.log(c); // 1 // good (function example() { let a = 1; let b = a; let c = a; }()); console.log(a); // throws ReferenceError console.log(b); // throws ReferenceError console.log(c); // throws ReferenceError // the same applies for `const`
不要使用一元递增和递减操作符(++,--),因为一元递增和一元递减可能受到分号插入的影响,并且可能导致应用中的值递增或者递减,并且不会报错。使用 num += 1 类似的语句也更加有表现力,并且可以避免预先递增或者递减从而导致程序发生意外
// bad const array = [1, 2, 3]; let num = 1; num++; --num; let sum = 0; let truthyCount = 0; for (let i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { let value = array[i]; sum += value; if (value) { truthyCount++; } } // good const array = [1, 2, 3]; let num = 1; num += 1; num -= 1; const sum = array.reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0); const truthyCount = array.filter(Boolean).length; ```Hoisting(变量提升)
var 声明被置于函数作用域的顶部,但是他们的赋值不是, const和let声明会被置于一个新概念TDZ内。因此, typeof() 方法不再安全
// we know this wouldn’t work (assuming there // is no notDefined global variable) function example() { console.log(notDefined); // => throws a ReferenceError } // creating a variable declaration after you // reference the variable will work due to // variable hoisting. Note: the assignment // value of `true` is not hoisted. function example() { console.log(declaredButNotAssigned); // => undefined var declaredButNotAssigned = true; } // the interpreter is hoisting the variable // declaration to the top of the scope, // which means our example could be rewritten as: function example() { let declaredButNotAssigned; console.log(declaredButNotAssigned); // => undefined declaredButNotAssigned = true; } // using const and let function example() { console.log(declaredButNotAssigned); // => throws a ReferenceError console.log(typeof declaredButNotAssigned); // => throws a ReferenceError const declaredButNotAssigned = true; }
function example() { console.log(anonymous); // => undefined anonymous(); // => TypeError anonymous is not a function var anonymous = function () { console.log("anonymous function expression"); }; }
function example() { console.log(named); // => undefined named(); // => TypeError named is not a function superPower(); // => ReferenceError superPower is not defined var named = function superPower() { console.log("Flying"); }; } // the same is true when the function name // is the same as the variable name. function example() { console.log(named); // => undefined named(); // => TypeError named is not a function var named = function named() { console.log("named"); }; }
function example() { superPower(); // => Flying function superPower() { console.log("Flying"); } }Comparison Operators & Equality(比较操作符和等号)
使用 ===,!== 取代 ==,!=
条件语句比如 if 会强制使用 ToBoolean 抽象方法来进行转换,并且遵循以下规则:
Objects 转换为 true
Undefined 转换为 false
Null 转换为 false
Booleans 转换为 the value of the boolean
Numbers 转换为 false 如果是 +0, -0, or NaN, 其余为 true
Strings 转换为 false 如果是空字符串 "", 其余为 true
if ([0] && []) { // true // an array (even an empty one) is an object, objects will evaluate to true }
// bad if (isValid === true) { // ... } // good if (isValid) { // ... } // bad if (name) { // ... } // good if (name !== "") { // ... } // bad if (collection.length) { // ... } // good if (collection.length > 0) { // ... }
在 switch 语句中的 case 和 default 使用 {} 来创建块,比如let, const, function, class 也是如此。因为在整个 switch 块中词法声明是随处可见的,但是只有在赋值时才会被初始化,且只有 case 值达到时才会发生。但是当多个 case 子句试图定义相同的东西时,就会发生问题
