大概过了一遍 util 工具类后,开始看 Vue 实例的具体实现
src/instance/init.js 实现了 Vue 的 _init 初始化函数
import { mergeOptions } from "../../util/index" let uid = 0 export default function (Vue) { Vue.prototype._init = function (options) { ... } }
_init 方法会在实例创建的时候被调用:
function Vue(options) { this._init(options); }
init 初始化了 Vue 实例的共有属性如 $el, $parent, $root, $children, $refs, $els还有一堆私有属性如_watchers, _directives, _uid, isVue, _events等等,最后再是初始化实例状态、事件、生命周期等等
在实现 $root 上比较有趣:
this.$parent = options.parent this.$root = this.$parent ? this.$parent.$root : thisstate
/** * Accessor for `$data` property, since setting $data * requires observing the new object and updating * proxied properties. */ Object.defineProperty(Vue.prototype, "$data", { get () { return this._data }, set (newData) { if (newData !== this._data) { this._setData(newData) } } })_setData
使用 defineProperty 来实现对 Vue.$data 的 get 和 set
Vue.prototype._setData = function (newData) { newData = newData || {} var oldData = this._data this._data = newData var keys, key, i // unproxy keys not present in new data keys = Object.keys(oldData) i = keys.length while (i--) { key = keys[i] if (!(key in newData)) { this._unproxy(key) } } // proxy keys not already proxied, // and trigger change for changed values keys = Object.keys(newData) i = keys.length while (i--) { key = keys[i] if (!hasOwn(this, key)) { // new property this._proxy(key) } } oldData.__ob__.removeVm(this) observe(newData, this) this._digest() }
_setData 方法利用 Object.keys 获取对象的属性列表,在利用 key in obj来判断是否存在属性 key,然后决定是否 proxy 或者 unproxy
_initComputed/** * Setup computed properties. They are essentially * special getter/setters */ function noop () {} Vue.prototype._initComputed = function () { var computed = this.$options.computed if (computed) { for (var key in computed) { var userDef = computed[key] var def = { enumerable: true, configurable: true } if (typeof userDef === "function") { def.get = makeComputedGetter(userDef, this) def.set = noop } else { def.get = userDef.get ? userDef.cache !== false ? makeComputedGetter(userDef.get, this) : bind(userDef.get, this) : noop def.set = userDef.set ? bind(userDef.set, this) : noop } Object.defineProperty(this, key, def) } } } function makeComputedGetter (getter, owner) { var watcher = new Watcher(owner, getter, null, { lazy: true }) return function computedGetter () { if (watcher.dirty) { watcher.evaluate() } if (Dep.target) { watcher.depend() } return watcher.value } }
初始化计算属性,即 computed 的实现,从文档可以看到我们既可以使用 function 来确定怎么获取某个值,也可以使用 get 和 set 对象来确定值的获取和更新,底层的实现是 watcher
methods/** * Setup instance methods. Methods must be bound to the * instance since they might be passed down as a prop to * child components. */ Vue.prototype._initMethods = function () { var methods = this.$options.methods if (methods) { for (var key in methods) { this[key] = bind(methods[key], this) } } } /** * Initialize meta information like $index, $key & $value. */ Vue.prototype._initMeta = function () { var metas = this.$options._meta if (metas) { for (var key in metas) { defineReactive(this, key, metas[key]) } } }watcher
import { extend, warn, isArray, isObject, nextTick } from "./util/index" import config from "./config" import Dep from "./observer/dep" import { parseExpression } from "./parsers/expression" import { pushWatcher } from "./batcher" let uid = 0 export default function Watcher (vm, expOrFn, cb, options) { // mix in options if (options) { extend(this, options) } var isFn = typeof expOrFn === "function" this.vm = vm vm._watchers.push(this) this.expression = isFn ? expOrFn.toString() : expOrFn this.cb = cb this.id = ++uid // uid for batching this.active = true this.dirty = this.lazy // for lazy watchers this.deps = Object.create(null) this.newDeps = null this.prevError = null // for async error stacks // parse expression for getter/setter if (isFn) { this.getter = expOrFn this.setter = undefined } else { var res = parseExpression(expOrFn, this.twoWay) this.getter = res.get this.setter = res.set } this.value = this.lazy ? undefined : this.get() // state for avoiding false triggers for deep and Array // watchers during vm._digest() this.queued = this.shallow = false } /** * Add a dependency to this directive. * * @param {Dep} dep */ Watcher.prototype.addDep = function (dep) { var id = dep.id if (!this.newDeps[id]) { this.newDeps[id] = dep if (!this.deps[id]) { this.deps[id] = dep dep.addSub(this) } } } /** * Evaluate the getter, and re-collect dependencies. */ Watcher.prototype.get = function () { this.beforeGet() var scope = this.scope || this.vm var value try { value = this.getter.call(scope, scope) } catch (e) { if ( process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && config.warnExpressionErrors ) { warn( "Error when evaluating expression "" + this.expression + "". " + (config.debug ? "" : "Turn on debug mode to see stack trace." ), e ) } } // "touch" every property so they are all tracked as // dependencies for