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Top 5 Developer Links of 2016
The Programmer’s Guide to Booking a Plane
50 Things I’ve Learned About Product Management
Why I studied full-time for 8 months for a Google interview
编程语言Modern Garbage Collection:基于Go语言讲解现代垃圾收集算法
PHP can’t jump? Thing about recursion.
Four years with Rust
编程基础Awesome Bits:一系列可以用位运算实现的神奇功能
Modern video compression for the internet
WebJavaScript Frameworks Are Great:比较精炼的语言介绍了常见的Web框架
Front-End Performance Checklist 2017 (PDF, Apple Pages):详细介绍了前端性能优化的要点
Electron + Vue.js
AJAX Explained by Upgrading Your Video Game Character
Writing HTML with accessibility in mind
3D flip clock counter in pure CSS
React "Aha" Moments
Webpack Tricks
服务端应用程序架构Advanced Node.js Project Structure Tutorial - Node.js at Scale
2015-The Art of Scalability Scalable Web Architecture 2nd【Book】
数据科学与机器学习Artificial Intelligence + Human Intelligence = Our Future
The Best Way to Prepare a Dataset Easily
Practical Deep Learning For Coders:7周的免费视频教程,零基础学习如何构建那些神奇的深度学习模型
Coding a Deep Neural Network to Steer a Car: Step By Step
基础架构Improving load balancing with a new consistent-hashing algorithm
信息安全Learning From A Year of Security Breaches
js-vuln-db:A collection of JavaScript engine CVEs with PoCs
iOS&AndroidDesign Like a Coder: Efficient Android Layouts
iOS Architecture Pattern Swift
Swift Style Guide Updated for Swift 3
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