对一个图片添加该效果,首先,我们需要一个具有宽高的容器。DOM 结构非常简单。
我们利用了filtfx.js这个插件对上面的图片进行处理, 来实现倾斜效果。我在原来的代码中加入了一些注释,来帮助我们理解。下面我们对该插件的核心代码进行分析。
function TiltFx(el, options) { this.el = el; this.options = extend({}, this.options); extend(this.options, options); this._init(); this._initEvents(); }
function init() { // 遍历所有拥有‘title-effect’类的img元素 [].slice.call(document.querySelectorAll("img.tilt-effect")).forEach(function(img) { new TiltFx(img, JSON.parse(img.getAttribute("data-tilt-options"))); }); }
/** * 默认参数 */ TiltFx.prototype.options = { extraImgs: 2, // 额外的辅助图片数量 opacity: 0.7, bgfixed: true, // 底图是否固定 movement: { // 这是一些用于移动的参数 perspective: 1000, translateX: -10, translateY: -10, translateZ: 20, rotateX: 2, rotateY: 2, rotateZ: 0 } }
TiltFx.prototype._init = function() { this.tiltWrapper = document.createElement("div"); this.tiltWrapper.className = "tilt"; // main image element. this.tiltImgBack = document.createElement("div"); this.tiltImgBack.className = "tilt__back"; this.tiltImgBack.style.backgroundImage = "url(" + this.el.src + ")"; this.tiltWrapper.appendChild(this.tiltImgBack); // image elements limit. if (this.options.extraImgs < 1) { this.options.extraImgs = 1; } else if (this.options.extraImgs > 5) { this.options.extraImgs = 5; } if (!this.options.movement.perspective) { this.options.movement.perspective = 0; } // add the extra image elements. this.imgElems = []; for (var i = 0; i < this.options.extraImgs; ++i) { var el = document.createElement("div"); el.className = "tilt__front"; el.style.backgroundImage = "url(" + this.el.src + ")"; el.style.opacity = this.options.opacity; this.tiltWrapper.appendChild(el); this.imgElems.push(el); } if (!this.options.bgfixed) { this.imgElems.push(this.tiltImgBack); ++this.options.extraImgs; } // add it to the DOM and remove original img element. this.el.parentNode.insertBefore(this.tiltWrapper, this.el); this.el.parentNode.removeChild(this.el); // tiltWrapper properties: width/height/left/top this.view = { width: this.tiltWrapper.offsetWidth, height: this.tiltWrapper.offsetHeight }; };
TiltFx.prototype._initEvents = function() { var self = this, moveOpts = self.options.movement; // mousemove event.. this.tiltWrapper.addEventListener("mousemove", function(ev) { requestAnimationFrame(function() { // mouse position relative to the document. var mousepos = getMousePos(ev), // document scrolls. docScrolls = { left: document.body.scrollLeft + document.documentElement.scrollLeft, top: document.body.scrollTop + document.documentElement.scrollTop }, bounds = self.tiltWrapper.getBoundingClientRect(), // mouse position relative to the main element (tiltWrapper). relmousepos = { x: mousepos.x - bounds.left - docScrolls.left, y: mousepos.y - bounds.top - docScrolls.top }; // configure the movement for each image element. for (var i = 0, len = self.imgElems.length; i < len; ++i) { var el = self.imgElems[i], rotX = moveOpts.rotateX ? 2 * ((i + 1) * moveOpts.rotateX / self.options.extraImgs) / self.view.height * relmousepos.y - ((i + 1) * moveOpts.rotateX / self.options.extraImgs) : 0, rotY = moveOpts.rotateY ? 2 * ((i + 1) * moveOpts.rotateY / self.options.extraImgs) / self.view.width * relmousepos.x - ((i + 1) * moveOpts.rotateY / self.options.extraImgs) : 0, rotZ = moveOpts.rotateZ ? 2 * ((i + 1) * moveOpts.rotateZ / self.options.extraImgs) / self.view.width * relmousepos.x - ((i + 1) * moveOpts.rotateZ / self.options.extraImgs) : 0, transX = moveOpts.translateX ? 2 * ((i + 1) * moveOpts.translateX / self.options.extraImgs) / self.view.width * relmousepos.x - ((i + 1) * moveOpts.translateX / self.options.extraImgs) : 0, transY = moveOpts.translateY ? 