java Thread yield()方法的理解

frank_fun / 2011人阅读


先看一下源码 yield()是一个native方法也就是说是C或者C++实现的

     * A hint to the scheduler that the current thread is willing to yield
     * its current use of a processor. The scheduler is free to ignore this
     * hint.

Yield is a heuristic attempt to improve relative progression * between threads that would otherwise over-utilise a CPU. Its use * should be combined with detailed profiling and benchmarking to * ensure that it actually has the desired effect. * *

It is rarely appropriate to use this method. It may be useful * for debugging or testing purposes, where it may help to reproduce * bugs due to race conditions. It may also be useful when designing * concurrency control constructs such as the ones in the * {@link java.util.concurrent.locks} package. */ public static native void yield();

概念: 当调用Thread.yield()的时候,会给线程调度器一个当前线程愿意出让CPU的使用的暗示,但是线程调度器可能会忽略这个暗示。


public class Demo3 {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws ExecutionException, InterruptedException {
        Runnable runnable = new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
                for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
                    System.out.println("当前线程为: "+ Thread.currentThread().getName()+ i);
                    if (i == 5){

        Thread thread = new Thread(runnable,"A");
        Thread thread1 = new Thread(runnable,"B");


当前线程为: A0
当前线程为: B0
当前线程为: A1
当前线程为: B1
当前线程为: A2
当前线程为: B2
当前线程为: A3
当前线程为: B3
当前线程为: A4
当前线程为: B4
当前线程为: A5
当前线程为: B5
当前线程为: A6
当前线程为: B6
当前线程为: A7
当前线程为: B7
当前线程为: B8
当前线程为: A8
当前线程为: A9
当前线程为: B9

当前线程为: B0
当前线程为: B1
当前线程为: B2
当前线程为: B3
当前线程为: B4
当前线程为: B5
当前线程为: B6
当前线程为: B7
当前线程为: B8
当前线程为: B9
当前线程为: A0
当前线程为: A1
当前线程为: A2
当前线程为: A3
当前线程为: A4
当前线程为: A5
当前线程为: A6
当前线程为: A7
当前线程为: A8
当前线程为: A9

当前线程为: A0
当前线程为: A1
当前线程为: A2
当前线程为: A3
当前线程为: A4
当前线程为: A5
当前线程为: A6
当前线程为: A7
当前线程为: A8
当前线程为: A9
当前线程为: B0
当前线程为: B1
当前线程为: B2
当前线程为: B3
当前线程为: B4
当前线程为: B5
当前线程为: B6
当前线程为: B7
当前线程为: B8
当前线程为: B9

当前线程为: A0
当前线程为: A1
当前线程为: A2
当前线程为: A3
当前线程为: A4
当前线程为: A5
当前线程为: A6
当前线程为: A7
当前线程为: A8
当前线程为: A9
当前线程为: B0
当前线程为: B1
当前线程为: B2
当前线程为: B3
当前线程为: B4
当前线程为: B5
当前线程为: B6
当前线程为: B7
当前线程为: B8
当前线程为: B9

当前线程为: A0
当前线程为: B0
当前线程为: A1
当前线程为: B1
当前线程为: A2
当前线程为: B2
当前线程为: A3
当前线程为: B3
当前线程为: A4
当前线程为: B4
当前线程为: A5
当前线程为: B5
当前线程为: A6
当前线程为: B6
当前线程为: A7
当前线程为: B7
当前线程为: B8
当前线程为: A8
当前线程为: A9
当前线程为: B9
说明每次执行的可能都不一样,但是当执行到i == 5时候当前线程可能继续执行也可能让B执行。




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