In this article we will talk about one of the general ECMAScript objects — about functions. In particular, we will go through various types of functions, will define how each type influencesvariables object of a context and what is contained in the scope chain of each function. We will answer the frequently asked questions such as: “is there any difference (and if there are, what are they?) between functions created as follows:
var foo = function () { ... };
from functions defined in a “habitual” way?”:
function foo() { ... }
Or, “why in the next call, the function has to be surrounded with parentheses?”:
(function () { ... })();
Since these articles relay on earlier chapters, for full understanding of this part it is desirable to read Chatper 2. Variable object and Chapter 4. Scope chain, since we will actively use terminology from these chapters.
But let us give one after another. We begin with consideration of function types.
In ECMAScript there are three function types and each of them has its own features.
A Function Declaration (abbreviated form is FD) is a function which:
has an obligatory name;
in the source code position it is positioned: either at the Program level or directly in the body of another function (FunctionBody);
is created on entering the context stage;
influences variable object;
and is declared in the following way:
在源码中的位置:要么处于程序级(Program level),要么处于其它函数的主体(FunctionBody)中
function exampleFunc() { ... }
The main feature of this type of functions is that only they influence variable object (they are stored in the VO of the context). This feature defines the second important point (which is a consequence of a variable object nature) — at the code execution stage they are already available (since FD are stored in the VO on entering the context stage — before the execution begins).
Example (function is called before its declaration in the source code position):
foo(); function foo() { alert("foo"); }
What’s also important is the position at which the funcion is defined in the source code (see the second bullet in the Function declaration definition above):
// function can be declared: // 1) directly in the global context function globalFD() { // 2) or inside the body // of another function function innerFD() {} }
These are the only two positions in code where a function may be declared (i.e. it is impossible to declare it in an expression position or inside a code block).
There’s one alternative to function declarations which is called function expressions, which we are about to cover.
A Function Expression (abbreviated form is FE) is a function which:
in the source code can only be defined at the expression position;
can have an optional name;
it’s definition has no effect on variable object;
and is created at the code execution stage.
The main feature of this type of functions is that in the source code they are always in theexpression position. Here’s a simple example such assignment expression:
var foo = function () { ... };
This example shows how an anonymous FE is assigned to foo variable. After that the function is available via foo name — foo().
The definition states that this type of functions can have an optional name:
var foo = function _foo() { ... };
What’s important here to note is that from the outside FE is accessible via variable foo — foo(), while from inside the function (for example, in the recursive call), it is also possible to use _fooname.
When a FE is assigned a name it can be difficult to distinguish it from a FD. However, if you know the definition, it is easy to tell them apart: FE is always in the expression position. In the following example we can see various ECMAScript expressions in which all the functions are FE:
如果FE有一个名称,就很难与FD区分。但是,如果你明白定义,区分起来就简单明了:FE总是处在表达式的位置。在下面的例子中我们可以看到各种ECMAScript 表达式:
// in parentheses (grouping operator) can be only an expression (function foo() {}); // in the array initialiser – also only expressions [function bar() {}];
// comma also operates with expressions
1, function baz() {};
// FE is not available neither before the definition // (because it is created at code execution phase), alert(foo); // "foo" is not defined (function foo() {}); // nor after, because it is not in the VO alert(foo); // "foo" is not defined
function foo(callback) { callback(); } foo(function bar() { alert("foo.bar"); }); foo(function baz() { alert("foo.baz"); });
var foo = function () { alert("foo"); }; foo();
var foo = {}; (function initialize() { var x = 10; foo.bar = function () { alert(x); }; })(); foo.bar(); // 10; alert(x); // "x" is not defined
(function () { // initializing scope })();
var foo = 10; var bar = (foo % 2 == 0 ? function () { alert(0); } : function () { alert(1); } ); bar(); // 0
function () { ... }(); // or even with a name function foo() { ... }();
// "foo" is a function declaration // and is created on entering the context alert(foo); // function function foo(x) { alert(x); }(1); // and this is just a grouping operator, not a call! foo(10); // and this is already a call, 10
// function declaration function foo(x) { alert(x); } // a grouping operator // with the expression (1); // another grouping operator with // another (function) expression (function () {}); // also - the expression inside ("foo");
if (true) function foo() {alert(1)}
The construction above by the specification is syntactically incorrect (an expression statement cannot begin with a function keyword), but as we will see below, none of the implementations provide the syntax error, but handle this case, though, every in it’s own manner.