// bad switch (foo) { case 1: let x = 1; break; case 2: const y = 2; break; case 3: function f() { // ... } break; default: class C {} } // good switch (foo) { case 1: { let x = 1; break; } case 2: { const y = 2; break; } case 3: { function f() { // ... } break; } case 4: bar(); break; default: { class C {} } }
// bad const foo = maybe1 > maybe2 ? "bar" : value1 > value2 ? "baz" : null; // split into 2 separated ternary expressions const maybeNull = value1 > value2 ? "baz" : null; // better const foo = maybe1 > maybe2 ? "bar" : maybeNull; // best const foo = maybe1 > maybe2 ? "bar" : maybeNull;
// bad const foo = a ? a : b; const bar = c ? true : false; const baz = c ? false : true; // good const foo = a || b; const bar = !!c; const baz = !c;
当多个运算符混在一个语句中时,将需要的运算符括在括号里面,并且用括号区分开 **,%与 +,-,*,/,这样代码更加有可读性,并且澄清了开发者的意图
// bad const foo = a && b < 0 || c > 0 || d + 1 === 0; // bad const bar = a ** b - 5 % d; // bad // one may be confused into thinking (a || b) && c if (a || b && c) { return d; } // good const foo = (a && b < 0) || c > 0 || (d + 1 === 0); // good const bar = (a ** b) - (5 % d); // good if (a || (b && c)) { return d; } // good const bar = a + b / c * d;Blocks(块)
所有的多行块都要用 {}
// bad if (test) return false; // good if (test) return false; // good if (test) { return false; } // bad function foo() { return false; } // good function bar() { return false; }
如果使用 if else, else 需要和 if 的 } 在同一行
// bad if (test) { thing1(); thing2(); } else { thing3(); } // good if (test) { thing1(); thing2(); } else { thing3(); }
如果一个 if else 语句内每个代码块都用了 return 语句,那么 else 语句就没有必要,分成多个 if 语句就行了
// bad function foo() { if (x) { return x; } else { return y; } } // bad function cats() { if (x) { return x; } else if (y) { return y; } } // bad function dogs() { if (x) { return x; } else { if (y) { return y; } } } // good function foo() { if (x) { return x; } return y; } // good function cats() { if (x) { return x; } if (y) { return y; } } //good function dogs(x) { if (x) { if (z) { return y; } } else { return z; } }Control Statements(控制语句)
如果你的控制语句,比如 if,while等很长,或者超过了行宽,你可以对其中的内容进行换行,但是需要注意,逻辑运算符需要放在行首
// bad if ((foo === 123 || bar === "abc") && doesItLookGoodWhenItBecomesThatLong() && isThisReallyHappening()) { thing1(); } // bad if (foo === 123 && bar === "abc") { thing1(); } // bad if (foo === 123 && bar === "abc") { thing1(); } // bad if ( foo === 123 && bar === "abc" ) { thing1(); } // good if ( foo === 123 && bar === "abc" ) { thing1(); } // good if ( (foo === 123 || bar === "abc") && doesItLookGoodWhenItBecomesThatLong() && isThisReallyHappening() ) { thing1(); } // good if (foo === 123 && bar === "abc") { thing1(); }Comments(注释)
多行注释使用 /** ... */
// bad // make() returns a new element // based on the passed in tag name // // @param {String} tag // @return {Element} element function make(tag) { // ... return element; } // good /** * make() returns a new element * based on the passed-in tag name */ function make(tag) { // ... return element; }
单行注释用 //,并且在注释内容的上一行,在注释语句之前要空一行,当然,如果注释在文件的第一行就不需要空行了
// bad const active = true; // is current tab // good // is current tab const active = true; // bad function getType() { console.log("fetching type..."); // set the default type to "no type" const type = this.type || "no type"; return type; } // good function getType() { console.log("fetching type..."); // set the default type to "no type" const type = this.type || "no type"; return type; } // also good function getType() { // set the default type to "no type" const type = this.type || "no type"; return type; }
