Problem Explanation:
You will get a DNA strand sequence and you need to get the pair and return it as a 2D array of the base pairs. Keep in mind that the provided strand should be first always.
pairElement("ATCGA") should return [["A","T"],["T","A"],["C","G"],["G","C"],["A","T"]].
pairElement("TTGAG") should return [["T","A"],["T","A"],["G","C"],["A","T"],["G","C"]].
pairElement("CTCTA") should return [["C","G"],["T","A"],["C","G"],["T","A"],["A","T"]].
function pairElement(str) { // Return each strand as an array of two elements, the original and the pair. var paired = []; // Function to check with strand to pair. var search = function(char) { switch (char) { case "A": paired.push(["A", "T"]); break; case "T": paired.push(["T", "A"]); break; case "C": paired.push(["C", "G"]); break; case "G": paired.push(["G", "C"]); break; } }; // Loops through the input and pair. for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) { search(str[i]); } return paired; } // test here pairElement("GCG");Intermediate Code Solution:
function pairElement(str) { //define a map object with all pair possibilities var map = {T:"A", A:"T", G:"C", C:"G"}; //split str into a char Array strArr = str.split(""); //replace each Array item with a 2d Array using map for (var i=0;ihttps://forum.freecodecamp.or...
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摘要:法一法二使用给定的参数对句子执行一次查找和替换,然后返回新句子。法一法二把指定的字符串翻译成。在每一个数组中将给定的字母作为第一个碱基返回。法一后项减去前项法二检查一个值是否是基本布尔类型,并返回或。基本布尔类型即和。 Diff Two Arrays 比较两个数组,然后返回一个新数组,该数组的元素为两个给定数组中所有独有的数组元素。换言之,返回两个数组的差异。 function dif...
摘要:规则使用语言,让函数获取传递的参数,并以相反的顺序返回字符串。测试用例思路方法通过把字符串转换成数组,并使用数组的反转数组,然后使用重新拼接成字符串方法向后循环字符串或字符数组以生成新字符串 虽然都是很简单的算法,每个都只需5分钟左右,但写起来总会遇到不同的小问题,希望大家能跟我一起每天进步一点点。更多的小算法练习,可以查看我的文章。 规则 Using the JavaScript l...
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