483. Smallest Good Base
enumerate,但是不是结果,而是幂。方法特别巧妙,另外求幂的和还可以优化用快速幂来求。知道幂之后,根据逼近法,可以得到base:k = logm(n) = (long) (pow(n, 1/m)) = (long) (log(n) / log(m)),幂的最大值是min(log2(n), 64),当然这个是m>1的时候。注意求pow(base, m)不能直接用pow因为java里面double和long的转换过程中会丢失信息,所以要用乘来做。
public class Solution { public String smallestGoodBase(String n) { long num = Long.valueOf(n); for(int m = Math.min((int) (Math.pow(num, 0.5)), 64); m > 1; m--) { // k = logm(num) long k = (long) Math.pow(num, 1.0 / m); if(isGoodBase(num, k, m)) return String.valueOf(k); } return String.valueOf(num - 1); } private boolean isGoodBase(long num, long base, int m) { long sum = num; long val = 1; // calculate k^0, k^1, ..., k^m for(int i = 0; i <= m; i++) { sum -= val; val *= base; } return sum == 0; } }
另外题目标签是binary search,应该是对k的取值可以用binary search来找。
摘要: Editor’s note: Full disclosure — the author is a developer and software architect at ArangoDB GmbH, which leads the development of the open source multi-model database ArangoDB. In recent years...
摘要: Editor’s note: Full disclosure — the author is a developer and software architect at ArangoDB GmbH, which leads the development of the open source multi-model database ArangoDB. In recent years...
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