我们如果来告诉解释器:我就像在函数声明之后立即调用,答案是很明确的,你得声明函数表达式function expression,而不是函数声明function declaration,并且创建表达式最简单的方式就是用分组操作符括号,里边放入的永远是表达式,所以解释器在解释的时候就不会出现歧义。在代码执行阶段这个的function就会被创建,并且立即执行,然后自动销毁(如果没有引用的话)。
(function foo(x) { alert(x); })(1); // OK, it"s a call, not a grouping operator, 1
var foo = { bar: function (x) { return x % 2 != 0 ? "yes" : "no"; }(1) }; alert(foo.bar); // "yes"
Apart from surrounding parentheses it is possible to use any other way of transformation of a function to FE type. For example:
function () { alert("anonymous function is called"); }(); // or this one !function () { alert("ECMAScript"); }(); // and any other manual // transformation
(function () {})(); (function () {}());
实现扩展: 函数语句
if (true) { function foo() { alert(0); } } else { function foo() { alert(1); } } foo(); // 1 or 0 ? test in different implementations
这里有必要说明的是,按照标准,这种句法结构通常是不正确的,因为我们还记得,一个函数声明(FD)不能出现在代码块中(这里if和else包含代码块)。我们曾经讲过,FD仅出现在两个位置:程序级(Program level)或直接位于其它函数体中。
但是,SpiderMonkey (和TraceMonkey)以两种方式对待这种情况:一方面它不会将函数作为声明处理(即,函数在代码执行阶段根据条件创建),但另一方面,既然没有括号包围(再次出现解析错误——”与FD有别”),他们不能被调用,所以也不是真正的函数表达式,它储存在变量对象中。
我个人认为这个例子中SpiderMonkey 的行为是正确的,拆分了它自身的函数中间类型——(FE+FD)。这些函数在合适的时间创建,根据条件,也不像FE,倒像一个可以从外部调用的FD,SpiderMonkey将这种语法扩展 称之为函数语句(缩写为FS);该语法在MDC中提及过。
(function foo(bar) { if (bar) { return; } foo(true); // "foo" name is available })(); // but from the outside, correctly, is not foo(); // "foo" is not defined
以下是关键点。当解释器在代码执行阶段遇到命名的FE时,在FE创建之前,它创建了辅助的特定对象,并添加到当前作用域链的最前端。然后它创建了FE,此时(正如我们在第四章 作用域链知道的那样)函数获取了[[Scope]] 属性——创建这个函数上下文的作用域链)。此后,FE的名称添加到特定对象上作为唯一的属性;这个属性的值是引用到FE上。最后一步是从父作用域链中移除那个特定的对象。让我们在伪码中看看这个算法:
specialObject = {}; Scope = specialObject + Scope; foo = new FunctionExpression; foo.[[Scope]] = Scope; specialObject.foo = foo; // {DontDelete}, {ReadOnly} delete Scope[0]; // remove specialObject from the front of scope chain
但是需要注意的是一些实现(如Rhino)不是在特定对象中而是在FE的激活对象中存储这个可选的名称。Microsoft 中的执行完全打破了FE规则,它在父变量对象中保持了这个名称,这样函数在外部变得可以访问。
Let’s have a look at how different implementations handle this problem. Some versions of SpiderMonkey have one feature related to special object which can be treated as a bug (although all was implemented according to the standard, so it is more of an editorial defect of the specification). It is related to the mechanism of the identifier resolution: the scope chain analysis istwo-dimensional and when resolving an identifier it considers the prototype chain of every object in the scope chain as well.
