项目截图 redux-saga介绍项目地址
基本用法1、 使用createSagaMiddleware方法创建saga 的Middleware,然后在创建的redux的store时,使用applyMiddleware函数将创建的saga Middleware实例绑定到store上,最后可以调用saga Middleware的run函数来执行某个或者某些Middleware。
2、 在saga的Middleware中,可以使用takeEvery或者takeLatest等API来监听某个action,当某个action触发后,saga可以使用call、fetch等api发起异步操作,操作完成后使用put函数触发action,同步更新state,从而完成整个State的更新。
因为使用了 Generator,redux-saga让你可以用同步的方式写异步代码
能容易地测试 Generator 里所有的业务逻辑
可以通过监听Action 来进行前端的打点日志记录,减少侵入式打点对代码的侵入程度
走马观花API(安装啥的步骤直接略过) takeEvery用来监听action,每个action都触发一次,如果其对应是异步操作的话,每次都发起异步请求,而不论上次的请求是否返回
import { takeEvery } from "redux-saga/effects" function* watchFetchData() { yield takeEvery("FETCH_REQUESTED", fetchData) }takeLatest
function* watchFetchData() { yield takeLatest("FETCH_REQUESTED", fetchData) }redux Effects
在saga的世界里,所有的任务都通用 yield Effect 来完成,Effect暂时就理解为一个任务单元吧,其实就是一个JavaScript的对象,可以通过sagaMiddleWare进行执行。
import {fork,call} from "redux-saga/effects" import {getAdDataFlow,getULikeDataFlow} from "./components/home/homeSaga" import {getLocatioFlow} from "./components/wrap/wrapSaga" import {getDetailFolw} from "./components/detail/detailSaga" import {getCitiesFlow} from "./components/city/citySaga" export default function* rootSaga () { yield fork(getLocatioFlow); yield fork(getAdDataFlow); yield fork(getULikeDataFlow); yield fork(getDetailFolw); yield fork(getCitiesFlow); }call
export function* getAdData(url) { yield put({type:wrapActionTypes.START_FETCH}); yield delay(delayTime);//故意的 try { return yield call(get,url); } catch (error) { yield put({type:wrapActionTypes.FETCH_ERROR}) }finally { yield put({type:wrapActionTypes.FETCH_END}) } } export function* getAdDataFlow() { while (true){ let request = yield take(homeActionTypes.GET_AD); let response = yield call(getAdData,request.url); yield put({type:homeActionTypes.GET_AD_RESULT_DATA,data:response.data}) } }take
等待 reactjs dispatch 一个匹配的action。take的表现同takeEvery一样,都是监听某个action,但与takeEvery不同的是,他不是每次action触发的时候都相应,而只是在执行顺序执行到take语句时才会相应action。
takeEvery只是监听每个action,然后执行处理函数。对于何时响应action和 如何响应action,takeEvery并没有控制权。
export function* getAdDataFlow() { while (true){ let request = yield take(homeActionTypes.GET_AD); let response = yield call(getAdData,request.url); yield put({type:homeActionTypes.GET_AD_RESULT_DATA,data:response.data}) } }put
select作用和 redux thunk 中的 getState 相同。通常会与reselect库配合使用
fork非阻塞任务调用机制:上面我们介绍过call可以用来发起异步操作,但是相对于generator函数来说,call操作是阻塞的,只有等promise回来后才能继续执行,而fork是非阻塞的 ,当调用fork启动一个任务时,该任务在后台继续执行,从而使得我们的执行流能继续往下执行而不必一定要等待返回。
allall提供了一种并行执行异步请求的方式。之前介绍过执行异步请求的api中,大都是阻塞执行,只有当一个call操作放回后,才能执行下一个call操作, call提供了一种类似Promise中的all操作,可以将多个异步操作作为参数参入all函数中,
import { all, call } from "redux-saga/effects" // correct, effects will get executed in parallel const [users, repos] = yield all([ call(fetch, "/users"), call(fetch, "/repos") ])race
他可以并行的启动多个异步请求,只要有一个 请求返回(resolved或者reject),race操作接受正常返回的请求,并且将剩余的请求取消。
import { race, take, put } from "redux-saga/effects" function* backgroundTask() { while (true) { ... } } function* watchStartBackgroundTask() { while (true) { yield take("START_BACKGROUND_TASK") yield race({ task: call(backgroundTask), cancel: take("CANCEL_TASK") }) } }actionChannel
import { take, actionChannel, call, ... } from "redux-saga/effects" function* watchRequests() { // 1- Create a channel for request actions const requestChan = yield actionChannel("REQUEST") while (true) { // 2- take from the channel const {payload} = yield take(requestChan) // 3- Note that we"re using a blocking call yield call(handleRequest, payload) } } function* handleRequest(payload) { ... }
