title: redis-login-limitation
比如希望达到的要求是这样: 在 1min 内登陆异常次数达到5次, 锁定该用户 1h
那么登陆请求的参数中, 会有一个参数唯一标识一个 user, 比如 邮箱/手机号/userName
用这个参数作为key存入redis, 对应的value为登陆错误的次数, string 类型, 并设置过期时间为 1min. 当获取到的 value == "4" , 说明当前请求为第 5 次登陆异常, 锁定.
所谓的锁定, 就是将对应的value设置为某个标识符, 比如"lock", 并设置过期时间为 1h
核心代码定义一个注解, 用来标识需要登陆次数校验的方法
package io.github.xiaoyureed.redispractice.anno; import java.lang.annotation.*; @Documented @Target({ElementType.METHOD}) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) public @interface RedisLimit { /** * 标识参数名, 必须是请求参数中的一个 */ String identifier(); /** * 在多长时间内监控, 如希望在 60s 内尝试 * 次数限制为5次, 那么 watch=60; unit: s */ long watch(); /** * 锁定时长, unit: s */ long lock(); /** * 错误的尝试次数 */ int times(); }
编写切面, 在目标方法前后进行校验, 处理...
package io.github.xiaoyureed.redispractice.aop; @Component @Aspect // Ensure that current advice is outer compared with ControllerAOP // so we can handling login limitation Exception in this aop advice. //@Order(9) @Slf4j public class RedisLimitAOP { @Autowired private StringRedisTemplate stringRedisTemplate; @Around("@annotation(io.github.xiaoyureed.redispractice.anno.RedisLimit)") public Object handleLimit(ProceedingJoinPoint joinPoint) { MethodSignature methodSignature = (MethodSignature) joinPoint.getSignature(); final Method method = methodSignature.getMethod(); final RedisLimit redisLimitAnno = method.getAnnotation(RedisLimit.class);// 貌似可以直接在方法参数中注入 todo final String identifier = redisLimitAnno.identifier(); final long watch = redisLimitAnno.watch(); final int times = redisLimitAnno.times(); final long lock = redisLimitAnno.lock(); // final ServletRequestAttributes att = (ServletRequestAttributes) RequestContextHolder.currentRequestAttributes(); // final HttpServletRequest request = att.getRequest(); // final String identifierValue = request.getParameter(identifier); String identifierValue = null; try { final Object arg = joinPoint.getArgs()[0]; final Field declaredField = arg.getClass().getDeclaredField(identifier); declaredField.setAccessible(true); identifierValue = (String) declaredField.get(arg); } catch (NoSuchFieldException e) { log.error(">>> invalid identifier [{}], cannot find this field in request params", identifier); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (StringUtils.isBlank(identifierValue)) { log.error(">>> the value of RedisLimit.identifier cannot be blank, invalid identifier: {}", identifier); } // check User locked final ValueOperationsssOps = stringRedisTemplate.opsForValue(); final String flag = ssOps.get(identifierValue); if (flag != null && "lock".contentEquals(flag)) { final BaseResp result = new BaseResp(); result.setErrMsg("user locked"); result.setCode("1"); return new ResponseEntity<>(result, HttpStatus.OK); } ResponseEntity result; try { result = (ResponseEntity) joinPoint.proceed(); } catch (Throwable e) { result = handleLoginException(e, identifierValue, watch, times, lock); } return result; } private ResponseEntity handleLoginException(Throwable e, String identifierValue, long watch, int times, long lock) { final BaseResp result = new BaseResp(); result.setCode("1"); if (e instanceof LoginException) { log.info(">>> handle login exception..."); final ValueOperations ssOps = stringRedisTemplate.opsForValue(); Boolean exist = stringRedisTemplate.hasKey(identifierValue); // key doesn"t exist, so it is the first login failure if (exist == null || !exist) { ssOps.set(identifierValue, "1", watch, TimeUnit.SECONDS); result.setErrMsg(e.getMessage()); return new ResponseEntity<>(result, HttpStatus.OK); } String count = ssOps.get(identifierValue); // has been reached the limitation if (Integer.parseInt(count) + 1 == times) { log.info(">>> [{}] has been reached the limitation and will be locked for {}s", identifierValue, lock); ssOps.set(identifierValue, "lock", lock, TimeUnit.SECONDS); result.setErrMsg("user locked"); return new ResponseEntity<>(result, HttpStatus.OK); } ssOps.increment(identifierValue); result.setErrMsg(e.getMessage() + "; you have try " + ssOps.get(identifierValue) + "times."); } log.error(">>> RedisLimitAOP cannot handle {}", e.getClass().getName()); return new ResponseEntity<>(result, HttpStatus.OK); } }
package io.github.xiaoyureed.redispractice.web; @RestController public class SessionResources { @Autowired private SessionService sessionService; /** * 1 min 之内尝试超过5次, 锁定 user 1h */ @RedisLimit(identifier = "name", watch = 30, times = 5, lock = 10) @RequestMapping(value = "/session", method = RequestMethod.POST) public ResponseEntityreferenceslogin(@Validated @RequestBody LoginReq req) { return new ResponseEntity<>(sessionService.login(req), HttpStatus.OK); } }
摘要:,大家好,很荣幸有这个机会可以通过写博文的方式,把这些年在后端开发过程中总结沉淀下来的经验和设计思路分享出来模块化设计根据业务场景,将业务抽离成独立模块,对外通过接口提供服务,减少系统复杂度和耦合度,实现可复用,易维护,易拓展项目中实践例子 Hi,大家好,很荣幸有这个机会可以通过写博文的方式,把这些年在后端开发过程中总结沉淀下来的经验和设计思路分享出来 模块化设计 根据业务场景,将业务...
摘要:场景场景留言功能限制,秒内只能评论次,超出次数不让能再评论,并提示过于频繁场景点赞功能限制,秒内只能点赞次,超出次数后不能再点赞,并禁止操作个小时,提示过于频繁,被禁止操作小时场景上传记录功能,限制一天只能上传次,超出次数不让能再上传,并提 场景 场景1 留言功能限制,30秒 内只能评论 10次,超出次数不让能再评论,并提示:过于频繁 场景2 点赞功能限制,10秒 内只能点赞 10次,...
摘要:项目介绍在之前的整合项目之后,更加完善功能,之前的代码不予展示与介绍,想了解的请参考整合项目项目代码获取功能新增用户注册登录错误次数限制使用作缓存注解配置引入数据校验使用统一异常处理配置项目结构代码控制层,以下展示注册和登录功能会跳到我们自 shiro项目介绍 在之前的shiro整合项目之后,更加完善shiro功能,之前的代码不予展示与介绍,想了解的请参考shiro整合项目项目代码获取...
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