本文源码基于jdk1.8 。
Thread.sleep() 与 Thread.currentThread().sleep() 有什么区别?
Thread.sleep() 和 Object#wait() 有什么区别?
Thread.sleep() 和 Thread.yield()有什么区别?
线程状态在Thread类中, 线程状态是通过threadStatus属性以及State枚举类实现的:
/* Java thread status for tools, * initialized to indicate thread "not yet started" */ private volatile int threadStatus = 0; public enum State { /** * Thread state for a thread which has not yet started. */ NEW, /** * Thread state for a runnable thread. A thread in the runnable * state is executing in the Java virtual machine but it may * be waiting for other resources from the operating system * such as processor. */ RUNNABLE, /** * Thread state for a thread blocked waiting for a monitor lock. * A thread in the blocked state is waiting for a monitor lock * to enter a synchronized block/method or * reenter a synchronized block/method after calling * {@link Object#wait() Object.wait}. */ BLOCKED, /** * Thread state for a waiting thread. * A thread is in the waiting state due to calling one of the * following methods: *
A thread in the waiting state is waiting for another thread to * perform a particular action. * * For example, a thread that has called Object.wait() * on an object is waiting for another thread to call * Object.notify() or Object.notifyAll() on * that object. A thread that has called Thread.join() * is waiting for a specified thread to terminate. */ WAITING, /** * Thread state for a waiting thread with a specified waiting time. * A thread is in the timed waiting state due to calling one of * the following methods with a specified positive waiting time: *
从源码中可以看出, 线程一共有6种状态, 其状态转换关系如下图所示:
常用方法 currentThread源码中currentThread定义如下:
/** * Returns a reference to the currently executing thread object. * * @return the currently executing thread. */ public static native Thread currentThread();
public class ThreadTest { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName()); } }
sleep谈起sleep方法, 被问的最多的两个问题就是:
Thread.sleep() 与 Thread.currentThread().sleep() 有什么区别?
Thread.sleep() 和 Object.wait()有什么区别?
这些问题的答案, 你在源码里都能找得到。我们直接来看源码:
/** * Causes the currently executing thread to sleep (temporarily cease * execution) for the specified number of milliseconds, subject to * the precision and accuracy of system timers and schedulers. The thread * does not lose ownership of any monitors. * * @param millis * the length of time to sleep in milliseconds * * @throws IllegalArgumentException * if the value of {@code millis} is negative * * @throws InterruptedException * if any thread has interrupted the current thread. The * interrupted status of the current thread is * cleared when this exception is thrown. */ public static native void sleep(long millis) throws InterruptedException;
可见, sleep方法也是一个静态方法, 并且是native方法, 从注释Causes the currently executing thread to sleep中可以看出, 它作用于当前正在执行的线程, 所以上面那个问题我们就能回答了:
Thread.sleep() 与 Thread.currentThread().sleep() 没有区别
如果硬要说他们有什么区别的话, 那就是一个是用类直接调用静态方法, 一个是用类的实例调用静态方法.
另外, 上面的注释中还有一句非常重要的话:
The thread does not lose ownership of any monitors.
也就是说, 虽然sleep函数使当前线程让出了CPU, 但是, 当前线程仍然持有它所获得的监视器锁, 这与同时让出CPU资源和监视器锁资源的wait方法是不一样的。
/** * Causes the currently executing thread to sleep (temporarily cease * execution) for the specified number of milliseconds plus the specified * number of nanoseconds, subject to the precision and accuracy of system * timers and schedulers. The thread does not lose ownership of any * monitors. * * @param millis * the length of time to sleep in milliseconds * * @param nanos * {@code 0-999999} additional nanoseconds to sleep * * @throws IllegalArgumentException * if the value of {@code millis} is negative, or the value of * {@code nanos} is not in the range {@code 0-999999} * * @throws InterruptedException * if any thread has interrupted the current thread. The * interrupted status of the current thread is * cleared when this exception is thrown. */ public static void sleep(long millis, int nanos) throws InterruptedException { if (millis < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("timeout value is negative"); } if (nanos < 0 || nanos > 999999) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("nanosecond timeout value out of range"); } if (nanos >= 500000 || (nanos != 0 && millis == 0)) { millis++; } sleep(millis); }
这个方法多加了纳秒级别的延时参数, 但是我们看源码就知道, 这个多加的纳秒级别的延时并没有什么用, 最终该函数还是调用了上面的单参数native sleep方法, 延时还是毫秒级别的, 多出来的参数最多是让当前毫秒级别的延时增加1毫秒.
