// search for known ids Project.findById(123).then(function(project) { // project will be an instance of Project and stores the content of the table entry // with id 123. if such an entry is not defined you will get null }) // search for attributes Project.findOne({ where: {title: "aProject"} }).then(function(project) { // project will be the first entry of the Projects table with the title "aProject" || null }) Project.findOne({ where: {title: "aProject"}, attributes: ["id", ["name", "title"]] }).then(function(project) { // project will be the first entry of the Projects table with the title "aProject" || null // project.title will contain the name of the project })
// find multiple entries Project.findAll().then(function(projects) { // projects will be an array of all Project instances }) // also possible: Project.all().then(function(projects) { // projects will be an array of all Project instances }) // search for specific attributes - hash usage Project.findAll({ where: { name: "A Project" } }).then(function(projects) { // projects will be an array of Project instances with the specified name }) // search with string replacements Project.findAll({ where: ["id > ?", 25] }).then(function(projects) { // projects will be an array of Projects having a greater id than 25 }) // search within a specific range Project.findAll({ where: { id: [1,2,3] } }).then(function(projects) { // projects will be an array of Projects having the id 1, 2 or 3 // this is actually doing an IN query }) Project.findAll({ where: { id: { $and: {a: 5} // AND (a = 5) $or: [{a: 5}, {a: 6}] // (a = 5 OR a = 6) $gt: 6, // id > 6 $gte: 6, // id >= 6 $lt: 10, // id < 10 $lte: 10, // id <= 10 $ne: 20, // id != 20 $between: [6, 10], // BETWEEN 6 AND 10 $notBetween: [11, 15], // NOT BETWEEN 11 AND 15 $in: [1, 2], // IN [1, 2] $notIn: [1, 2], // NOT IN [1, 2] $like: "%hat", // LIKE "%hat" $notLike: "%hat" // NOT LIKE "%hat" $iLike: "%hat" // ILIKE "%hat" (case insensitive) (PG only) $notILike: "%hat" // NOT ILIKE "%hat" (PG only) $overlap: [1, 2] // && [1, 2] (PG array overlap operator) $contains: [1, 2] // @> [1, 2] (PG array contains operator) $contained: [1, 2] // <@ [1, 2] (PG array contained by operator) $any: [2,3] // ANY ARRAY[2, 3]::INTEGER (PG only) }, status: { $not: false, // status NOT FALSE } } })
摘要:定义默认值和是否为空默认时间为创建时间设置为将会在数据表中添加列如果查询时该列为数据库会抛出错误如果你想在查询前检查该值是否为,看一下下面的验证部分可以是或如果多个列是相同就会变成会创建索引也可以这么创建索引主键自动增量在可以有可以通过属性 定义Model import sequelize from sequelize var Foo = sequelize.define(foo, ...
摘要:哈哈,这又是为什么呢细心的同学可能会发现,的返回值是一个类型的,所以上边并没有属性,的两个属性也是如此。我们通过在函数上边添加一个范型的定义,并且添加限制保证传入的范型类型一定是继承自的,在返回值转换其类型为,就可以实现功能了。 如果是经常使用Node来做服务端开发的童鞋,肯定不可避免的会操作数据库,做一些增删改查(CRUD,Create Read Update Delete)的操作,...
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