// bad //is current tab const active = true; // good // is current tab const active = true; // bad /** *make() returns a new element *based on the passed-in tag name */ function make(tag) { // ... return element; } // good /** * make() returns a new element * based on the passed-in tag name */ function make(tag) { // ... return element; } - 为你的提交或者评论加上 `FIXME` 或者 `TODO` 的前缀,好让其他开发者迅速明白你的意思。 `FIXME`表示这个问题需要弄清楚,`TODO`表示这个问题需要解决 - 使用 `// FIXME` 去注释问题
class Calculator extends Abacus { constructor() { super(); // FIXME: shouldn’t use a global here total = 0; } } ```
使用 // TODO 去注释问题的解决方法
class Calculator extends Abacus { constructor() { super(); // TODO: total should be configurable by an options param this.total = 0; } }Whitespace(空格)
使用 tab 去设置两个空格
// bad function foo() { ∙∙∙∙let name; } // bad function bar() { ∙let name; } // good function baz() { ∙∙let name; }
使用 {} 之前空一格
// bad function test(){ console.log("test"); } // good function test() { console.log("test"); } // bad dog.set("attr",{ age: "1 year", breed: "Bernese Mountain Dog", }); // good dog.set("attr", { age: "1 year", breed: "Bernese Mountain Dog", });
判断语句(if,while)左括号之前加一个空格,在函数声明,函数调用,参数列表的 () 不需要空格
// bad if(isJedi) { fight (); } // good if (isJedi) { fight(); } // bad function fight () { console.log ("Swooosh!"); } // good function fight() { console.log("Swooosh!"); }
// bad const x=y+5; // good const x = y + 5;
// bad import { es6 } from "./AirbnbStyleGuide"; // ... export default es6;
// bad import { es6 } from "./AirbnbStyleGuide"; // ... export default es6;↵ ↵
// good import { es6 } from "./AirbnbStyleGuide"; // ... export default es6;↵
// bad $("#items").find(".selected").highlight().end().find(".open").updateCount(); // bad $("#items"). find(".selected"). highlight(). end(). find(".open"). updateCount(); // good $("#items") .find(".selected") .highlight() .end() .find(".open") .updateCount(); // bad const leds = stage.selectAll(".led").data(data).enter().append("svg:svg").classed("led", true) .attr("width", (radius + margin) * 2).append("svg:g") .attr("transform", `translate(${radius + margin},${radius + margin})`) .call(tron.led); // good const leds = stage.selectAll(".led") .data(data) .enter().append("svg:svg") .classed("led", true) .attr("width", (radius + margin) * 2) .append("svg:g") .attr("transform", `translate(${radius + margin},${radius + margin})`) .call(tron.led); // good const leds = stage.selectAll(".led").data(data);
// bad if (foo) { return bar; } return baz; // good if (foo) { return bar; } return baz; // bad const obj = { foo() { }, bar() { }, }; return obj; // good const obj = { foo() { }, bar() { }, }; return obj; // bad const arr = [ function foo() { }, function bar() { }, ]; return arr; // good const arr = [ function foo() { }, function bar() { }, ]; return arr;
// bad function bar() { console.log(foo); } // bad if (baz) { console.log(qux); } else { console.log(foo); } // bad class Foo { constructor(bar) { this.bar = bar; } } // good function bar() { console.log(foo); } // good if (baz) { console.log(qux); } else { console.log(foo); }
() 里面不要加空格
// bad function bar( foo ) { return foo; } // good function bar(foo) { return foo; } // bad if ( foo ) { console.log(foo); } // good if (foo) { console.log(foo); }