public final void wait(long timeout, int nanos) throws InterruptedException { if (timeout < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("timeout value is negative"); } if (nanos < 0 || nanos > 999999) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("nanosecond timeout value out of range"); } if (nanos > 0) { timeout++; } wait(timeout); }
这一点在源码里面并没有提及,但是通过猜测sleep方法的定义我们知道,它是让出CPU 0毫秒,这听上去好像没有什么意义,但其实调用Thread.sleep(0)的当前线程确实被“冻结”了一下,让其他线程有机会优先执行。也就是说当前线程会释放一些未用完的时间片给其他线程或进程使用,就相当于一个让位动作,这看上去就和下面要说的yield方法很像了。
yield既然上面谈到了sleep(0)方法, 就不得不提yield方法了:
/** * A hint to the scheduler that the current thread is willing to yield * its current use of a processor. The scheduler is free to ignore this * hint. * *Yield is a heuristic attempt to improve relative progression * between threads that would otherwise over-utilise a CPU. Its use * should be combined with detailed profiling and benchmarking to * ensure that it actually has the desired effect. * *
It is rarely appropriate to use this method. It may be useful * for debugging or testing purposes, where it may help to reproduce * bugs due to race conditions. It may also be useful when designing * concurrency control constructs such as the ones in the * {@link java.util.concurrent.locks} package. */ public static native void yield();
yield方法也是一个native方法, 从它的注释可以看出A hint to the scheduler that the current thread is willing to yield its current use of a processor. The scheduler is free to ignore this hint. 它对于CPU只是一个建议, 告诉CPU, 当前线程愿意让出CPU给其他线程使用, 至于CPU采不采纳, 取决于不同厂商的行为, 有可能一个线程刚yield出CPU, 然后又立马获得了CPU。与之相对, sleep方法一定会让出CPU资源, 并且休眠指定的时间, 不参与CPU的竞争.
所以调用yield方法不会使线程退出RUNNANLE状态,顶多会使线程从running 变成 ready,
/** * Tests if this thread is alive. A thread is alive if it has * been started and has not yet died. * * @returnjointrue
if this thread is alive; *false
otherwise. */ public final native boolean isAlive();
/** * Waits at most {@code millis} milliseconds for this thread to * die. A timeout of {@code 0} means to wait forever. * *This implementation uses a loop of {@code this.wait} calls * conditioned on {@code this.isAlive}. As a thread terminates the * {@code this.notifyAll} method is invoked. It is recommended that * applications not use {@code wait}, {@code notify}, or * {@code notifyAll} on {@code Thread} instances. * * @param millis * the time to wait in milliseconds * * @throws IllegalArgumentException * if the value of {@code millis} is negative * * @throws InterruptedException * if any thread has interrupted the current thread. The * interrupted status of the current thread is * cleared when this exception is thrown. */ public final synchronized void join(long millis) throws InterruptedException { long base = System.currentTimeMillis(); long now = 0; if (millis < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("timeout value is negative"); } if (millis == 0) { while (isAlive()) { wait(0); } } else { while (isAlive()) { long delay = millis - now; if (delay <= 0) { break; } wait(delay); now = System.currentTimeMillis() - base; } } }
Waits at most {@code millis} milliseconds for this thread to die. A timeout of {@code 0} means to wait forever.
也就是说,该方法等待this thread终止,最多等指定的时间,如果指定时间为0,则一直等。
谁在等this thread终止?
this thread指的是哪个线程?
public class JoinMethodTest { private static void printWithThread(String content) { System.out.println("[" + Thread.currentThread().getName() + "线程]: " + content); } public static void main(String[] args) { printWithThread("开始执行main方法"); Thread myThread = new Thread(() -> { printWithThread("我在自定义的线程的run方法里"); printWithThread("我马上要休息1秒钟, 并让出CPU给别的线程使用."); try { Thread.sleep(1000); printWithThread("已经休息了1秒, 又重新获得了CPU"); printWithThread("我休息好了, 马上就退出了"); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }); try { myThread.start(); printWithThread("我在main方法里面, 我要等下面这个线程执行完了才能继续往下执行."); myThread.join(); printWithThread("我在main方法里面, 马上就要退出了."); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }
在上面的例子中,我们在main方法中调用了 myThread.join(),注意上面这段代码有两个线程,一个是执行main方法的线程,一个是我们自定义的myThread线程,所以上面的两个问题的答案是:
main线程在等this thread的终止,因为我们在main方法中调用了myThread.join()
this thread线程指的是myThread线程,因为我们在myThread对象上调用了join方法。
[main线程]: 开始执行main方法 [main线程]: 我在main方法里面, 我要等下面这个线程执行完了才能继续往下执行. [Thread-0线程]: 我在自定义的线程的run方法里 [Thread-0线程]: 我马上要休息1秒钟, 并让出CPU给别的线程使用. [Thread-0线程]: 已经休息了1秒, 又重新获得了CPU [Thread-0线程]: 我休息好了, 马上就退出了 [main线程]: 我在main方法里面, 马上就要退出了.
