// Regular expression used to split event strings // 用于分割事件名的正则,识别空格 var eventSplitter = /s+/ // A module that can be mixed in to *any object* in order to provide it // with custom events. You may bind with `on` or remove with `off` callback // functions to an event; `trigger`-ing an event fires all callbacks in // succession. // // var object = new Events(); // object.on("expand", function(){ alert("expanded"); }); // object.trigger("expand"); // // 介绍使用方法,这个模块可以混入任何对象之中,实现对自定义事件的资瓷~ function Events() { } // Bind one or more space separated events, `events`, to a `callback` // function. Passing `"all"` will bind the callback to all events fired. // 将空格分割的事件绑定给对象,事件名为all的话,事件回调函数在任何事件被触发时都会调用。 Events.prototype.on = function(events, callback, context) { var cache, event, list // 回调函数不存在,直接返回 if (!callback) return this // 将对象的`__events`属性缓存,`__events`属性不存在则初始化为空对象 cache = this.__events || (this.__events = {}) // 将参数中的事件字符串进行分割,得到事件名数组 events = events.split(eventSplitter) // 循环遍历`events`中的事件 while (event = events.shift()) { // 查询cache中是否缓存了事件,如果有,取得这个事件的回调函数队列的引用,如果没有,初始化为空数组 list = cache[event] || (cache[event] = []) // 将回调和上下文存入回调函数队列 list.push(callback, context) } return this } // 绑定只执行一次就销毁的事件回调 Events.prototype.once = function(events, callback, context) { var that = this // 对传入的`callback`进行一次封装,`cb`内调用`off`方法,调用一次就解绑 var cb = function() { that.off(events, cb) callback.apply(context || that, arguments) } // 将封装后的`cb`进行绑定 return this.on(events, cb, context) } // Remove one or many callbacks. If `context` is null, removes all callbacks // with that function. If `callback` is null, removes all callbacks for the // event. If `events` is null, removes all bound callbacks for all events. // 移除一个或多个回调,如果`context`为空,移除所有同名的回调。 // 如果`callback`为空,移除该事件上所有回调。 // 如果`events`为空,移除所有时间上绑定的所有回调函数。 Events.prototype.off = function(events, callback, context) { var cache, event, list, i // No events, or removing *all* events. // 如果没有任何已绑定事件,直接返回 if (!(cache = this.__events)) return this // 如果三个参数都没传,则删除对象上的`__events`属性,并返回对象 if (!(events || callback || context)) { delete this.__events return this } // 对传入的`events`进行分割处理,如果没有传入`events`,取得缓存中的所有事件 events = events ? events.split(eventSplitter) : keys(cache) // Loop through the callback list, splicing where appropriate. // 循环遍历events while (event = events.shift()) { // 保存事件回调队列 list = cache[event] // 如队列为空,跳过 if (!list) continue // 如果`callback`和`context`都没传,则删除该事件队列 if (!(callback || context)) { delete cache[event] continue } // 遍历回调队列,注意每个回调和其调用上下文是间隔排列的,步长为2 // 和传入的`callback`以及`context`比较,都符合的则将回调和调用上下文从数组中移除 for (i = list.length - 2; i >= 0; i -= 2) { if (!(callback && list[i] !== callback || context && list[i + 1] !== context)) { list.splice(i, 2) } } } return this } // Trigger one or many events, firing all bound callbacks. Callbacks are // passed the same arguments as `trigger` is, apart from the event name // (unless you"re listening on `"all"`, which will cause your callback to // receive the true name of the event as the first argument). Events.prototype.trigger = function(events) { var cache, event, all, list, i, len, rest = [], args, returned = true; // 如果没有绑定过任何事件,直接返回 if (!(cache = this.