Vuex从0开始学习源码 前言
尝试从0开始,写一个Vuex(主要是copy vuex的源代码),从中学习下vuex的源代码.先来看下列子中是怎么使用store的。
import Vue from "vue" import Vuex from "../../src" Vue.use(Vuex) // mutation types // optional if you don"t like constants. const INCREMENT = "INCREMENT" const DECREMENT = "DECREMENT" // root state object. // each Vuex instance is just a single state tree. const state = { count: 0 } // actions are what components will be able to // call as store.actions.xxx // note these are not the final functions the // components will be calling. const actions = { // for simple actions that just dispatches a single mutation, // we can just provide the mutation type. increment: INCREMENT, decrement: DECREMENT, // for a normal action function, it always recieves the store // instance as the first argument, from which we can get the // dispatch function and the state object. Any additional // arguments will follow the store argument. incrementIfOdd: ({ dispatch, state }) => { if ((state.count + 1) % 2 === 0) { dispatch(INCREMENT) } }, // Same thing for async actions. incrementAsync: ({ dispatch }) => { setTimeout(() => { dispatch(INCREMENT) }, 1000) } } // mutations are operations that actually mutates the state. // each mutation handler gets the entire state tree as the // first argument, followed by additional payload arguments. // mutations must be synchronous and can be recorded by middlewares // for debugging purposes. const mutations = { [INCREMENT] (state) { state.count++ }, [DECREMENT] (state) { state.count-- } } // A Vuex instance is created by combining the state, the actions, // and the mutations. Because the actions and mutations are just // functions that do not depend on the instance itself, they can // be easily tested or even hot-reloaded (see counter-hot example). // // You can also provide middlewares, which is just an array of // objects containing some hooks to be called at initialization // and after each mutation. export default new Vuex.Store({ state, actions, mutations })开始 第一步
Vuex作为一个插件 先得实现install方法。同时我们在install方法里面在Vue组件注入$store,也就是为什么vue中各个子组件为什么能够通过this.$store访问到store这个对象
let Vue //存储Vue变量。一是为了注入$store到各个Vue组件,二是后续要用到Vue的双向绑定的功能 export class Store{ } export function install (_Vue){ Vue = _Vue const _init = Vue.prototype._init; Vue.prototype._init = function(options){ options = options || {} if(options.store){ this.$store = options.store }else if(options.parent && options.parent.$store){ this.$store = options.parent.$store } _init.call(this,options) } } export default { Store,install }
let Vue //存储Vue变量。一是为了注入$store到各个Vue组件,二是后续要用到Vue的双向绑定的功能 export class Store{ constructor ({ state = {}, actions = {}, mutations = {} }){ //依赖vue双向绑定 this._vm = new Vue({ data : state }) } get state (){ //页面中通过此方法获取state return this._vm._data; } set state (v){ throw new Error("[Vuex] vuex root state is read only.") } } export function install (_Vue){ Vue = _Vue const _init = Vue.prototype._init; Vue.prototype._init = function(options){ options = options || {} if(options.store){ this.$store = options.store }else if(options.parent && options.parent.$store){ this.$store = options.parent.$store } _init.call(this,options) } } export default { Store,install }
import { createAction, mergeObjects } from "./util" let Vue //存储Vue变量。一是为了注入$store到各个Vue组件,二是后续要用到Vue的双向绑定的功能 export class Store{ constructor ({ state = {}, actions = {}, mutations = {} }){ //依赖vue双向绑定 this._vm = new Vue({ data : state }) this.actions = Object.create(null) //构造下action。兼容字符串和function两种模式 this._setupActions(actions); } get state (){ //页面中通过此方法获取state return this._vm._data; } set state (v){ throw new Error("[Vuex] vuex root state is read only.") } _setupActions (actions){ this._actions = Object.create(null); actions = Array.isArray(actions) ? mergeObjects(actions) : actions; Object.keys(actions).forEach(name =>{ this._actions[name] = createAction(actions[name],this); //兼容string 和function的写法 if(!this.actions[name]){ this.actions[name] = (...args) =>this._actions[name](...args) } }) } } export function install (_Vue){ Vue = _Vue const _init = Vue.prototype._init; Vue.prototype._init = function(options){ options = options || {} if(options.store){ this.$store = options.store }else if(options.parent && options.parent.$store){ this.$store = options.parent.$store } _init.call(this,options) } } export default { Store,install }
export function createAction (action, store) { if (typeof action === "string") { // simple action string shorthand return (...payload) => store.dispatch(action, ...payload) } else if (typeof action === "function") { // normal action return (...payload) => action(store, ...payload) } }第四步 构造下mutations