说到实现,部分版本的SpiderMonkey有一个与上述提到的特殊对象相关的特性,这个特性也可以看作是个bug(既然所有的实现都是严格遵循标准的,那么这个就是标准的问题了)。 此特性和标识符处理相关: 作用域链的分析是二维的,在标识符查询的时候,还要考虑作用域链中每个对象的原型链。
We can see this mechanism in action if we define a property in Object.prototype and use a “nonexistent” variable from the code. In the following example when resolving the name x the global object is reached without finding x. However since in SpiderMonkey the global object inherits from Object.prototype the name x is resolved there:
当在Object.prototype对象上定义一个属性,并将该属性值指向一个“根本不存在”的变量时,就能够体现该特性。 比如,如下例子中的变量“x”,在查询过程中,通过作用域链,一直到全局对象也是找不到“x”的。 然而,在SpiderMonkey中,全局对象继承自Object.prototype,于是,对应的值就在该对象中找到了:
Object.prototype.x = 10; (function () { alert(x); // 10 })();
Activation objects do not have prototypes. With the same start conditions, it is possible to see the same behavior in the example with inner function. If we were to define a local variable x and declare inner function (FD or anonymous FE) and then to reference x from the inner function, this variable would be resolved normally in the parent function context (i.e. there, where it should be and is), instead of in Object.prototype:
活跃对象是没有原型一说的。可以通过内部函数还证明。 如果在定义一个局部变量“x”并声明一个内部函数(FD或者匿名的FE),然后,在内部函数中引用变量“x”,这个时候该变量会在上层函数上下文中查询到(理应如此),而不是在Object.prototype中:
Object.prototype.x = 10; function foo() { var x = 20; // function declaration function bar() { alert(x); } bar(); // 20, from AO(foo) // the same with anonymous FE (function () { alert(x); // 20, also from AO(foo) })(); } foo();
Some implementations set a prototype for activation objects, which is an exception compared to most of other implementations. So, in the Blackberry implementation value x from the above example is resolved to 10. I.e. do not reach activation object of foo since value is found in Object.prototype:
在有些实现中,存在这样的异常:它们会在活跃对象设置原型。比方说,在Blackberry的实现中,上述例子中变量“x”值就会变成10。 因为,“x”从Object.prototype中就找到了:
AO(bar FD or anonymous FE) -> no -> AO(bar FD or anonymous FE).[[Prototype]] -> yes - 10
当出现有名字的FE的特殊对象的时候,在SpiderMonkey中也是有同样的异常。该特殊对象是常见对象 —— “和通过new Object()表达式产生的一样”。 相应地,它也应当继承自Object.prototype,上述描述只针对SpiderMonkey(1.7版本)。其他的实现(包括新的TraceMonkey)是不会给这个特殊对象设置原型的:
function foo() { var x = 10; (function bar() { alert(x); // 20, but not 10, as don"t reach AO(foo) // "x" is resolved by the chain: // AO(bar) - no -> __specialObject(bar) -> no // __specialObject(bar).[[Prototype]] - yes: 20 })(); } Object.prototype.x = 20; foo();
NFE and JScript
ECMAScript implementation from Microsoft — JScript which is currently built into Internet Explorer (up to JScript 5.8 — IE8) has a number of bugs related with named function expressions (NFE). Every of these bugs completely contradicts ECMA-262-3 standard; some of them may cause serious errors.
