在 Java 等面向对象的语言中,this 关键字的含义是明确且具体的,即指代当前对象。一般在编译期确定下来,或称为编译期绑定。而在 JavaScript 中,this 是动态绑定,或称为运行期绑定的,这就导致 JavaScript 中的 this 关键字有能力具备多重含义,变得有点随意。而在ES6中又引入了Arrow Function以及Class,它们对于this指针也带来了一定的影响。
Global Context(全局上下文)在任何函数之外的全局环境中,不管在不在strict模式中,this指针往往指向一个全局变量。
console.log(this.document === document); // true // In web browsers, the window object is also the global object: console.log(this === window); // true this.a = 37; console.log(window.a); // 37Function Context(函数上下文) 简单调用
function hello(thing) { console.log("Hello " + thing); } // this: hello("world") // desugars to: hello.call(window, "world");
// this: hello("world") // desugars to: hello.call(undefined, "world");对象方法
function hello(thing) { console.log(this + " says hello " + thing); } person = { name: "Brendan Eich" } person.hello = hello; person.hello("world") // still desugars to person.hello.call(person, "world") [object Object] says hello world hello("world") // "[object DOMWindow]world"bind
var person = { name: "Brendan Eich", hello: function(thing) { console.log(this.name + " says hello " + thing); } } var boundHello = function(thing) { return person.hello.call(person, thing); } boundHello("world");
var boundHello = person.hello.bind(person); boundHello("world") // "Brendan Eich says hello world"
var person = { name: "Alex Russell", hello: function() { console.log(this.name + " says hello world"); } } $("#some-div").click(person.hello.bind(person)); // when the div is clicked, "Alex Russell says hello world" is printedapply/call
在 JavaScript 中函数也是对象,对象则有方法,apply 和 call 就是函数对象的方法。这两个方法异常强大,他们允许切换函数执行的上下文环境(context),即 this 绑定的对象。很多 JavaScript 中的技巧以及类库都用到了该方法。让我们看一个具体的例子:
function Point(x, y){ this.x = x; this.y = y; this.moveTo = function(x, y){ this.x = x; this.y = y; } } var p1 = new Point(0, 0); var p2 = {x: 0, y: 0}; p1.moveTo(1, 1); p1.moveTo.apply(p2, [10, 10]);array.forEach
在这样一个回调函数中,回调函数的this指针是由调用者决定的,完整的forEach声明如下:array.forEach(callback[, thisArg]),这个传入的thisArg即是回调的调用者。
var o={ v:"hello", p:["a1","a2"], f:function f(){ this.p.forEach(function (item){ console.log(this.v+" "+item); }); } } o.f(); //undefined a1 //undefined a2Arrow Function
Arrow Function是ES6新增的特性,很类似于Java或者C#中的Lambda表达式。Arrow函数中的this指针在创建时就被绑定到了闭合的作用域内,不会收到new、bind、call以及apply这些方法的影响。
var o = { traditionalFunc: function () { // Normal function, bound as expected console.log("traditionalFunc this === o?", this === o); }, arrowFunc: () => { // Arrow function, bound to scope where it"s created console.log("arrowFunc this === o?", this === o); console.log("arrowFunc this === window?", this === window); } }; o.traditionalFunc(); // traditionalFunc this === o? true o.arrowFunc(); // arrowFunc this === o? false // arrowFunc this === window? true
var asyncFunction = (param, callback) => { window.setTimeout(() => { callback(param); }, 1); }; // With a traditional function if we don"t control // the context then can we lose control of `this`. var o = { doSomething: function () { // Here we pass `o` into the async function, // expecting it back as `param` asyncFunction(o, function (param) { // We made a mistake of thinking `this` is // the instance of `o`. console.log("param === this?", param === this); }); } }; o.doSomething(); // param === this? false
var asyncFunction = (param, callback) => { window.setTimeout(() => { callback(param); }, 1); }; // Define a reference to `this` outside of the callback, // but within the callback"s lexical scope var o = { doSomething: function () { var self = this; // Here we pass `o` into the async function, // expecting it back as `param` asyncFunction(o, function (param) { console.log("param === this?", param === self); }); } }; o.doSomething(); // param === this? true
var asyncFunction = (param, callback) => { window.setTimeout(() => { callback(param); }, 1); }; // Here we control the context of the callback using // `bind` ensuring `this` is correct var o = { doSomething: function () { // Here we pass `o` into the async function, // expecting it back as `param` asyncFunction(o, function (param) { console.log("param === this?", param === this); }.bind(this)); } }; o.doSomething(); // param === this? true
使用Arrow Function在创建时绑定this指针。
var asyncFunction = (param, callback) => { window.setTimeout(() => { callback(param); }, 1); }; var o = { doSomething: function () { // Here we pass `o` into the async function, // expecting it back as `param`. // // Because this arrow function is created within // the scope of `doSomething` it is bound to this // lexical scope. asyncFunction(o, (param) => { console.log("param === this?", param === this); }); } }; o.doSomething(); // param === this? trueDOM Event handler(Dom事件)
// When called as a listener, turns the related element blue function bluify(e){ // Always true console.log(this === e.currentTarget); // true when currentTarget and target are the same object console.log(this === e.target); this.style.backgroundColor = "#A5D9F3"; } // Get a list of every element in the document var elements = document.getElementsByTagName("*"); // Add bluify as a click listener so when the // element is clicked on, it turns blue for(var i=0 ; i如果是行内的事件监听者,this指针会被设置为其所在的DOM元素:
摘要:扩展运算符是以下简称中又一非常好用的实战技术它的写法只需要三个点作用则顾名思义用来展开你想要使用的任意变量本质上是对所有拥有迭代器接口的对象进行迭代。 扩展运算符(spreading)是 ECMASCRIPT 6(以下简称ES 6) 中又一非常好用的实战技术, 它的写法只需要三个点(...),作用则顾名思义,用来展开你想要使用的任意变量,本质上是对所有拥有迭代器接口(Iterator)...
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摘要:执行函数调用规范中的第一步是一个明显的赋值语句,我们查看规范,赋值语句会发生什么可以看出简单赋值语句返回的是对等于号右边进行之后的结果,上一节讲了,执行过就会返回的类型,此处会返回也就是一个类型。 前言 this是JavaScript中的著名月经题,每隔一段时间就有人翻出了拿各种奇怪的问题出来讨论,每次都会引发一堆口水之争。从搜索引擎搜了一下现在的比较热门的关于this的用法,如:Ja...
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