import { createAction, mergeObjects } from "./util" let Vue //存储Vue变量。一是为了注入$store到各个Vue组件,二是后续要用到Vue的双向绑定的功能 export class Store{ constructor ({ state = {}, actions = {}, mutations = {} }){ //依赖vue双向绑定 this._vm = new Vue({ data : state }) this.actions = Object.create(null) //构造下action。兼容字符串和function两种模式 this._setupActions(actions); //构造mutations this._setupMutations(mutations); } get state (){ //页面中通过此方法获取state return this._vm._data; } set state (v){ throw new Error("[Vuex] vuex root state is read only.") } _setupActions (actions){ this._actions = Object.create(null); actions = Array.isArray(actions) ? mergeObjects(actions) : actions; Object.keys(actions).forEach(name =>{ this._actions[name] = createAction(actions[name],this); //兼容string 和function的写法 if(!this.actions[name]){ this.actions[name] = (...args) =>this._actions[name](...args) } }) } _setupMutations(mutations){ this._mutations = Array.isArray(mutations) ? mergeObjects(mutations,true) : mutations } } export function install (_Vue){ Vue = _Vue const _init = Vue.prototype._init; Vue.prototype._init = function(options){ options = options || {} if(options.store){ this.$store = options.store }else if(options.parent && options.parent.$store){ this.$store = options.parent.$store } _init.call(this,options) } } export default { Store,install }第五步,实现dispatch方法
import { createAction, mergeObjects } from "./util" let Vue //存储Vue变量。一是为了注入$store到各个Vue组件,二是后续要用到Vue的双向绑定的功能 export class Store{ constructor ({ state = {}, actions = {}, mutations = {} }){ //依赖vue双向绑定 this._vm = new Vue({ data : state }) this.actions = Object.create(null) //构造下action。兼容字符串和function两种模式 this._setupActions(actions); //构造mutations this._setupMutations(mutations); } get state (){ //页面中通过此方法获取state return this._vm._data; } set state (v){ throw new Error("[Vuex] vuex root state is read only.") } _setupActions (actions){ this._actions = Object.create(null); actions = Array.isArray(actions) ? mergeObjects(actions) : actions; Object.keys(actions).forEach(name =>{ this._actions[name] = createAction(actions[name],this); //兼容string 和function的写法 if(!this.actions[name]){ this.actions[name] = (...args) =>this._actions[name](...args) } }) } _setupMutations(mutations){ this._mutations = Array.isArray(mutations) ? mergeObjects(mutations,true) : mutations } /** * 执行mutation */ dispatch (type,...payload) { const mutation = this._mutations[type]; const state = this.state; if(mutation){ this._dispatching = true if(Array.isArray(mutation)){ //遍历执行 mutation.forEach(m =>m(state,...payload)) }else{ mutation(state,...payload) } this._dispatching = false }else{ console.warn("[vuex] unknown mutation:${type}") } } } export function install (_Vue){ Vue = _Vue const _init = Vue.prototype._init; Vue.prototype._init = function(options){ options = options || {} if(options.store){ this.$store = options.store }else if(options.parent && options.parent.$store){ this.$store = options.parent.$store } _init.call(this,options) } } export default { Store,install }
到此为止 测试页面的+ -count功能应该是没有问题了
这个什么原因呢? 调试也可以发现,作用域的问题,调用不了vuex里面的对象
const dispatch = this.dispatch this.dispatch = (...args) =>{ dispatch.apply(this,args) }
import { createAction, mergeObjects } from "./util" let Vue //存储Vue变量。一是为了注入$store到各个Vue组件,二是后续要用到Vue的双向绑定的功能 export class Store{ constructor ({ state = {}, actions = {}, mutations = {} }){ //加上这个,解决在外面调用dispatch的问题 const dispatch = this.dispatch this.dispatch = (...args) =>{ dispatch.apply(this,args) } //依赖vue双向绑定 this._vm = new Vue({ data : state }) this.actions = Object.create(null) //构造下action。兼容字符串和function两种模式 this._setupActions(actions); //构造mutations this._setupMutations(mutations); } get state (){ //页面中通过此方法获取state return this._vm._data; } set state (v){ throw new Error("[Vuex] vuex root state is read only.") } _setupActions (actions){ this._actions = Object.create(null); actions = Array.isArray(actions) ? mergeObjects(actions) : actions; Object.keys(actions).forEach(name =>{ this._actions[name] = createAction(actions[name],this); //兼容string 和function的写法 if(!this.actions[name]){ this.actions[name] = (...args) =>this._actions[name](...args) } }) } _setupMutations(mutations){ this._mutations = Array.isArray(mutations) ? mergeObjects(mutations,true) : mutations } /** * 执行mutation */ dispatch (type,...payload) { const mutation = this._mutations[type]; const state = this.state; if(mutation){ this._dispatching = true if(Array.isArray(mutation)){ //遍历执行 mutation.forEach(m =>m(state,...payload)) }else{ mutation(state,...payload) } this._dispatching = false }else{ console.warn("[vuex] unknown mutation:${type}") } } } export function install (_Vue){ Vue = _Vue const _init = Vue.prototype._init; Vue.prototype._init = function(options){ options = options || {} if(options.store){ this.$store = options.store }else if(options.parent && options.parent.$store){ this.$store = options.parent.$store } _init.call(this,options) } } export default { Store,install }
以上代码都来至vuex 0.3
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摘要:五六月份推荐集合查看最新的请点击集前端最近很火的框架资源定时更新,欢迎一下。苏幕遮燎沈香宋周邦彦燎沈香,消溽暑。鸟雀呼晴,侵晓窥檐语。叶上初阳乾宿雨,水面清圆,一一风荷举。家住吴门,久作长安旅。五月渔郎相忆否。小楫轻舟,梦入芙蓉浦。 五、六月份推荐集合 查看github最新的Vue weekly;请::点击::集web前端最近很火的vue2框架资源;定时更新,欢迎 Star 一下。 苏...
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