First, JScript in this case breaks the main rule of FE that they should not be stored in the variable object by name of functions. An optional FE name which should be stored in the special object and be accessible only inside the function itself (and nowhere else) here is stored directly in the parent variable object. Moreover, named FE is treated in JScript as the function declaration (FD), i.e. is created on entering the context stage and is available before the definition in the source code:
微软的实现——JScript,是IE的JS引擎(截至本文撰写时最新是JScript5.8——IE8),该引擎与NFE相关的bug有很多。每个bug基本上都和ECMA-262-3rd标准是完全违背的。 有些甚至会引发严重的错误。
第一,针对上述这样的情况,JScript完全破坏了FE的规则:不应当将函数名字保存在变量对象中的。 另外,FE的名字应当保存在特殊对象中,并且只有在函数自身内部才可以访问(其他地方均不可以)。而JScript却将其直接保存在上层上下文的变量对象中。 并且,JScript居然还将FE以FD的方式处理,在进入上下文的时候就将其创建出来,并在定义之前就可以访问到:
// FE is available in the variable object // via optional name before the // definition like a FD testNFE(); (function testNFE() { alert("testNFE"); }); // and also after the definition // like FD; optional name is // in the variable object testNFE();
第二,在声明同时,将NFE赋值给一个变量的时候,JScript会创建两个不同的函数对象。 这种行为感觉完全不符合逻辑(特别是考虑到在NFE外层,其名字根本是无法访问到的):
var foo = function bar() { alert("foo"); }; alert(typeof bar); // "function", NFE again in the VO – already mistake // but, further is more interesting alert(foo === bar); // false! foo.x = 10; alert(bar.x); // undefined // but both function make // the same action foo(); // "foo" bar(); // "foo"
然而,要注意的是: 当将NFE和赋值给变量这两件事情分开的话(比如,通过组操作符),在定义好后,再进行变量赋值,这样,两个对象就相同了,返回true:
(function bar() {}); var foo = bar; alert(foo === bar); // true foo.x = 10; alert(bar.x); // 10
这个时候就好解释了。实施上,一开始的确创建了两个对象,不过之后就只剩下一个了。这里将NFE以FD的方式来处理,然后,当进入上下文的时候,FD bar就创建出来了。 在这之后,到了执行代码阶段,又创建出了第二个对象 —— FE bar,该对象不会进行保存。相应的,由于没有变量对其进行引用,随后FE bar对象就被移除了。 因此,这里就只剩下一个对象——FD bar对象,对该对象的引用就赋值给了foo变量。
var foo = function bar() { alert([ arguments.callee === foo, arguments.callee === bar ]); }; foo(); // [true, false] bar(); // [false, true]
Fourthly, as JScript treats NFE as usual FD, it is not submitted to conditional operators rules, i.e. just like a FD, NFE is created on entering the context and the last definition in a code is used:
var foo = function bar() { alert(1); }; if (false) { foo = function bar() { alert(2); }; } bar(); // 2 foo(); // 1
上述行为从逻辑上也是可以解释通的: 当进入上下文的时候,最后一次定义的FD bar被创建出来(有alert(2)的函数), 之后到了执行代码阶段又一个新的函数 —— FE bar被创建出来,对其引用赋值给了变量foo。因此(if代码块中由于判断条件是false,因此其代码块中的代码永远不会被执行到)foo函数的调用会打印出1。 尽管“逻辑上”是对的,但是这个仍然算是IE的bug。因为它明显就破坏了实现的规则,所以我这里用了引号“逻辑上”。
第五个JScript中NFE的bug和通过给一个未受限的标识符赋值(也就是说,没有var关键字)来创建全局对象的属性相关。 由于这里NFE会以FD的方式来处理,并相应地会保存在变量对象上,赋值给未受限的标识符(不是给变量而是给全局对象的一般属性), 当函数名和标识符名字相同的时候,该属性就不会是全局的了。
(function () { // without var not a variable in the local // context, but a property of global object foo = function foo() {}; })(); // however from the outside of // anonymous function, name foo // is not available alert(typeof foo); // undefined
Again, the “logic” is clear: the function declaration foo gets to the activation object of a local context of anonymous function on entering the context stage. And at the moment of code execution stage, the name foo already exists in AO, i.e. is treated as local. Accordingly, at assignment operation there is simply an update of already existing in AO property foo, but not creation of new property of global object as should be according to the logic of ECMA-262-3.