// This file contains the sagas used for async actions in our app. It"s divided into // "effects" that the sagas call (`authorize` and `logout`) and the actual sagas themselves, // which listen for actions. // Sagas help us gather all our side effects (network requests in this case) in one place import {hashSync} from "bcryptjs" import genSalt from "../auth/salt" import {browserHistory} from "react-router" import {take, call, put, fork, race} from "redux-saga/effects" import auth from "../auth" import { SENDING_REQUEST, LOGIN_REQUEST, REGISTER_REQUEST, SET_AUTH, LOGOUT, CHANGE_FORM, REQUEST_ERROR } from "../actions/constants" /** * Effect to handle authorization * @param {string} username The username of the user * @param {string} password The password of the user * @param {object} options Options * @param {boolean} options.isRegistering Is this a register request? */ export function * authorize ({username, password, isRegistering}) { // We send an action that tells Redux we"re sending a request yield put({type: SENDING_REQUEST, sending: true}) // We then try to register or log in the user, depending on the request try { let salt = genSalt(username) let hash = hashSync(password, salt) let response // For either log in or registering, we call the proper function in the `auth` // module, which is asynchronous. Because we"re using generators, we can work // as if it"s synchronous because we pause execution until the call is done // with `yield`! if (isRegistering) { response = yield call(auth.register, username, hash) } else { response = yield call(auth.login, username, hash) } return response } catch (error) { console.log("hi") // If we get an error we send Redux the appropiate action and return yield put({type: REQUEST_ERROR, error: error.message}) return false } finally { // When done, we tell Redux we"re not in the middle of a request any more yield put({type: SENDING_REQUEST, sending: false}) } } /** * Effect to handle logging out */ export function * logout () { // We tell Redux we"re in the middle of a request yield put({type: SENDING_REQUEST, sending: true}) // Similar to above, we try to log out by calling the `logout` function in the // `auth` module. If we get an error, we send an appropiate action. If we don"t, // we return the response. try { let response = yield call(auth.logout) yield put({type: SENDING_REQUEST, sending: false}) return response } catch (error) { yield put({type: REQUEST_ERROR, error: error.message}) } } /** * Log in saga */ export function * loginFlow () { // Because sagas are generators, doing `while (true)` doesn"t block our program // Basically here we say "this saga is always listening for actions" while (true) { // And we"re listening for `LOGIN_REQUEST` actions and destructuring its payload let request = yield take(LOGIN_REQUEST) let {username, password} = request.data // A `LOGOUT` action may happen while the `authorize` effect is going on, which may // lead to a race condition. This is unlikely, but just in case, we call `race` which // returns the "winner", i.e. the one that finished first let winner = yield race({ auth: call(authorize, {username, password, isRegistering: false}), logout: take(LOGOUT) }) // If `authorize` was the winner... if (winner.auth) { // ...we send Redux appropiate actions yield put({type: SET_AUTH, newAuthState: true}) // User is logged in (authorized) yield put({type: CHANGE_FORM, newFormState: {username: "", password: ""}}) // Clear form forwardTo("/dashboard") // Go to dashboard page } } } /** * Log out saga * This is basically the same as the `if (winner.logout)` of above, just written * as a saga that is always listening to `LOGOUT` actions */ export function * logoutFlow () { while (true) { yield take(LOGOUT) yield put({type: SET_AUTH, newAuthState: false}) yield call(logout) forwardTo("/") } } /** * Register saga * Very similar to log in saga! */ export function * registerFlow () { while (true) { // We always listen to `REGISTER_REQUEST` actions let request = yield take(REGISTER_REQUEST) let {username, password} = request.data // We call the `authorize` task with the data, telling it that