[] 不要随意加空格
// bad const foo = [ 1, 2, 3 ]; console.log(foo[ 0 ]); // good const foo = [1, 2, 3]; console.log(foo[0]);
{} 里面要加空格
// bad const foo = {clark: "kent"}; // good const foo = { clark: "kent" };
// bad const foo = jsonData && jsonData.foo && jsonData.foo.bar && jsonData.foo.bar.baz && jsonData.foo.bar.baz.quux && jsonData.foo.bar.baz.quux.xyzzy; // bad $.ajax({ method: "POST", url: "https://airbnb.com/", data: { name: "John" } }).done(() => console.log("Congratulations!")).fail(() => console.log("You have failed this city.")); // good const foo = jsonData && jsonData.foo && jsonData.foo.bar && jsonData.foo.bar.baz && jsonData.foo.bar.baz.quux && jsonData.foo.bar.baz.quux.xyzzy; // good $.ajax({ method: "POST", url: "https://airbnb.com/", data: { name: "John" }, }) .done(() => console.log("Congratulations!")) .fail(() => console.log("You have failed this city."));Commas(逗号)
// bad const story = [ once , upon , aTime ]; // good const story = [ once, upon, aTime, ]; // bad const hero = { firstName: "Ada" , lastName: "Lovelace" , birthYear: 1815 , superPower: "computers" }; // good const hero = { firstName: "Ada", lastName: "Lovelace", birthYear: 1815, superPower: "computers", };
有时需要附加的逗号,一是为了在 git 上能保持一致,因为 git 在增减之后都会带上逗号,二是一些像Babel这样的转译器会自动删除不必要的逗号,这意味着不必担心传统浏览器中的逗号尾随问题
// bad - git diff without trailing comma const hero = { firstName: "Florence", - lastName: "Nightingale" + lastName: "Nightingale", + inventorOf: ["coxcomb chart", "modern nursing"] }; // good - git diff with trailing comma const hero = { firstName: "Florence", lastName: "Nightingale", + inventorOf: ["coxcomb chart", "modern nursing"], }; // bad const hero = { firstName: "Dana", lastName: "Scully" }; const heroes = [ "Batman", "Superman" ]; // good const hero = { firstName: "Dana", lastName: "Scully", }; const heroes = [ "Batman", "Superman", ]; // bad function createHero( firstName, lastName, inventorOf ) { // does nothing } // good function createHero( firstName, lastName, inventorOf, ) { // does nothing } // good (note that a comma must not appear after a "rest" element) function createHero( firstName, lastName, inventorOf, ...heroArgs ) { // does nothing } // bad createHero( firstName, lastName, inventorOf ); // good createHero( firstName, lastName, inventorOf, ); // good (note that a comma must not appear after a "rest" element) createHero( firstName, lastName, inventorOf, ...heroArgs );Semicolons(分号)
在代码的结尾一定要用 ; 结尾,防止javascript的自动分号插入机制使整个程序报错
// bad - raises exception const luke = {} const leia = {} [luke, leia].forEach(jedi => jedi.father = "vader") // bad - raises exception const reaction = "No! That"s impossible!" (async function meanwhileOnTheFalcon(){ // handle `leia`, `lando`, `chewie`, `r2`, `c3p0` // ... }()) // bad - returns `undefined` instead of the value on the next line - always happens when `return` is on a line by itself because of ASI! function foo() { return "search your feelings, you know it to be foo" } // good const luke = {}; const leia = {}; [luke, leia].forEach((jedi) => { jedi.father = "vader"; }); // good const reaction = "No! That"s impossible!"; (async function meanwhileOnTheFalcon(){ // handle `leia`, `lando`, `chewie`, `r2`, `c3p0` // ... }()); // good function foo() { return "search your feelings, you know it to be foo"; }Type Casting & Coercion(强制类型转换)
String 类型
