?在线预览:点我!!!在线预览,手机浏览或切换浏览器移动调试 ?源码地址:Github✨✨求你的小星星~描述
SPA单页应用,前后端分离,webpack build to dist
路由懒加载:Vue Router 处理路由,结合 Vue 的 异步组件 和 Webpack 的 code splitting feature 实现路由懒加载
使用了 Vuex 管理组件间的状态,实现非父子组件之间的通信
使用 Vue-draggable实现移动端拖拽排序
大图片、轮播图通过 sessionStorage 存储
express 做静态资源目录
改用 express 抛接口
用 express + mongodb 保存用户状态
具体功能实现 路由结构使用了Vue的异步组件和Webpack的code splitting feature实现路由组件的懒加载当打包构建应用时,Javascript包会变得非常大,影响页面加载。如果我们能把不同路由对应的组件分割成不同的代码块,然后当路由被访问的时候才加载对应组件,这样就更加高效了。这样刚进去的时候页面加载时间明显减短。
routes: [ { path: "/article-video/:id", component: resolve => require(["@/page/article/article-video"], resolve) }, { path: "/article/:id", component: resolve => require(["@/page/article/article"], resolve) }, { path: "/", name: "Index", component: resolve => require(["@/page/index.vue"], resolve), redirect: "/competition/recommend", children: [{ path: "/competition", name: "competition", component: resolve => require(["@/page/home/competition"], resolve), children: [{ path: "/competition/recommend", name: "recommend", component: resolve => require(["@/components/tunnels/recommend"], resolve) }, { path: "/competition/video", name: "video", component: resolve => require(["@/components/tunnels/video"], resolve) }, { path: "/competition/nba", name: "nba", component: resolve => require(["@/components/tunnels/nba"], resolve), }] }, { path: "/community", name: "community", component: resolve => require(["@/page/home/community"], resolve), children: [{ path: "/community/hotpost", name: "hotpost", component: resolve => require(["@/components/community/hotpost"], resolve) }, { path: "/community/mycircle", name: "mycircle", component: resolve => require(["@/components/community/mycircle"], resolve) }, { path: "/community/activies", name: "activies", component: resolve => require(["@/components/community/activies"], resolve) }, { path: "/community/all", name: "communityall", component: resolve => require(["@/components/community/all"], resolve) }, { path: "/community/article/:id", component: resolve => require(["@/page/article/article"], resolve), redirect: "/article/:id" }] }, { path: "/agenda", name: "agenda", component: resolve => require(["@/page/home/agenda"], resolve), children: [{ path: "/agenda/focus", name: "focus", component: resolve => require(["@/components/agenda/focus"], resolve) }, { path: "/agenda/all", name: "agendaall", component: resolve => require(["@/components/agenda/all"], resolve) }, { path: "/agenda/popular", name: "popular", component: resolve => require(["@/components/agenda/popular"], resolve) }] }, { path: "/mine", name: "Mine", component: resolve => require(["@/page/home/mine"], resolve), redirect: "/mine/index", children: [{ path: "/mine/index", component: resolve => require(["@/components/mine/index"], resolve) }] }] } ]拖拽排序
特性Full support of Sortable.js features:
Supports touch devices
Supports drag handles and selectable text
Smart auto-scrolling
Support drag and drop between different lists
No jQuery dependency
Keeps in sync HTML and view model list
Compatible with Vue.js 2.0 transition-group
Cancellation support
Events reporting any changes when full control is needed
npm install vuedraggable --save
需要注意:Action 类似于 mutation,不同在于:
Action 提交的是 mutation,而不是直接变更状态。
Action 可以包含任意异步操作。
mutation-types// 未定制增加 export const ADD_NOSUBSCRIBED = "ADD_NOSUBSCRIBED" // 未定制减少 export const DELETE_NOSUBSCRIBED = "DELETE_NOSUBSCRIBED" // 定制增加 export const ADD_SUBSCRIBED = "ADD_SUBSCRIBED" // 定制减少 export const DELETE_SUBSCRIBED = "DELETE_SUBSCRIBED" // 更新页面和数据 export const UPDATE_ALL = "UPDATE_ALL" // 社团增加 export const ADD_CLUB = "ADD_CLUB" // 社团减少 export const DELETE_CLUB = "DELETE_CLUB"mutations