we are registering a user // This returns `true` if the registering was successful, `false` if not let wasSuccessful = yield call(authorize, {username, password, isRegistering: true}) // If we could register a user, we send the appropiate actions if (wasSuccessful) { yield put({type: SET_AUTH, newAuthState: true}) // User is logged in (authorized) after being registered yield put({type: CHANGE_FORM, newFormState: {username: "", password: ""}}) // Clear form forwardTo("/dashboard") // Go to dashboard page } } } // The root saga is what we actually send to Redux"s middleware. In here we fork // each saga so that they are all "active" and listening. // Sagas are fired once at the start of an app and can be thought of as processes running // in the background, watching actions dispatched to the store. export default function * root () { yield fork(loginFlow) yield fork(logoutFlow) yield fork(registerFlow) } // Little helper function to abstract going to different pages function forwardTo (location) { browserHistory.push(location) }
另一个demo saga也跟我一样,拆分了下
import { takeLatest } from "redux-saga"; import { fork } from "redux-saga/effects"; import {loadUser} from "./loadUser"; import {loadDashboardSequenced} from "./loadDashboardSequenced"; import {loadDashboardNonSequenced} from "./loadDashboardNonSequenced"; import {loadDashboardNonSequencedNonBlocking, isolatedForecast, isolatedFlight } from "./loadDashboardNonSequencedNonBlocking"; function* rootSaga() { /*The saga is waiting for a action called LOAD_DASHBOARD to be activated */ yield [ fork(loadUser), takeLatest("LOAD_DASHBOARD", loadDashboardSequenced), takeLatest("LOAD_DASHBOARD_NON_SEQUENCED", loadDashboardNonSequenced), takeLatest("LOAD_DASHBOARD_NON_SEQUENCED_NON_BLOCKING", loadDashboardNonSequencedNonBlocking), fork(isolatedForecast), fork(isolatedFlight) ]; } export default rootSaga;
import { call, put, select , take} from "redux-saga/effects"; import {loadDeparture, loadFlight, loadForecast } from "./apiCalls"; export const getUserFromState = (state) => state.user; export function* loadDashboardNonSequencedNonBlocking() { try { //Wait for the user to be loaded yield take("FETCH_USER_SUCCESS"); //Take the user info from the store const user = yield select(getUserFromState); //Get Departure information const departure = yield call(loadDeparture, user); //Update the UI yield put({type: "FETCH_DASHBOARD3_SUCCESS", payload: {departure}}); //trigger actions for Forecast and Flight to start... //We can pass and object into the put statement yield put({type: "FETCH_DEPARTURE3_SUCCESS", departure}); } catch(error) { yield put({type: "FETCH_FAILED", error: error.message}); } } export function* isolatedFlight() { try { /* departure will take the value of the object passed by the put*/ const departure = yield take("FETCH_DEPARTURE3_SUCCESS"); //Flight can be called unsequenced /* BUT NON BLOCKING VS FORECAST*/ const flight = yield call(loadFlight, departure.flightID); //Tell the store we are ready to be displayed yield put({type: "FETCH_DASHBOARD3_SUCCESS", payload: {flight}}); } catch (error) { yield put({type: "FETCH_FAILED", error: error.message}); } } export function* isolatedForecast() { try { /* departure will take the value of the object passed by the put*/ const departure = yield take("FETCH_DEPARTURE3_SUCCESS"); const forecast = yield call(loadForecast, departure.date); yield put({type: "FETCH_DASHBOARD3_SUCCESS", payload: { forecast }}); } catch(error) { yield put({type: "FETCH_FAILED", error: error.message}); } }交流
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摘要:通过创建将所有的异步操作逻辑收集在一个地方集中处理,可以用来代替中间件。 redux-saga框架使用详解及Demo教程 前面我们讲解过redux框架和dva框架的基本使用,因为dva框架中effects模块设计到了redux-saga中的知识点,可能有的同学们会用dva框架,但是对redux-saga又不是很熟悉,今天我们就来简单的讲解下saga框架的主要API和如何配合redux框...
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