原文:Our Best Practices for Writing React Components .
1. 引入CSSimport React, { Component } from "react" import { observer } from "mobx-react" import ExpandableForm from "./ExpandableForm" import "./styles/ProfileContainer.css"2. 初始化State
import React, { Component } from "react" import { observer } from "mobx-react" import ExpandableForm from "./ExpandableForm" import "./styles/ProfileContainer.css" export default class ProfileContainer extends Component { state = { expanded: false }3. 初始化propTypes和defaultProps
import React, { Component } from "react" import { observer } from "mobx-react" import { string, object } from "prop-types" import ExpandableForm from "./ExpandableForm" import "./styles/ProfileContainer.css" export default class ProfileContainer extends Component { state = { expanded: false } static propTypes = { model: object.isRequired, title: string } static defaultProps = { model: { id: 0 }, title: "Your Name" }
propTypes和defaultProps的声明应该置顶便于其他开发者阅读。在React v15.3.0版本,推荐使用prop-types这个包替代React.PropTypes。
import React, { Component } from "react" import { observer } from "mobx-react" import { string, object } from "prop-types" import ExpandableForm from "./ExpandableForm" import "./styles/ProfileContainer.css" export default class ProfileContainer extends Component { state = { expanded: false } static propTypes = { model: object.isRequired, title: string } static defaultProps = { model: { id: 0 }, title: "Your Name" } handleSubmit = (e) => { e.preventDefault() this.props.model.save() } handleNameChange = (e) => { this.props.model.changeName(e.target.value) } handleExpand = (e) => { e.preventDefault() this.setState({ expanded: !this.state.expanded }) }
5. this.setState()是异步的。应该使用函数入参this.setState(prevState => ({ expanded: !prevState.expanded }))6. 一个组件或者元素含有多个props应当分行写
render() { const { model, title } = this.props return (7. 避免在子组件中使用闭包) } {title}
{ model.name = e.target.value }} // ^ Not this. Use the below: onChange={this.handleChange} placeholder="Your Name"/>8.完整的class组件写法
import React, { Component } from "react" import { observer } from "mobx-react" import { string, object } from "prop-types" // 分开本地导入和依赖导入 import ExpandableForm from "./ExpandableForm" import "./styles/ProfileContainer.css" // 使用修饰器(如果有的话) @observer export default class ProfileContainer extends Component { state = { expanded: false } // 初始化state (ES7) 或者在构造函数(constructor)中初始化state (ES6) //使用静态属性(ES7)声明propTypes越早越好 static propTypes = { model: object.isRequired, title: string } // 在propTypes后声明defaultProps static defaultProps = { model: { id: 0 }, title: "Your Name" } // 使用箭头函数绑定指向定义的上下文的this handleSubmit = (e) => { e.preventDefault() this.props.model.save() } handleNameChange = (e) => { this.props.model.name = e.target.value } handleExpand = (e) => { e.preventDefault() this.setState(prevState => ({ expanded: !prevState.expanded })) } render() { // 解构props成可读的 const { model, title } = this.props return (// 如果有2个以上props,分行写 ) } }{title}
{ model.name = e.target.value }} // 避免创造新的闭包,应该使用下面的方法。 onChange={this.handleNameChange} placeholder="Your Name"/>
函数式组件写法 1. propTypesimport React from "react" import { observer } from "mobx-react" import { func, bool } from "prop-types" import "./styles/Form.css" ExpandableForm.propTypes = { onSubmit: func.isRequired, expanded: bool } // Component declaration2. Destructuring Props and defaultProps
import React from "react" import { observer } from "mobx-react" import { func, bool } from "prop-types" import "./styles/Form.css" ExpandableForm.propTypes = { onSubmit: func.isRequired, expanded: bool, onExpand: func.isRequired } function ExpandableForm(props) { const formStyle = props.expanded ? {height: "auto"} : {height: 0} return () }
import React from "react" import { observer } from "mobx-react" import { func, bool } from "prop-types" import "./styles/Form.css" ExpandableForm.propTypes = { onSubmit: func.isRequired, expanded: bool, onExpand: func.isRequired } function ExpandableForm({ onExpand, expanded = false, children, onSubmit }) { const formStyle = expanded ? {height: "auto"} : {height: 0} return () } 3. 避免箭头函数写法
const ExpandableForm = ({ onExpand, expanded, children }) => {
4. 高阶组件import React from "react" import { observer } from "mobx-react" import { func, bool } from "prop-types" import "./styles/Form.css" ExpandableForm.propTypes = { onSubmit: func.isRequired, expanded: bool, onExpand: func.isRequired } function ExpandableForm({ onExpand, expanded = false, children, onSubmit }) { const formStyle = expanded ? {height: "auto"} : {height: 0} return () } export default observer(ExpandableForm) 5. 完整代码
import React from "react" import { observer } from "mobx-react" import { func, bool } from "prop-types" // Separate local imports from dependencies import "./styles/Form.css" // 在组件前声明propTypes ExpandableForm.propTypes = { onSubmit: func.isRequired, expanded: bool, onExpand: func.isRequired } // 解构props,通过函数入参默认值的方式设定defaultProps function ExpandableForm({ onExpand, expanded = false, children, onSubmit }) { const formStyle = expanded ? { height: "auto" } : { height: 0 } return () } // Wrap the component instead of decorating it export default observer(ExpandableForm)
摘要:原文链接高阶组件在中是组件复用的一个强大工具。在本文中,高阶组件将会被分为两种基本模式,我们将其命名为和用附加的功能来包裹组件。这里我们使用泛型表示传递到的组件的。在这里,我们定义从返回的组件,并指定该组件将包括传入组件的和的。 原文链接:https://medium.com/@jrwebdev/... 高阶组件(HOCs)在React中是组件复用的一个强大工具。但是,经常有开发者在...
摘要:,谷歌给的一份性能指南和最佳实践。目前而言,前端社区有三大框架和。随后重点讲述了和两大前端框架,给出了大量的文章教程和相关资源列表。我认为,使用函数式编程方式,更加符合后端程序员的思路,而是更符合前端工程师习惯的框架。 showImg(https://segmentfault.com/img/bVbjQAM?w=1142&h=640); 这个是我订阅 陈皓老师在极客上的专栏《左耳听风》...
摘要:,谷歌给的一份性能指南和最佳实践。目前而言,前端社区有三大框架和。随后重点讲述了和两大前端框架,给出了大量的文章教程和相关资源列表。我认为,使用函数式编程方式,更加符合后端程序员的思路,而是更符合前端工程师习惯的框架。 showImg(https://segmentfault.com/img/bVbjQAM?w=1142&h=640); 这个是我订阅 陈皓老师在极客上的专栏《左耳听风》...
摘要:你是一个对感兴趣的开发者吗不用担心,这真的不会让你成为一个背叛者或其他什么,真的。事实上,这个想法并不是或独创的它只是一种很棒的软件开发实践方式。把代码分离到不同的文件里并不会自动导致关注点分离。 原文链接 : Getting to Grips with React (as an Angular developer)原文作者 : DAVE CEDDIA译者 : 李林璞(web前端领域)...
摘要:我现在写的这些是为了解决和这两个状态管理库之间的困惑。这甚至是危险的,因为这部分人将无法体验和这些库所要解决的问题。这肯定是要第一时间解决的问题。函数式编程是不断上升的范式,但对于大部分开发者来说是新奇的。规模持续增长的应 原文地址:Redux or MobX: An attempt to dissolve the Confusion 原文作者:rwieruch 我在去年大量的使用...
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