import * as types from "./mutation_types" export default { // 添加社团 [types.ADD_CLUB] (state, obj) { if(!state.clubs.includes(obj)) state.clubs.push(obj) return }, // 删除社团 [types.DELETE_CLUB] (state, obj) { let oIndex = state.clubs.findIndex((item) => { return item.name == obj.name }) state.clubs.splice(oIndex, 1) }, // 添加未订阅 [types.ADD_NOSUBSCRIBED] (state, index) { console.log(index) }, // 删除未订阅 [types.DELETE_NOSUBSCRIBED] (state, index) { console.log(index) }, // 添加订阅 [types.ADD_SUBSCRIBED] (state, index) { console.log(index) let temp = state.noSubscribed[index] state.noSubscribed.splice(index, 1) state.subscribed.push(temp) state.routes[0].push(temp) }, // 删除订阅 [types.DELETE_SUBSCRIBED] (state, index) { // console.log(index) let oIndex = parseInt(index) + 2 let temp = state.subscribed[index] state.subscribed.splice(index, 1) state.routes[0].splice(oIndex, 1) // console.log(state.noSubscribed) state.noSubscribed.push(temp) }, // 用数据块更新 [types.UPDATE_ALL] (state, obj) { // console.log(obj) // console.log(obj.temp_NoSubscribedArr) // console.log(obj.temp_subscribedArr) state.subscribed = obj.temp_subscribedArr state.noSubscribed = obj.temp_NoSubscribedArr // console.log(state.subscribed) // console.log(state.noSubscribed) state.routes[0] = [{ name: "推荐", url: "/competition/recommend" }, { name: "视频", url: "/competition/video" }] // console.log(state.subscribed) state.subscribed.map(item => { // console.log(item) // console.log(state.routes[0]) state.routes[0].push(item) }) // console.log(state.routes[0]) } }actions
import * as types from "./mutation_types" export default { // 未定制增加 add_nosubscribed: ({ commit }, index) => { commit(types.ADD_NOSUBSCRIBED, index) }, // 未定制减少 delete_nosubscribed: ({ commit }, index) => { commit(types.DELETE_NOSUBSCRIBED, index) }, // 定制增加 add_subscribed: ({ commit }, index) => { commit(types.ADD_SUBSCRIBED, index) }, // 定制减少 delete_subscribed: ({ commit }, index) => { commit(types.DELETE_SUBSCRIBED, index) }, // 更新页面和数据 update_all: ({ commit }, obj) => { commit(types.UPDATE_ALL, obj) }, // 社团增加 add_club: ({ commit }, obj) => { commit(types.ADD_CLUB, obj) }, // 社团减少 delete_club: ({ commit }, obj) => { commit(types.DELETE_CLUB, obj) }, }做个小广告 ? 小前端求实习:我的简历
摘要:最近在学习觉得超好用,忍不住自己仿了个腾讯课堂练练手,不当之处还请大家指正持续更新中。的使用的状态存储是响应式的。需要注意类似于,不同在于提交的是,而不是直接变更状态。 最近在学习vue,觉得超好用,忍不住自己仿了个腾讯课堂练练手,不当之处还请大家指正(持续更新中)。 效果预览 ?在线预览:点我!!!在线预览,手机浏览或切换浏览器移动调试 ?源码地址:Github✨✨求你的小星星~...
摘要:最近在学习觉得超好用,忍不住自己仿了个腾讯课堂练练手,不当之处还请大家指正持续更新中。的使用的状态存储是响应式的。需要注意类似于,不同在于提交的是,而不是直接变更状态。 最近在学习vue,觉得超好用,忍不住自己仿了个腾讯课堂练练手,不当之处还请大家指正(持续更新中)。 效果预览 ?在线预览:点我!!!在线预览,手机浏览或切换浏览器移动调试 ?源码地址:Github✨✨求你的小星星~...
摘要:前言这个项目是利用工作之余写的一个模仿微信的单页面应用,整个项目包含个页面,涉及实时群聊,机器人聊天,同学录,朋友圈等等,后续页面还是开发中。 前言 这个项目是利用工作之余写的一个模仿微信app的单页面应用,整个项目包含27个页面,涉及实时群聊,机器人聊天,同学录,朋友圈等等,后续页面还是开发中。写这个项目主要目的是练习和熟悉vue和vuex的配合使用,利用socket.io实现实时聊...
摘要:全家桶仿简书部分功能前言前段时间接触了下,一直想要自己写一个小练手。在众多应用中,考虑之后选择了简书来模仿,这段时间就利用了工作之余的时间进行开发。在这里简单叙述一下我仿简书部分布局以及功能实现的过程,仅做学习用途。 React-全家桶仿简书部分功能 前言 前段时间接触了下React,一直想要自己写一个小Demo练手。在众多应用中,考虑之后选择了简书来模仿,这段时间就利用了工作之余的时...
摘要:前端日报精选专题之跟着学节流冴羽的博客全家桶仿微信项目,支持多人在线聊天和机器人聊天腾讯前端团队社区编码的奥秘模块实现入门浅析知乎专栏前端每周清单发布新版本提升应用性能的方法中文寇可往吾亦可往用实现对决支付宝的微信企业付款到零 2017-06-20 前端日报 精选 JavaScript专题之跟着 underscore 学节流 - 冴羽的JavaScript博客 - SegmentFau...
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