__events)) return this // 分割 events = events.split(eventSplitter) // Fill up `rest` with the callback arguments. Since we"re only copying // the tail of `arguments`, a loop is much faster than Array#slice. // 将除第一个参数`events`外的所有参数保存保存为数组存入`rest` for (i = 1, len = arguments.length; i < len; i++) { rest[i - 1] = arguments[i] } // For each event, walk through the list of callbacks twice, first to // trigger the event, then to trigger any `"all"` callbacks. // 对于每个事件,遍历两次回调队列,第一次是触发那个事件,第二次是触发任何`all`事件的回调 while (event = events.shift()) { // Copy callback lists to prevent modification. // 如果缓存中存在all事件,将其回调队列分割存入all if (all = cache.all) all = all.slice() // 如果缓存中有当前遍历到的事件,将其回调队列分割存入list if (list = cache[event]) list = list.slice() // Execute event callbacks except one named "all" // 当遍历到的事件名不是all时,触发事件的所有回调,以this作为调用上下文 if (event !== "all") { returned = triggerEvents(list, rest, this) && returned } // Execute "all" callbacks. // 触发对应all事件的所有回调 returned = triggerEvents(all, [event].concat(rest), this) && returned } // 返回值 return returned } // trigger == emit Events.prototype.emit = Events.prototype.trigger // Helpers // ------- // 保存对`Object.keys`方法的引用 var keys = Object.keys // 不存在`Object.keys`方法时就自己实现 if (!keys) { // 接受一个对象,返回该对象所有自有属性 keys = function(o) { var result = [] for (var name in o) { if (o.hasOwnProperty(name)) { result.push(name) } } return result } } // Mix `Events` to object instance or Class function. // 将`Events`混入任何一个Class类的实例 Events.mixTo = function(receiver) { // 保存`Events`的原型 var proto = Events.prototype // 判断接收对象类型,是否为构造函数 if (isFunction(receiver)) { // 遍历`Events`原型内方法 for (var key in proto) { // 将自有方法进行复制 if (proto.hasOwnProperty(key)) { receiver.prototype[key] = proto[key] } } // 经过调试这步和上步的作用是一样的,只是调用了ES5的API,不知是否和兼容性有关 Object.keys(proto).forEach(function(key) { receiver.prototype[key] = proto[key] }) } else { // 针对接收者不是构造函数而是实例的情况 // 生成Event类的实例 var event = new Events // 遍历,判断,复制 for (var key in proto) { if (proto.hasOwnProperty(key)) { copyProto(key) } } } // 复制属性 function copyProto(key) { receiver[key] = function() { // 由于receiver已经是一个对象而不是构造函数,所以将所有方法的执行上下文转换为一个Event类的实例 proto[key].apply(event, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments)) return this } } } // Execute callbacks /** * 执行回调的方法 * @param {Array} list 回调函数队列 * @param {Array} args 参数数组 * @param {Object} context 调用上下文 * @return {Boolean} pass */ function triggerEvents(list, args, context) { var pass = true if (list) { var i = 0, l = list.length, a1 = args[0], a2 = args[1], a3 = args[2] // call is faster than apply, optimize less than 3 argu // http://blog.csdn.net/zhengyinhui100/article/details/7837127 // 由于`call`方法要比`apply`快,因此针对参数数量少于等于3个的情况进行优化,调用`call`,参数数量大于3个时调用`apply` switch (args.length) { case 0: for (; i < l; i += 2) {pass = list[i].call(list[i + 1] || context) !== false && pass} break; case 1: for (; i < l; i += 2) {pass = list[i].call(list[i + 1] || context, a1) !== false && pass} break; case 2: for (; i < l; i += 2) {pass = list[i].call(list[i + 1] || context, a1, a2) !== false && pass} break; case 3: for (; i < l; i += 2) {pass = list[i].call(list[i + 1] || context, a1, a2, a3) !== false && pass} break; default: for (; i < l; i += 2) {pass = list[i].apply(list[i + 1] || context, args) !== false && pass} break; } } // trigger will return false if one of the callbacks return false // 有一个回调函数的返回值为false则pass值为false return pass; } // 判断是否为Function类型的工具函数 function isFunction(func) { return Object.prototype.toString.call(func) === "[object Function]" } module.exports = Events分析
{ "click": [callback1, context1, callback2, context2, ...], "remove": [callback1, context1, callback2, context2, ...], ... }
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