从运行结果可以看出,虽然myThread线程(即Thread-0线程)中途让出了CPU, main线程还是必须等到其执行完毕了才能继续往下执行,我们现在修改一下代码,让main线程最多等0.5秒,即将myThread.join()改为myThread.join(500);,则结果如下:
[main线程]: 开始执行main方法 [main线程]: 我在main方法里面, 我要等下面这个线程执行完了才能继续往下执行. [Thread-0线程]: 我在自定义的线程的run方法里 [Thread-0线程]: 我马上要休息1秒钟, 并让出CPU给别的线程使用. [main线程]: 我在main方法里面, 马上就要退出了. [Thread-0线程]: 已经休息了1秒, 又重新获得了CPU [Thread-0线程]: 我休息好了, 马上就退出了
我们看到,由于main线程最多等待myThread 0.5秒,在myThread休眠的一秒内,它就不等了,继续往下执行,而随后myThread抢占到CPU资源继续运行。
public final synchronized void join(long millis) throws InterruptedException { ... if (millis == 0) { while (isAlive()) { wait(0); } } else { ... } ... }
好像开始复杂了,我们从头到尾捋一捋(注意了!敲黑板了!这段比较绕! ):
join方法是一个同步方法,使用的是对象锁(this 锁),即myThread对象所关联的监视器对象。
当main线程从WAITING状态被唤醒后(通过notify,notifyAll或者是假唤醒), 将继续竞争监视器锁,当成功获得监视器锁后,他将从调用wait的地方恢复,继续运行。由于wait方法在while循环中,则它将继续检查myThread线程是否存活,如果还是没有终止,则继续挂起等待。
有的细心的同学可能就要问了: 要是没有人调用notify或者notifyAll,也没有假唤醒状态的发生,那main线程不就一直被wait(0)方法挂起了吗?这样以来不就连检测myThread线程是否存活的机会都没有吗?这样即使myThread终止了,也无法退出啊。
As a thread terminates the {@code this.notifyAll} method is invoked.
我们知道,wait(0)方法的监视器锁就是myThread对象(this), 而当myThread终止执行时,this.notifyAll会被调用,所以所有等待this锁的线程都会被唤醒,而main线程就是等待在这个监视器锁上的线程,因此myThread运行结束时,main线程会从wait方法处被唤醒。
It is recommended that applications not use {@code wait}, {@code notify}, or {@code notifyAll} on {@code Thread} instances.
这个推荐还是很有必要的,至于为什么,就给大家留作思考题吧<( ̄︶ ̄)>
myThread.join() 是myThread对象的方法,但是执行这个方法的是main线程;
isAlive() 是myThread对象的方法,但是执行这个方法的是main线程,而这个方法检测是myThread线程是否活着
wait(0) 是myThread对象的方法,但是执行这个方法的是main线程,它使得main线程挂起,但是main线程是在myThread对象代表的monitor上挂起。
public final synchronized void join(long millis) throws InterruptedException { long base = System.currentTimeMillis(); long now = 0; ... if (millis == 0) { ... } else { while (isAlive()) { long delay = millis - now; if (delay <= 0) { break; } wait(delay); now = System.currentTimeMillis() - base; } } }
public final void join() throws InterruptedException { join(0); } public final synchronized void join(long millis, int nanos) throws InterruptedException { if (millis < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("timeout value is negative"); } if (nanos < 0 || nanos > 999999) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("nanosecond timeout value out of range"); } if (nanos >= 500000 || (nanos != 0 && millis == 0)) { millis++; } join(millis); }
wait()和join()分别和wait(0)和join(0)等价,他们都代表了无限期等待,而sleep(0)并不代表无限期等待,所以sleep方法没有无参的形式,以防止语义上的混乱。除这点之外,这三个方法在两个参数的版本XXX(long millis, int nanos)中的实现,都大同小异。
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摘要:现在终止一个线程,基本上只能靠曲线救国式的中断来实现。中断机制的核心在于中断状态和异常中断状态设置一个中断状态清除一个中断状态方法同时会返回线程原来的中断的状态。中断异常中断异常一般是线程被中断后,在一些类型的方法如中抛出。 前言 系列文章目录 线程中断是一个很重要的概念,通常,取消一个任务的执行,最好的,同时也是最合理的方法,就是通过中断。 本篇我们主要还是通过源码分析来看看中断的概...
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