2 * ((i + 1) * moveOpts.translateY / self.options.extraImgs) / self.view.height * relmousepos.y - ((i + 1) * moveOpts.translateY / self.options.extraImgs) : 0, transZ = moveOpts.translateZ ? 2 * ((i + 1) * moveOpts.translateZ / self.options.extraImgs) / self.view.height * relmousepos.y - ((i + 1) * moveOpts.translateZ / self.options.extraImgs) : 0; el.style.WebkitTransform = "perspective(" + moveOpts.perspective + "px) translate3d(" + transX + "px," + transY + "px," + transZ + "px) rotate3d(1,0,0," + rotX + "deg) rotate3d(0,1,0," + rotY + "deg) rotate3d(0,0,1," + rotZ + "deg)"; el.style.transform = "perspective(" + moveOpts.perspective + "px) translate3d(" + transX + "px," + transY + "px," + transZ + "px) rotate3d(1,0,0," + rotX + "deg) rotate3d(0,1,0," + rotY + "deg) rotate3d(0,0,1," + rotZ + "deg)"; } }); }); // reset all when mouse leaves the main wrapper. this.tiltWrapper.addEventListener("mouseleave", function(ev) { setTimeout(function() { for (var i = 0, len = self.imgElems.length; i < len; ++i) { var el = self.imgElems[i]; el.style.WebkitTransform = "perspective(" + moveOpts.perspective + "px) translate3d(0,0,0) rotate3d(1,1,1,0deg)"; el.style.transform = "perspective(" + moveOpts.perspective + "px) translate3d(0,0,0) rotate3d(1,1,1,0deg)"; } }, 60); }); // window resize window.addEventListener("resize", throttle(function(ev) { // recalculate tiltWrapper properties: width/height/left/top self.view = { width: self.tiltWrapper.offsetWidth, height: self.tiltWrapper.offsetHeight }; }, 50)); };
var el = self.imgElems[i], rotX = moveOpts.rotateX ? 2 * ((i + 1) * moveOpts.rotateX / self.options.extraImgs) / self.view.height * relmousepos.y - ((i + 1) * moveOpts.rotateX / self.options.extraImgs) : 0, rotY = moveOpts.rotateY ? 2 * ((i + 1) * moveOpts.rotateY / self.options.extraImgs) / self.view.width * relmousepos.x - ((i + 1) * moveOpts.rotateY / self.options.extraImgs) : 0, rotZ = moveOpts.rotateZ ? 2 * ((i + 1) * moveOpts.rotateZ / self.options.extraImgs) / self.view.width * relmousepos.x - ((i + 1) * moveOpts.rotateZ / self.options.extraImgs) : 0, transX = moveOpts.translateX ? 2 * ((i + 1) * moveOpts.translateX / self.options.extraImgs) / self.view.width * relmousepos.x - ((i + 1) * moveOpts.translateX / self.options.extraImgs) : 0, transY = moveOpts.translateY ? 2 * ((i + 1) * moveOpts.translateY / self.options.extraImgs) / self.view.height * relmousepos.y - ((i + 1) * moveOpts.translateY / self.options.extraImgs) : 0, transZ = moveOpts.translateZ ? 2 * ((i + 1) * moveOpts.translateZ / self.options.extraImgs) / self.view.height * relmousepos.y - ((i + 1) * moveOpts.translateZ / self.options.extraImgs) : 0; el.style.WebkitTransform = "perspective(" + moveOpts.perspective + "px) translate3d(" + transX + "px," + transY + "px," + transZ + "px) rotate3d(1,0,0," + rotX + "deg) rotate3d(0,1,0," + rotY + "deg) rotate3d(0,0,1," + rotZ + "deg)"; el.style.transform = "perspective(" + moveOpts.perspective + "px) translate3d(" + transX + "px," + transY + "px," + transZ + "px) rotate3d(1,0,0," + rotX + "deg) rotate3d(0,1,0," + rotY + "deg) rotate3d(0,0,1," + rotZ + "deg)";
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摘要:标签大集合语义化标签页面内锚点我跳跳到这里来可用于回到顶部功能。表格中表示行,和表示列。当超出时会自动换行。属性清除浮动通用方案实际上是添加了一个看不见的点号。 1. 里的 一定要放在第一行 ,如果放在了下面可能会有问题。 2.标签大集合 showImg(https://segmentfault.com/img/bVMaUw?w=1366&h=767); 3.HTML5语义化标签...
摘要:标签大集合语义化标签页面内锚点我跳跳到这里来可用于回到顶部功能。表格中表示行,和表示列。当超出时会自动换行。属性清除浮动通用方案实际上是添加了一个看不见的点号。 1. 里的 一定要放在第一行 ,如果放在了下面可能会有问题。 2.标签大集合 showImg(https://segmentfault.com/img/bVMaUw?w=1366&h=767); 3.HTML5语义化标签...
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