React Native 圆形进度条组件:react-native-circular-progress,圆形的进度条组件,支持动画,支持iOS和Android。
npm i --save react-native-circular-progress
IOS需要手动Link下ReactART,用Xcode打开项目,添加ART.xcodeproj到Libraries中,然后在Link Binary With Libraries中添加libART.a。如下图所示:
import { AnimatedCircularProgress } from "react-native-circular-progress";
backgroundColor="#3d5875" />
size – width and height of the circle(圆形的宽度和高度)
width - thickness of the lines(圆形线的宽度)
backgroundWidth - thickness of the background line(背景线的宽度)
fill - current, percentage fill (from 0 to 100)(进度值)
prefill - percentage fill before the animation (from 0 to 100)(预先设置的进度值)
tintColor - color of a progress line(圆形的线的颜色)
backgroundColor - color of a background for progress line. Use "transparent" to hide(背景线的颜色)
rotation - by default, progress starts from the angle = 90⦝, you can change it by setting value from -360 to 360(旋转度数)
tension - the tension value for the spring animation (see here)
friction - the friction value for the spring animation (see here)
linecap - the shape to be used at the ends of the circle. Possible values: butt (default), round or square. (see here)
children(fill) - you can pass function as a child to receive current fill
onAnimationComplete - you can pass a callback function that will be invoked when animation is complete. (see here)(动画结束时的事件)
onLinearAnimationComplete - you can pass a callback function that will be invoked when linear animation is complete. (see here)
特别说明在react-native 0.50.4版本中,backgroundColor设置transparent时会报错。暂时没找到原因。
完整示例完整代码:React Native 圆形进度条组件 | forrest23.github.io
本次示例代码在 Component03文件夹中。
GitHub - bgryszko/react-native-circular-progress: React Native component for creating animated, circular progress with ReactART
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