deep watching if (this.deep) { traverse(value) } if (this.preProcess) { value = this.preProcess(value) } if (this.filters) { value = scope._applyFilters(value, null, this.filters, false) } if (this.postProcess) { value = this.postProcess(value) } this.afterGet() return value } /** * Set the corresponding value with the setter. * * @param {*} value */ Watcher.prototype.set = function (value) { var scope = this.scope || this.vm if (this.filters) { value = scope._applyFilters( value, this.value, this.filters, true) } try { this.setter.call(scope, scope, value) } catch (e) { if ( process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && config.warnExpressionErrors ) { warn( "Error when evaluating setter "" + this.expression + """, e ) } } // two-way sync for v-for alias var forContext = scope.$forContext if (forContext && forContext.alias === this.expression) { if (forContext.filters) { process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && warn( "It seems you are using two-way binding on " + "a v-for alias (" + this.expression + "), and the " + "v-for has filters. This will not work properly. " + "Either remove the filters or use an array of " + "objects and bind to object properties instead." ) return } forContext._withLock(function () { if (scope.$key) { // original is an object forContext.rawValue[scope.$key] = value } else { forContext.rawValue.$set(scope.$index, value) } }) } } /** * Prepare for dependency collection. */ Watcher.prototype.beforeGet = function () { Dep.target = this this.newDeps = Object.create(null) } /** * Clean up for dependency collection. */ Watcher.prototype.afterGet = function () { Dep.target = null var ids = Object.keys(this.deps) var i = ids.length while (i--) { var id = ids[i] if (!this.newDeps[id]) { this.deps[id].removeSub(this) } } this.deps = this.newDeps } /** * Subscriber interface. * Will be called when a dependency changes. * * @param {Boolean} shallow */ Watcher.prototype.update = function (shallow) { if (this.lazy) { this.dirty = true } else if (this.sync || !config.async) { this.run() } else { // if queued, only overwrite shallow with non-shallow, // but not the other way around. this.shallow = this.queued ? shallow ? this.shallow : false : !!shallow this.queued = true // record before-push error stack in debug mode /* istanbul ignore if */ if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && config.debug) { this.prevError = new Error("[vue] async stack trace") } pushWatcher(this) } } /** * Batcher job interface. * Will be called by the batcher. */ Watcher.prototype.run = function () { if (this.active) { var value = this.get() if ( value !== this.value || // Deep watchers and Array watchers should fire even // when the value is the same, because the value may // have mutated; but only do so if this is a // non-shallow update (caused by a vm digest). ((isArray(value) || this.deep) && !this.shallow) ) { // set new value var oldValue = this.value this.value = value // in debug + async mode, when a watcher callbacks // throws, we also throw the saved before-push error // so the full cross-tick stack trace is available. var prevError = this.prevError /* istanbul ignore if */ if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && config.debug && prevError) { this.prevError = null try { this.cb.call(this.vm, value, oldValue) } catch (e) { nextTick(function () { throw prevError }, 0) throw e } } else { this.cb.call(this.vm, value, oldValue) } } this.queued = this.shallow = false } } /** * Evaluate the value of the watcher. * This only gets called for lazy watchers. */ Watcher.prototype.evaluate = function () { // avoid overwriting another watcher that is being // collected. var current = Dep.target this.value = this.get() this.dirty = false Dep.target = current } /** * Depend on all deps collected by this watcher. */ Watcher.prototype.depend = function () { var depIds = Object.keys(this.deps) var i = depIds.length while (i--) { this.deps[depIds[i]].depend() } } /** * Remove self from all dependencies" subcriber list. */ Watcher.prototype.teardown = function () { if (this.active) { // remove self from vm"s watcher list // we can skip this if the vm if being destroyed // which can improve teardown performance. if (!this.vm._isBeingDestroyed) { this.vm._watchers.$remove(this) } var depIds = Object.keys(this.deps) var i = depIds.length while (i--) { this.deps[depIds[i]].removeSub(this) } this.active = false this.vm = this.cb = this.value = null } } /** * Recrusively traverse an object to evoke all converted * getters, so that every nested property inside the object * is collected as a "deep" dependency. * * @param {*} val */ function traverse (val) { var i, keys if (isArray(val)) { i = val.length while (i--) traverse(val[i]) } else if (isObject(val)) { keys = Object.keys(val) i = keys.length while (i--) traverse(val[keys[i]]) } }
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