This is an artifact of the way the Javascript console works when you log an object. The log doesn"t contain a copy of all the object properties, it just contains a reference to the object. When you click on the disclosure triangle, it then looks up all the properties and displays them.
这是JavaScript console 在log一个对象的机制造成的。log 没有包含对象的所有属性,它只包含了对这个对象的引用。当你点击展开时,他才会给你找那个对象的属性。
In this case, at the time you call console.log(e), there"s a DOM element in the currentTarget property. But sometime later, that property is reset to null for some reason. When you expand the event object, that"s what you see.
A simple example that demonstrates this is:
var foo = { }; for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++) { foo["longprefix" + i] = i; } console.log(foo); foo.longprefix90 = "abc";
When you view the object in the console, you"ll see that foo.longprefix90 contains "abc", even though it contained 90 at the time that console.log(foo) was called.
The demonstration needs to use an object with lots of properties. When it"s logging, it shows the first few properties that fit in the console, so those are in the early snapshot. Only properties after that display this anomalous behavior.
来源: https://stackoverflow.com/que...
前言 在平常开发过程中,就算不使用现在主流的框架也至少得使用个Jquery,这些工具帮我们统一不同浏览器平台之间的差异和细节,可以将注意力集中到开发上来. 不过有意思的一点是,在看完高程的N年后我居然连event对象中的target和currentTarget属性的区别都忘记了. 先提几个引子: 你能说出event.currentTarget和event.target的区别吗? 如果可以那么ev...
前言 在平常开发过程中,就算不使用现在主流的框架也至少得使用个Jquery,这些工具帮我们统一不同浏览器平台之间的差异和细节,可以将注意力集中到开发上来. 不过有意思的一点是,在看完高程的N年后我居然连event对象中的target和currentTarget属性的区别都忘记了. 先提几个引子: 你能说出event.currentTarget和event.target的区别吗? 如果可以那么ev...
摘要:源码源码行被点击了点击了,即委托的事件被点击了优先添加委托,再添加其他即委托在上的事件数量在下标为的位置插入委托事件解析可以看到,是优先添加委托事件,再添加自身事件,触发事件的时候也是按这个顺序。 showImg(https://segmentfault.com/img/remote/1460000019419722); 前言:请先回顾下我之前写的一篇文章:JavaScript之事件委...
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