// => this.reviewScore = 9; // bad const totalScore = new String(this.reviewScore); // typeof totalScore is "object" not "string" // bad const totalScore = this.reviewScore + ""; // invokes this.reviewScore.valueOf() // bad const totalScore = this.reviewScore.toString(); // isn’t guaranteed to return a string // good const totalScore = String(this.reviewScore);
Number 类型,用 Number 或者 parseInt 进行强制转换,通常 parseInt 需要一个基数来解析字符串
const inputValue = "4"; // bad const val = new Number(inputValue); // bad const val = +inputValue; // bad const val = inputValue >> 0; // bad const val = parseInt(inputValue); // good const val = Number(inputValue); // good const val = parseInt(inputValue, 10);
如果 parseInt 是你代码的瓶颈,你不得不使用移位符来进行转换时,一定要在注释里面说明
// good /** * parseInt was the reason my code was slow. * Bitshifting the String to coerce it to a * Number made it a lot faster. */ const val = inputValue >> 0;
使用移位操作符时需要注意,数字可以表示为64位,但是移位操作符始终返回32位的源,对于大于32位的整数,移位操作可能会导致意外发生。最大的32位支持是 2,147,483,647
2147483647 >> 0; // => 2147483647 2147483648 >> 0; // => -2147483648 2147483649 >> 0; // => -2147483647
Booleans 类型
const age = 0; // bad const hasAge = new Boolean(age); // good const hasAge = Boolean(age); // best const hasAge = !!age;Naming Conventions(命名协议)
// bad function q() { // ... } // good function query() { // ... }
// bad const OBJEcttsssss = {}; const this_is_my_object = {}; function c() {} // good const thisIsMyObject = {}; function thisIsMyFunction() {}
// bad function user(options) { this.name = options.name; } const bad = new user({ name: "nope", }); // good class User { constructor(options) { this.name = options.name; } } const good = new User({ name: "yup", });
// bad this.__firstName__ = "Panda"; this.firstName_ = "Panda"; this._firstName = "Panda"; // good this.firstName = "Panda";
不要保存 this 指针,使用箭头函数或者 # 绑定来取代
// bad function foo() { const self = this; return function () { console.log(self); }; } // bad function foo() { const that = this; return function () { console.log(that); }; } // good function foo() { return () => { console.log(this); }; }
// file 1 contents class CheckBox { // ... } export default CheckBox; // file 2 contents export default function fortyTwo() { return 42; } // file 3 contents export default function insideDirectory() {} // in some other file // bad import CheckBox from "./checkBox"; // PascalCase import/export, camelCase filename import FortyTwo from "./FortyTwo"; // PascalCase import/filename, camelCase export import InsideDirectory from "./InsideDirectory"; // PascalCase import/filename, camelCase export // bad import CheckBox from "./check_box"; // PascalCase import/export, snake_case filename import forty_two from "./forty_two"; // snake_case import/filename, camelCase export import inside_directory from "./inside_directory"; // snake_case import, camelCase export import index from "./inside_directory/index"; // requiring the index file explicitly import insideDirectory from "./insideDirectory/index"; // requiring the index file explicitly // good import CheckBox from "./CheckBox"; // PascalCase export/import/filename import fortyTwo from "./fortyTwo"; // camelCase export/import/filename import insideDirectory from "./insideDirectory"; // camelCase export/import/directory name/implicit "index" // ^ supports both insideDirectory.js and insideDirectory/index.js
