Javascript anonymous functions
Anonymous functions are functions that are dynamically declared at runtime. They’re called anonymous functions because they aren’t given a name in the same way as normal functions.
Anonymous functions are declared using the function operator instead of the function declaration.
function flyToTheMoon() { alert("Zoom! Zoom! Zoom!"); } flyToTheMoon();
var flyToTheMoon = function() { alert("Zoom! Zoom! Zoom!"); } flyToTheMoon();Anonymous functions are created using the function operator
在调用函数赋值表达式(function operator)会创建一个新的函数对象,然后把返回它。这里就是把创建的函数对象赋值给flyToTheMoon。
Anonymous functions are created at runtimeAnonymous functions don’t have a nameThe function operator can be used anywhere that it’s valid to use an
expression. For example you can use the function operator when a
variable is being assigned, when a parameter is being passed to a
function or in a return statement. This is possible because the
function operator is always invoked at runtime.Function declarations are different. They are run before any of the
other code is executed so the functions do not have to be declared
before the code that calls them.Function declarations can’t be used to create anonymous functions
because they require the function to have a name. The function
declaration uses the function name to add it as a variable in the
current scope.
var flyToTheMoon = function() { alert("Zoom! Zoom! Zoom"); } flyToTheMoon();
var flyToTheMoon = function flyToTheMoon() { alert("Zoom! Zoom! Zoom"); } flyToTheMoon();
Giving your function a name does not automatically add a variable into scope with the function name. You still need to assign the return value of the function operator a variable.
var thingsToDoToday = function flyToTheMoon() { alert("Zoom! Zoom! Zoom"); } thingsToDoToday();Why have a name?
var thingsToDoToday = function flyToTheMoon() { if(!onTheMoon) flyToTheMoon(); else alert("One small step for a man.."); } thingsToDoToday();
Why are anonymous functions useful?It can also useful for debugging because you can see the function’s
name in a call stack. Anonymous functions generally all look the same in the call stack. If you have a nasty debugging situation, sometimes giving names to the functions you are interested in can make things clearer
Not having to set a name for an anonymous function is just a convenience thing since in most cases the name of the function doesn’t really matter. Most of the time anonymous functions and named functions will both do any job perfectly well.
Functions created with the function operator can be very useful. See some examples of where it can be used.
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