可使用jQuery Actual Plugin插件来完成,其源码如下:
;( function ( factory ) { if ( typeof define === "function" && define.amd ) { // AMD. Register module depending on jQuery using requirejs define. define( ["jquery"], factory ); } else { // No AMD. factory( jQuery ); } }( function ( $ ){ $.fn.addBack = $.fn.addBack || $.fn.andSelf; $.fn.extend({ actual : function ( method, options ){ // check if the jQuery method exist if( !this[ method ]){ throw "$.actual => The jQuery method "" + method + "" you called does not exist"; } var defaults = { absolute : false, clone : false, includeMargin : false, display : "block" }; var configs = $.extend( defaults, options ); var $target = this.eq( 0 ); var fix, restore; if( configs.clone === true ){ fix = function (){ var style = "position: absolute !important; top: -1000 !important; "; // this is useful with css3pie $target = $target. clone(). attr( "style", style ). appendTo( "body" ); }; restore = function (){ // remove DOM element after getting the width $target.remove(); }; }else{ var tmp = []; var style = ""; var $hidden; fix = function (){ // get all hidden parents $hidden = $target.parents().addBack().filter( ":hidden" ); style += "visibility: hidden !important; display: " + configs.display + " !important; "; if( configs.absolute === true ) style += "position: absolute !important; "; // save the origin style props // set the hidden el css to be got the actual value later $hidden.each( function (){ // Save original style. If no style was set, attr() returns undefined var $this = $( this ); var thisStyle = $this.attr( "style" ); tmp.push( thisStyle ); // Retain as much of the original style as possible, if there is one $this.attr( "style", thisStyle ? thisStyle + ";" + style : style ); }); }; restore = function (){ // restore origin style values $hidden.each( function ( i ){ var $this = $( this ); var _tmp = tmp[ i ]; if( _tmp === undefined ){ $this.removeAttr( "style" ); }else{ $this.attr( "style", _tmp ); } }); }; } fix(); // get the actual value with user specific methed // it can be "width", "height", "outerWidth", "innerWidth"... etc // configs.includeMargin only works for "outerWidth" and "outerHeight" var actual = /(outer)/.test( method ) ? $target[ method ]( configs.includeMargin ) : $target[ method ](); restore(); // IMPORTANT, this plugin only return the value of the first element return actual; } }); }));
//get hidden element actual width $(".hidden").actual("width"); //get hidden element actual innerWidth $(".hidden").actual("innerWidth"); //get hidden element actual outerWidth $(".hidden").actual("outerWidth"); //get hidden element actual outerWidth and set the `includeMargin` argument $(".hidden").actual("outerWidth",{includeMargin:true}); //get hidden element actual height $(".hidden").actual("height"); //get hidden element actual innerHeight $(".hidden").actual("innerHeight"); //get hidden element actual outerHeight $(".hidden").actual("outerHeight"); // get hidden element actual outerHeight and set the `includeMargin` argument $(".hidden").actual("outerHeight",{includeMargin:true}); //if the page jumps or blinks, pass a attribute "{ absolute : true }" //be very careful, you might get a wrong result depends on how you makrup your html and css $(".hidden").actual("height",{absolute:true}); // if you use css3pie with a float element // for example a rounded corner navigation menu you can also try to pass a attribute "{ clone : true }" // please see demo/css3pie in action $(".hidden").actual("width",{clone:true});
摘要:概述在世界这本书中有一些黑魔法给列举出来,在结合自己的理解。篇幅有点长,希望大家能够坚持看完,一定会有收获以下是摘自每章内一些重要的概念与技巧。 概述 在《css世界》这本书中有一些黑魔法给列举出来,在结合自己的理解。篇幅有点长,希望大家能够坚持看完,一定会有收获!!!以下是摘自每章内一些重要的概念与技巧。其中有解决图片间隙的问题、小图标与文字居中问题等; ps: 特别是 line-h...
摘要:概述在世界这本书中有一些黑魔法给列举出来,在结合自己的理解。篇幅有点长,希望大家能够坚持看完,一定会有收获以下是摘自每章内一些重要的概念与技巧。 概述 在《css世界》这本书中有一些黑魔法给列举出来,在结合自己的理解。篇幅有点长,希望大家能够坚持看完,一定会有收获!!!以下是摘自每章内一些重要的概念与技巧。其中有解决图片间隙的问题、小图标与文字居中问题等; ps: 特别是 line-h...
摘要:当元素在容器中被滚动超过指定的偏移值时,元素在容器内固定在指定位置。详见浮动与清除浮动浮动相关知识属性的取值元素向左浮动。是相对长度单位,相对于当前对象内文本的字体尺寸。 这些个知识点是我个人认为的,下面我们就来看看这些个知识点。 1.怎么让一个不定宽高的 DIV,垂直水平居中? 使用Flex 只需要在父盒子设置:display: flex; justify-content: cent...
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