function makeStyleGuide() { // ... } export default makeStyleGuide;
const AirbnbStyleGuide = { es6: { }, }; export default AirbnbStyleGuide;
// bad import SmsContainer from "./containers/SmsContainer"; // bad const HttpRequests = [ // ... ]; // good import SMSContainer from "./containers/SMSContainer"; // good const HTTPRequests = [ // ... ]; // also good const httpRequests = [ // ... ]; // best import TextMessageContainer from "./containers/TextMessageContainer"; // best const requests = [ // ... ];Accessors(访问方法)
不要使用JavaScript的 getters/setters,因为它们会造成意想不到的坏的影响,并且很难去测试,定位。所以如果你要用访问函数,使用 getVal()和 setVal() 这样的方式
// bad class Dragon { get age() { // ... } set age(value) { // ... } } // good class Dragon { getAge() { // ... } setAge(value) { // ... } }
如果一个属性值或者方法返回值是布尔类型,使用 isVal()或者 hasVal()这样的形式
// bad if (!dragon.age()) { return false; } // good if (!dragon.hasAge()) { return false; }
可以创建类似 get() 和 set() 这样的函数方法,但是要注意保持一致
class Jedi { constructor(options = {}) { const lightsaber = options.lightsaber || "blue"; this.set("lightsaber", lightsaber); } set(key, val) { this[key] = val; } get(key) { return this[key]; } }Events(事件)
// bad $(this).trigger("listingUpdated", listing.id); // ... $(this).on("listingUpdated", (e, listingId) => { // do something with listingId }); // good $(this).trigger("listingUpdated", { listingId: listing.id }); // ... $(this).on("listingUpdated", (e, data) => { // do something with data.listingId });jQuery
通过 $ 来声明一个承载jquery的元素
// bad const sidebar = $(".sidebar"); // good const $sidebar = $(".sidebar"); // good const $sidebarBtn = $(".sidebar-btn");
// bad function setSidebar() { $(".sidebar").hide(); // ... $(".sidebar").css({ "background-color": "pink", }); } // good function setSidebar() { const $sidebar = $(".sidebar"); $sidebar.hide(); // ... $sidebar.css({ "background-color": "pink", }); }
对于 DOM 节点的查询使用级联 $(".sidebar ul") 或者 父级 > 子级 $(".sidebar > ul")
块级jQuery对象查询(通过选择器对象进行查询),使用 find
// bad $("ul", ".sidebar").hide(); // bad $(".sidebar").find("ul").hide(); // good $(".sidebar ul").hide(); // good $(".sidebar > ul").hide(); // good $sidebar.find("ul").hide();Standard Library(标准程序库)
使用 Number.isNaN 来代替全局的 isNaN,因为全局的 isNaN 会强制将非数字类型转换为数字类型,任何强制转换为非数字的都会返回true
// bad isNaN("1.2"); // false isNaN("1.2.3"); // true // good Number.isNaN("1.2.3"); // false Number.isNaN(Number("1.2.3")); // true
使用 Number.isFinite 来代替全局的 isFinite,因为全局的 isFinite 会强制将非数字类型转换为数字类型,任何强制转换为有限数字的结果都会返回true
// bad isFinite("2e3"); // true // good Number.isFinite("2e3"); // false Number.isFinite(pa
摘要:编码规范是独角兽公司内部的编码规范,该项目是上很受欢迎的一个开源项目,在前端开发中使用广泛,本文的配置规则就是以编码规范和编码规范作为基础的。 更新时间:2019-01-22React.js create-react-app 项目 + VSCode 编辑器 + ESLint 代码检查工具 + Airbnb 编码规范 前言 为什么要使用 ESLint 在项目开发过程中,编写符合团队编码规...
摘要:包含描述与指定所有参数和返回值的类型和值的注释标签。返回值的类型和描述或者更多示例更多请参考以下网站为本文参考,欢迎留言纠正。注解注释原文代码注释规范与示例注释 JavaScript代码注释范例 做为一个有情怀的Coder,最近收集了一下JavaScript代码注释范例,希望能够帮助大家撸得一手妖媚而又放荡的Bug。 普通注释 单行注释 使用 // 作为单行注释。 单行注释符后与注释内...
摘要:众所周知,在大公司中进行大的改革很难。目前公司有超过名开发人员,其中有个以上是前端。从年起,已经在一些小规模团队中探索使用。在年的前端调查中,静态类型系统呼声最高。在我们的主仓库中,绝大多数的公共依赖都已经由做到了类型声明。 特别说明 这是一个由simviso团队进行的关于Airbnb大规模应用TypeScript分享的翻译文档,分享者是Airbnb的高级前端开发Brie Bunge ...
摘要:从来没有见过这么强大的代码格式化和风格统一工具。你可以预设像等公司的代码风格。所有工具的安装办法自动生成你的代码风格的配置文件。学会的代码规范,意味着你的代码风格已经走在了世界第一行列。 无论人数多少,代码都应该同出一门。 JavaScript 或者 Node 的语法本身很弱,在teamwork 和大型项目开发的时候,技术选型时往往选择了 typescript 或者加入 Faceboo...
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