这里从“逻辑上”又是可以解释通的: 进入上下文时,函数声明在匿名函数本地上下文的活跃对象中。 当进入执行代码阶段的时候,因为foo这个名字已经在AO中存在了(本地),相应地,赋值操作也只是简单的对AO中的foo进行更新而已。 并没有在全局对象上创建新的属性。
This type of function objects is discussed separately from FD and FE since it also has its own features. The main feature is that the [[Scope]] property of such functions contains only global object:
这类函数有别于FD和FE,有自己的专属特性: 它们的[[Scope]]属性中只包含全局对象:
var x = 10; function foo() { var x = 20; var y = 30; var bar = new Function("alert(x); alert(y);"); bar(); // 10, "y" is not defined }
We see that the [[Scope]] of bar function does not contain AO of foo context — the variable “y” is not accessible and the variable “x” is taken from the global context. By the way, pay attention, theFunction constructor can be used both with new keyword and without it, in this case these variants are equivalent.
我们看到bar函数的[[Scope]]属性并未包含foo上下文的AO —— 变量“y”是无法访问的,并且变量“x”是来自全局上下文。 顺便提下,这里要注意的是,Function构造器可以通过new关键字和省略new关键字两种用法。上述例子中,这两种用法都是一样的。
The other feature of such functions is related with Equated Grammar Productions and Joined Objects. This mechanism is provided by the specification as suggestion for the optimization (however, implementations have the right not to use such optimization). For example, if we have an array of 100 elements which is filled in a loop with functions, then implementation can use this mechanism of joined objects. As a result only one function object for all elements of an array can be used:
此类函数其他特性则和同类语法产生式以及联合对象有关。 该机制在标准中建议在作优化的时候采用(当然,具体的实现者也完全有权利不使用这类优化)。比方说,有100元素的数组,在循环数组过程中会给数组每个元素赋值(函数), 这个时候,实现的时候就可以采用联合对象的机制了。这样,最终所有的数组元素都会引用同一个函数(只有一个函数):
var a = []; for (var k = 0; k < 100; k++) { a[k] = function () {}; // possibly, joined objects are used }
var a = []; for (var k = 0; k < 100; k++) { a[k] = Function(""); // always 100 different funcitons }
function foo() { function bar(z) { return z * z; } return bar; } var x = foo(); var y = foo();
Here also implementation has the right to join objects x and y (and to use one object) because functions physically (including their internal [[Scope]] property) are not distinguishable. Therefore, the functions created via Function constructor always require more memory resources.
上述例子,在实现过程中同样可以使用联合对象。来使得x和y引用同一个对象,因为函数(包括它们内部的[[Scope]]属性)物理上是不可分辨的。 因此,通过Function构造器创建的函数总是会占用更多内存资源。
The pseudo-code of function creation algorithm (except steps with joined objects) is described below. This description helps to understand in more detail which function objects exist in ECMAScript. The algorithm is identical for all function types.
F = new NativeObject(); // 属性[[Class]] is "Function" F.[[Class]] = "Function" // 函数对象的原型 F.[[Prototype]] = Function.prototype // 对函数自身的引用 // [[Call]] is activated by call expression F() // 创建一个新的上下文 F.[[Call]] =// built in general constructor of objects 内置构造器 // [[Construct]] is activated via "new" keyword [[Construct]]是在new 关键字的时候激活。 // and it is the one who allocates memory for new 它会为新对象申请内存 // objects; then it calls F.[[Call]] // to initialize created objects passing as // "this" value newly created object F.[[Construct]] = internalConstructor // scope chain of the current context // i.e. context which creates function F 当前上下文的作用域链 F.[[Scope]] = activeContext.Scope // if this functions is created // via new Function(...), then 如果是通过new 运算符来创建的,则 F.[[Scope]] = globalContext.Scope // number of formal parameters 形参的个数 F.length = countParameters // a prototype of created by F objects 通过F创建出来的原型 __objectPrototype = new Object(); __objectPrototype.constructor = F // {DontEnum}, is not enumerable in loops F.prototype = __objectPrototype return F
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阅读 3381·2019-08-29 14:17
阅读 1183·2019-08-26 13:49
阅读 3357·2019-08-26 13:22
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